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Everything posted by stang4life

  1. No contest....JAMAAL CHARLES.
  2. I would certainly hope not...but my thoughts keep going back to that McDonald's lawsuit involving the hot coffee (cringe). That being said...I'm sure that some of the "friendly-parents" would be attempting to sue. RIDICULOUS!
  3. I think that Jacoby Franks is worth mentioning. ;D
  4. That's always comforting!!! ;D Congrats Jasper on a great run this year and a state title. I would have to say that that trophy proves that you were obviously the best team in Class 3A this year. Savor the victory because there is nothing like it!
  5. The rumor that I heard was that because of his knee injury, UIL granted him a waiver. If it is true...I don't agree with the ruling because he is already too old and his injury came in his last game of the season. Don't get me wrong, he is a good player, but he needs to get his diploma and go on to college. (Reminds me of the old days when boys were held back a year or two to allow them to "mature" and "have an edge on other players". :)
  6. Can someone please tell me how old Fitzhenry is? I heard that he was 19 and a junior last season. Just wondering! ???
  7. Parents can't sue themselves!!! ;D Inevitably, there would be some stupid-I-am-my-child's-friend-because-being-his parent-would-make-him-mad-at-me-and-is-much-harder-than-being-his-friend that would try to sue. Those spineless parents need to take a hard look in the mirror and thank God that their child is still breathing, can still walk and talk. Most of today's society stem from parents who are "afraid" or too lazy to parent. They need to know that they are setting them up for failure. A lawsuit behind this would be total BS. I am sorry, but little Johnny or Janie (and their "wannabe" parents) are ultimately responsible for "losing out on a scholarship" and possible "professional career". As I stated before, parents need to grow some and take the responsibility of raising their children to do the right thing seriously. I also say, find the funds and test ALL ATHLETES...that way "random-ness" wouldn't be a question, but yet the testing would remain fair to all. If you aren't doing anything wrong, then you shouldn't haven't anything to hide.
  8. WOS87...you are the bomb. Such a wealth of knowledge. Thanks for your posts (puts some stats and facts behind the words)!!! ;D
  9. Steen from WO-S in the late '80's was short. T.Robinson was small for WO-S this past season, but it would be hard to find someone with bigger heart.
  10. Honey, in Coach T's book...any type of drugs would be detrimental to a player's future as a Mustang. My point earlier was that ALL DRUGS should be tested for. People tend to minimize steroids, alcohol and marijuana, but any given day...you can look on the internet and find a story about someone somewhere being affected by drugs. As I stated earlier...test them all for all drugs!!!
  11. Actually, ALL DRUGS should be tested. As far as a waste of money...a life is worth all of the money that it would cost to drug-test every athlete in Texas. Marijuana and alcohol are not a greater issue than steroids...they should all be 100% tested for.
  12. Promoting Quinn to head coach is a great move. He is young and passionate about the game, yet has learned a lot from McCarter (who we wish the best of luck). The kids seem to interact well with Coach Quinn. It should be exciting!!!
  13. Well, Mr. Bulldog3...getting caught tends to be an indication of guilt. As for PLENTY of WO-S kids being on "it"...serious doubtful. Now, don't get me wrong, I am sure that at least one athlete from every school (including WO-S) has tried steroids, but of course...we don't know until they get caught (and sometimes, it is still not discussed...hmmm). Also, let's not forget those players who aren't still playing...because they DIED on a track, field, court, or any other place due to their abuse of steroids. As for the parallel regarding professional players...that is between those players and their employers. Using steroids to excel in sports (at any level) is absolutely NO DIFFERENT than cheating on an exam. It is an unfair advantage for someone who cannot obtain the results he/she desires from hard work vs. someone who busts their butts every day. Good people make mistakes, but that does not excuse the fact that they CHEATED by abusing performance-enhancing drugs and should be punished accordingly. It's just not fair to those who push themselves past their limits everyday to get better and it doesn't set the proper example to those underclassmen to come. As I said, like everything else...it will take something awful happening for people to want to wake up and say...hey, we saw this coming...we should have done something.
  14. I would have to say the WO-S vs. Jasper game (3-0) and the Ozen vs. PNG game (due to the issues with the clock). Both memorable and close, but for two different reasons. I don't know which would have hurt more...Jasper losing a hard-fought game or the HUGE delay closing out of the Ozen-PNG game? :'(
  15. Not just football and basketball anymore...Southeast Texas seems to be representing well in track and baseball too!!! Nice to see!!!
  16. My money is still on Depauldrick Garrett from WO-S. He runs low to the ground is very difficult to bring down...pure power. What position does Kendrix Salter play for LC-M? He should make some noise this year.
  17. Son, don't think that I wouldn't. I don't have anything to hide and neither do my boys. As I stated, I am a parent, not a friend or some washed-up, has-been who is trying to live through my children. If parents were parents who truly prioritized the health and well-being of their children before the embarassment or lack-luster careers that steroids allows these kids to "cheat" with, then drug-testing would not even need to be implemented by the STATE. I think that it is a sad day when the STATE has to step in and do a parent's job for them.
  18. Amen, jacf. I couldn't have said it better myself.
  19. As the mother of one son who just graduated, another who will graduate in 2008, and another who graduate in 2013...I wish that EVERY athlete were tested more than once a year. I know, funding is a key issue and of course those parents who choose to be their children's friends versus their parents who will argue about these kids' "rights", but this is OBVIOUSLY an issue that continues to grow everywhere and I just hope that it does not take an athlete being hurt or dieing to see that it is an issue worthy of addressing. Kudos to Rep. Flynn.
  20. Congratulations to all four lifters who obviously represented SE Texas well.n Good luck in the future.
  21. Preemptively mad...no not mad. But, I would be extremely disappointed by a decision to let him play. I think that it sends the wrong message and that he learns absolutely nothing. As for this being about football...it is about football. This needs to be discussed and stop being avoided because it is a serious issue that might save a life in SE Texas.
  22. if he is allowed to play it will not only be a injustice to the football team it will be an embarrasment to the school and community and will only show that all this school cares about is winning no matter what ...period
  23. Way to end your Mustang career...with a bronze medal at state. ;D
  24. Maybe, since he's been pretty much a straight A student all through High School and an honor graduate, he was offered an academic scholarship.
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