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Everything posted by stang4life

  1. What about Thibodeaux, Hope and some of those others from WO-S? Are they still playing? :?
  2. Brittney Scott - WO-S She is an awesome all-around player who exemplifies TEAM PLAYER. Not sure of her stats, but she usually has 20 or so points and is such an unselfish player. :wink:
  3. Boys: McCarter from WO-S Girls: Orebo from WO-S Talent on any team is just talent without the guidance of good coaching. These two have seemed to put together good, all-around teams that previously may have seemed one-dimensional. There have been many stars emerge and shine on both of these teams and I think that many times the coach's influence is under-appreciated. :wink:
  4. Go MUSTANGS! With the win tonight, the Mustangs will join the Lady Mustangs in an awesome undefeated district season!!! Good job guys and ladies!!! Tonight is also Senior Night at WO-S, so come on and help let our seniors and their parents know that they are appreciated!!! :wink:
  5. Luck? Luck for who, BC because we missed so many free-throws and "gave" up to many fouls and therefore we allowed them to get within one point? :twisted: Or luck for WO-S because those kids rose above all of the fouls being called and all of their missed shots and still managed to pull off the WIN? :wink: BTW, any word on the player that was injured toward the injured at the end of the game? I do truly hope that he is okay! :!: :!:
  6. Nice one Ladies. Looks like we can look forward to yet another....well, two more playoff runs! We may need to host some yell rallies! :wink:
  7. They got the WIN, but they missed quite a few free throws. The game was intense and at one point, BC came within one point, but WO-S regrouped and played their game. Congrats to the 'Stangs!!! :ch
  8. Probably headed to BC to see the Mustangs play. Should be a good game!!!
  9. The Lady Mustangs came out with a WIN and while it wasn't a "whipping", it was still vital. Depending on the outcome and whose side your rooting for, the game reflection is perceived differently. :wink: As for Coach Orebo, I wasn't at the game, so I can't comment. I can comment about Coach Ancelot though...I don't care for her either. (Yet another thing that we agree on!!! The dislike of each other's coaches!) She and class are an oxymoron. I have stated my opinions of her lack of couth and suave since at least last season. :roll: :iag As for the Celtics....my favorite team growing up (Detroit-2nd) because they were so team-oriented: Bird, McHale, Parish. I even liked ole Danny Ainge (probably because he was feisty!!).
  10. We schedule difficult teams for a reason. You can only get better if you push yourself to the limit. This schedule is a lot "weaker" than the past and I don't think we're "due" anything less, but obviously our strength of schedule and a really strong district....has gotten us ready for the playoffs. I would rather skip the LC-M and Vidor games, but I don't get paid to make those decisions. Just be thankful that Nederland is not on our list!!! :wink:
  11. And, it all comes in the wash (as my great-grandma would say)!!! Looks like she replaced that trophy for many more. I mean you can disagree with calls and decisions and picks, but these kids all work hard. Some work harder than others and of course we are partial to our own. :wink: Much has been taken out of the game. I rarely see any player actually DRIBBLE the ball....they all carry it to some extent. There is too much contact. This also leads to the game getting out of hand. Oh well, I still love the game!!! :wink:
  12. Guys, huh?
  13. Yep....the Ladies and the Mustangs!!! Way to go. The guys had an easier time than the ladies (by the looks of the score), but a win is a win! I think that we are starting to prove why we are ranked!!! :ch
  14. I am sorry, but there are better ways to handle this situation than to ask the children to stay home. This is a matter concerning the children, but I think that the adults need to be the ones taking the actions. I know that this is probably a touchy issue in P.A., but education is too important. I think that there are many things not known by "the outside world" (meaning everyone except the school board and superintendent). Complacency is not a good thing and most of the time it will bring the worst out of people. I don't know details, but I think that if Mr. Mackey has agreed to leave and chooses not to fight for his job, then that is his call and the boycott is pointless. It's a sad situation for the kids, but I don't think that at this point they should be asked to boycott school.
  15. bleedorange...oh, how do I agree with how the game has changed in at least 15-20 years. There is way too much contact and that usually leads to one of two things...either you get refs who take the stance that they will call a very stringent, tight game and then those who just "let them play". It's hard to find a happy medium and even harder to make sure to call a "even" game because no matter the outcome, somebody is going to talk about how the game was called. There are always fans in every crowd that are unruly and unsportsman-like. You can support your team without all of the extras. I don't particularly care for the shirtless OF guys painted and standing on the "fence" because when the Mustangs played at OF the first round, they were really obnoxious and rude to our players, but you have to applaud their spirit (it just needs to be toned down). And, as I stated before, when a team is not playing well, the fans usually get whiny about the officiating.
  16. Now, that's more like it!!! :wink:
  17. Kudos to Bobkat for accepting the loss for what it is and maitaining dignity. To the other poster, a team has to be able to lose with the same grace that it wins with. All of the excuses are just that EXCUSES! By blaming the refs, you give kids an out and teach them to be poor sportsmen. That will not benefit them in the future as adults. Most of the time when a team is not shooting well or playing with each other well, their play is not affected on just offense or defense....it's affected on BOTH! They are probably playing pretty sloppily. Accept it and move on. I have been to game (girls and boys) between OF and WO-S. No one is ever happy with the way the game was called, but you can be unhappy with it, that's okay....just don't use it as an excuse when you lose. Step up to the plate and stop the whining! Consider it honor to be able to beat teams with officiating that doesn't go your way!!! :wink:
  18. It looked more like a football game than basketball game. Surprised there were not more injuries (one possible concussion) because the officiating was poor. WAY TO GO MUSTANGS!!! :ch
  19. I'm sure you have already seen the highlights!!! I would imagine that every tv station in town attended that matchup. I just hope that sportsmanship was high and there were no injuries.
  20. Brittney James from WO-S! She's good! :wink:
  21. It's nice to see a little respect being shown to the Mustangs! This team is playing well. :cheers :ch
  22. Whew....thank goodness for cutting and pasting, eh? That was a LOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGGGG one! :wink:
  23. Yep...they are looking pretty good. We won by that large of a margin and our starters were pulled in both halves so everybody got a chance to play. You missed Kia Hartfield (injured Lady Mustang) sing the National Anthem. She has a voice!
  24. I would think the one that produces the best athletes! :duh Just kidding. I guess LC-M and Lumberton would be included. I can't remember PNG's. I know they all smell about the same. :wink:
  25. Yep, glad to have them back. Even though L.D. is not a starter, he adds to that depth WO-S will need in the playoffs. :ch
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