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Everything posted by stang4life

  1. At some point, you would hope that WO-S would get some of the respect it deserves and earns week in, week out. This would really be a good starting point... ;D
  2. Great post from the PNG-poster...most fans don't go to see the coaches. However hard as it may be, don't give up because if the fans give up then the kids begin to give up. Most, if not all, programs go through rebuilding phases and it looks like you may be going through one now, but give it time and it will get better.
  3. Wow...this is cute. Have to save the pic for future reference. ;D
  4. Don't have a clue what the spread will be, but......Kirbyville should pull off the WIN. They will just outmatch OF.
  5. Kudos to the Mustangs for playing so well (even with the mistakes). As I have said in the past, you just seem to get better each game. The fan atmosphere was AWESOME...that's what I'm talking about. We need to improve each game, just like the players. Way to continue with the CHAIN GANG Defense until the clock read 00:00. Is #6 from Kirbyville ok? He was carried off of the field. Hope he's ok and nothing major. K-ville did make some mistakes but they never quit...they fought until the end. Good luck in district. MIGHTY MUSTANGS...GO...FIGHT...WIN!!!!
  6. The 7th and 8th grade teams are nothing to frown at either. It will be a sad day when Coach Hooks retires (which I hope will not be until 2013), but he has not created this dynasty alone. He is only as good as his weakest person and there have been plenty of strong ones to come and go and perhaps come back. WO-S will mourn him (after 2013 of course), but with someone like Coach T to take the reigns...Mustang football should be a force to be reckoned with for some time to come.
  7. Wow... First of all, who needs to MATURE are some of the fans on these sites. Sure, the Mustangs have played two scrimmages and two games...shoot...why even have a season...go straight into the playoffs. Second of all, it would appear that the Mustangs are considered the "underdogs"...I mean, didn't Dave Campbell pick kville to win the district? Wouldn't that mean that they were the FAVORITES. Third of all, while there may be a possibility that our offense isn't "clicking" in the first half...I don't see kville "running away with the game"... :
  8. Hey Cardfan...I know that you were not trying to say that this is a WO-S problem. It is certainly disheartening to hear parents/fans in the stands continously yelling the same negative comments to a coach as he is standing with his players. Surprising, most of these parents/fans who insist on vocalizing their negative comments at games are the same parents who could actually gain some skills from attending parenting classes on how THEY can teach their own kids...discipline. I think that Gas is just so used to people bashing WO-S...
  9. Of course I have to go with the Mustangs... However, I do feel that this will be a good game. WO-S will have to execute and play making minimal mistakes. As long as we can all come out of this with no injuries...that's just as important as a WIN!!
  10. Whelp, cardfan...couldn't agree with you more. The sad thing about the parent in the stands at the seventh grade game is that she had just came off of the field dedicating the game/season to Eddie Ray (the little Stallion who passed away about two weeks ago) and then she started mouthing. It's gotten ridiculous. Most of the Mustang-faithful would welcome some changes, but what really just tees me off is that the same people HARPING on this issue...aren't willing/able to become coaches. I will admit that are some questionable calls (in my opinion) that I have been none to happy about, but make your comment and leave it alone. Toby will rarely even read these boards...because of most of the bashing (is that better) that keeps being reitterated and gone on about. WO-S fared well the other night. Everyone keeps saying...7 points this and blah, blah, blah. As I recall, WO-S is a second half team. You know...someone the other night made the statement that this team didn't look like one that would progress in the playoffs because of all of the TEAM's MISTAKES and asked me if I agreed (or something to that nature). My response was that this team is not allowed to take much for granted because they are forced to bust their butts each week and scratch and claw for the WIN. That can be a very good thing. The mistakes will lessen as the season progresses. The Mustangs will be fine. While Coach T is a major part of the coaching staff, stop downplaying the importance of the rest of them. Yes, Coach T is awesome and is exactly what our football program needs as a constant, but you have many other good coaches who deserve a little credit. And that is coming from someone who adores the Foremans. Mighty Mustangs...GO, FIGHT WIN!!!
  11. Saw Darrin and Terry at the Bay City game. Would like to see a game. Good luck to some really good young men.
  12. Prayers from this Mustang family!!! Get well soon.
  13. If you are speaking of the "negative story on BCHS" that I think you are speaking of...I may have missed this article. The difference between the two articles is like comparing apples to oranges...illegal steroid use vs. bad play-calling (not even close). This article states your opinion which you are entitled to, but regardless of whether I agree with it or the playcalling by our OC...he is a man who has feelings and spends many hours during the regular season, off-season, and summer with these young players. Most people in the stands complaining, only spend Friday nights in the stands watching the players. Everyone deserves respect, even if you don't agree with what they are doing. That's my point and I am sticking by it too.
  14. Prayers for these two men and their families and friends from WO-S.
  15. Van hit many nails on the head with his article, whether he was crawfishing or not. The first article was UNCALLED FOR. And to the person who is paying for the extra newspapers for those three who are stopping their subscriptions...obviously you are not a coach/teacher because those coaches probably cannot afford the subscription. Get a life!!!
  16. I see that things get heated and somebody LOCKS THE THREAD...this is all I will say... I am a TRUE MUSTANG and will BLEED BLUE FOREVER and I have to completely agree with everything that you said in your post concerning the totally uncalled for article that appeared in the Orange Leader by Gabe Pruitt. He needs to learn that "his opinions" could be better voiced and handled than how he chose to do it. I for one,may be finished with the OL.
  17. Just sent him a note! Everyone who reads this thread should click on adminbaberuth's quick link to wish this guy a speedy recovery!!!
  18. Thanks td. Everyone at the game knows that the field was wet...but it wasn't wet for just one team. WO-S (players and coaching staff) are not excuse-makers. WO-S did not play well...no they didn't, but it can't be blamed entirely on the field conditions or whatever else. LC-M was ready and they played their hearts out. Nothing but respect for them and good luck in 22-4A.
  19. My predicition: WO-S will win (all we need is ONE point...ONE POINT)!!!
  20. Praying with heavy hearts here in Mustang-land to Everett and his family.
  21. I believe that it is 4A and 3A (are you talking about LC-M and WO-S)
  22. To whoever made the statement that Depauldrick Garrett is overrated...step out of the fog dude. As for WO-S...most of the hype is usually created outside of Newton Street. The problem is that because WO-S has the history that it does, everyone just ASSumes that we are a superb team coming out of the blocks, and that is not true. I have to admit that I have been a little worried, but as a true Mustang, I have faith that these boys will do the best that they can and hopefully, that will be enough for all of the ASSumers and others who dwell on the fact that we were "ranked this going into the season", but got knocked out in this round...grow up. No one realizes more that the kids that bust their butts year-round that they lost in whatever round they lost to...please try to remember that when you post some of the crap that you post on here. They do read this stuff...sometimes, unfortunately.
  23. I thought I remember someone saying that Bay City was down more this year than years past...regardless...our defense will probably win this for us (but, the majority of the time, that is the case). We didn't have any injuries vs. LC-M, did we? I think that we'll find whatever it takes to pull off the win.
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