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Everything posted by stang4life

  1. Kudos to the Bears. You do have a really great atmosphere with good crowd support. The BOJO thing doesn't work for me, but I don't have to like it. You guys were tough. While field conditions were a factor, it hurt both teams. As for the Mustangs...we succeeded in winning the game. Regardless of anything else that happened in the game...you did what you needed to do to WIN. Everyone is used to WO-S being ready right now and this year, that has not happened. We have awesome talent, but we are young and we are hopefully gelling and gaining confidence each game. Everyone needs to be PATIENT. Good job Mustangs and good luck to the Bears!!!
  2. Amen to that, Gas!!!
  3. Wishing you a speedy recovery from Mustang-land.
  4. Have to say that I agree. There is a huge difference in an injury requiring significant time off of the field and possibly intensifying an injury that is already there by allowing a player to heal. Asking the kid how he feels? Most kids play knowing they are injured because they just can't stand NOT playing. That is what the athletic trainer is for and the doctor that he should have been required to see in order to be released to come back. I would err on the side of caution and allow him more time to completely heal. The game tonight is only a pre-season game...you really NEED him healthy for district.
  5. Well, don't know how much WO-S will win by...but, unless something drastic happens...WO-S wins!!!
  6. First of all, "green-N-gold"...let me say that RACE should not have anything to do with anything, but unfortunately it does. As a 37-year-old white female, single mom who attended OF for eight years, LC-M for two years, and then graduated from WO-S...just because our name is not at the top of a list doesn't mean we are substandard. WO-S has a good education system. We offer as many AP and dual-credit courses as probably anyone in the Golden Triangle and the district picks up that tab. We all know, or should know, why our numbers (as far as testing) are low and unfortunately, there is a lot of work to be done, but I will say that WO-S and its staff take on job that many other districts snub and that is attempting to meet the needs of ALL children (not as much a racial issue as much as a socioeconomic issue). As I stated before, I am a single parent and my three boys just happen to be half African-American. My oldest son graduated in May as WO-S' Salutatorian and went on to Texas A&M to major in Aerospace Engineering. He excelled on the field, on the track, in the classroom, and in his community. I truly believe that he got as good, if not better, of an education at WO-S as he would have gotten ANYWHERE else in the area. You talk about not judging someone unless you know something about them...try taking heed to your own advice. You speak negatively about our kids basically not having any "God-given talents" except for football, but then go on to talk about how you have watched them grown up. Tell me, Mr. g-n-g...what have you contributed to these young men? Changing school districts is not an option for most and it is also not the answer. One of my favorite quotes is from Mahatma Gandhi...IF YOU ARE NOT A PART OF THE SOLUTION, THEN YOU ARE A PART OF THE PROBLEM. Kids from WO-S have the same potential as kids from any other area. Sadly, many have more obstacles, but along with that comes drive and determination. Things are changing and for the better, but people on the outside looking in with clouded vision won't ever see what we see. All I can say is...pitiful.
  7. You are the exact reason why I have chosen for my children to attend WO-S and be a part of something special. You are about "clueless".
  8. Wow. From a Mustang fan... that took a lot Coach Stewart. With that type of attitude and fortitude, your team should come together. I know you will probably catch some flack from people in your community, but kudos to your candor and willingness to accept responsibility like a true coach and leader should. You have demonstrated to your players and hopefully your community that certain things will not be tolerated. Wishing you the best from Mustang-country!!!
  9. Actually, "rakings" don't get anyone anywhere...win, lose or draw. If you are referring to our past seasons, we accept that we lost and it wasn't about the rankings. Has BH's rankings earned them playoff berths...didn't think so because they are just numbers.
  10. Good luck this season Bayton Lee. You will have many Mustang fans wishing you well, especially since you got our coach (Toby Foreman). Awesome guy...wish we had him back. :'(
  11. Congrats to the Mustangs for a win that they scratched and clawed for. I think that losing Poodie was a blessing in disguise because everyone HAD to step up and they did. I agree, totally, with the comment about Hypolite...he grew tremendously in that locker room and during half-time. As for the fight, I can't really recall WO-S being involved in that mele' before. Just not in our character. There was some pushing before that play and from where I was at, Allensworth was tussling with #5 (I think) and then you see the guy get on top of Brandon and hit him in the helmet. After that, everything broke loose. To those Mustangs who kept their cool and stayed on the sideline, thank you. Glad to see that you had the discipline. As for the WO-S coach "hitting" the Dayton player...I don't think that it happened like that. He was actually separating Garrett and that player and then two of the Dayton coaches proceed to grab him. I hope that that never happens again on either side. Football is about discipline and Mustang fans know that WO-S players are taught it...they just have to show it at ALL TIMES.
  12. Friday Night Lights!!! Begin watching it every Friday before the football game...always stop it before they lose...
  13. Praying from West Orange.
  14. Seems I recall Coach Ronnie Anderson was funny... "git yur head outta yur a$$..." "run boy run"
  15. I'm sorry, but I think that I would want a definitive answer as to why my child collapsed and died. :-\ That being said...it is always sad to hear of anyone, but especially a young kid dieing. Hopefully, more precautions are being taken everywhere (which I am sure that they are) to keep this type of tragedy from happening here.
  16. Besides the concrete chapping your arse in the heat of the season...I am rather fond our stadium seating. ;D
  17. No word yet from the Mustangs! :
  18. WOW! That's alot. Updates are definitely needed. A new elementary was seen to be coming in the future. I guess time will tell concerning the bond.
  19. WO-S: 10-0 ;D I expect that Silsbee will be at 8-2, no lower than 7-3. K-ville should be tough (perhaps the other of what Silsbee is not). Jasper should definitely be better this year. OF will make some noise.
  20. Richard had a really good game offensively. He seemed sluggish on defense though. All in all, a pretty good game. WAY TO GO SOUTH!!! The awesome thing is that noone got hurt!
  21. 21-3A.. All teams should worry every team every game of every year because any team can beat the other on any given day, BUT...I'll have to go with... Silsbee, Jasper, Kirbyville (in no particular order).
  22. Depauldrick Garrett - scholarship He is as persistent on the field as he is on the field.
  23. Amen to that one! That is really ANNOYING!!!
  24. Any word if they will have to forfeit any games? Are the players whose grades were changed still there or have they graduated? I just wonder how that will all play out, if it does at all. It does happen, not that it's right, but it happens
  25. 'Cause, I figured you (of all people) would have known the facts FIRST!!! ;D 8) ??? : :-[ :-X :-* ;D 8) ??? : :-[ :-X :-* ;D 8) ??? : :-[ :-X :-* ;D 8) ??? : :-[ :-X :-* 8) ??? : :-[ :-X :-* ;D 8) ??? : :-[ :-X :-* 8) ??? : :-[ :-X :-* :) :) ;) ;) :D :D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :o :o 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? : : : : : :P :P :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* ;D 8) ??? : :-[ :-X :-* ;D
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