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Everything posted by stang4life

  1. Oh, give me a break. Oops...sorry, you said the extreme left... My bad!
  2. It's pretty hard to tell who started the name calling now because some of the moderators HAD to edit some post. The edits were because of at least one person who crossed the line. Its hard for me to believe you cant see that. I think bullets and the rest of the moderators are doing a great job policing this site. If you disagree, please exercise your freedom and post somewhere else. th...I really don't recall ever saying that the "liberal" side (as you like to write) hasn't name-called. Re-read the post dear or don't because honestly, you are only going to get what you want to get out of it going in to it. Sure you believe that they are doing a great job...again, my point is to be fair and non-one-sided. I do disagree and I do post elsewhere. I usually like the sports threads, but being that golf (that I only watch when Tiger plays) and baseball (that I only watched when my kids played)...so, it's a tad bit boring right now. Good thing I don't wait for people to tell that I can exercise my freedoms...LOL
  3. You know...I've read and reread some of the threads in question (that have been locked on here) and I don't think any side makes any more personal attacks and name-calls any more than the other. It's kind of like people fighting, or playing a sport, etc....the first attack usually goes under the radar, but the retaliation is usually the one that really gets looked at. What's good and fair for one should be good and fair for all. I do some one-sidedness when it comes to threads being locked, but if you are going to start timeouts...just be fair about them. The rules are brought up when it's convenient. If you are going to enforce the rules...there needs to be some consistency. I think the most important thing I ever learned on the job was...be firm, fair, and consistent. It's nice because it can be applied to almost every situation.
  4. Can we just skip the rest of the summer already? I'm ready... (That reminds me...season tickets are up pretty soon!)
  5. WOW! They're doing big things in Tennessee, huh?
  6. Could it be that many schools don't think that Haynes has "peaked" yet...I mean, maybe he is delayed enough that he will hit his prime in college? Just wondering. These guys obviously see something in him. Maybe he hasn't hit his growth spurt yet? I know that some kids hit it after they go to college (I had one). With his speed and all...he keeps improving each year. Just some thoughts. This area is full of awesome athletic talent from several schools around here. He has a lot to offer at the next level, being so well-rounded in athletics and academics. That's an added plus. And, I am in no way saying he's better or not better than any other athlete around.
  7. I hope that LC-M has a good season because they got a good coach in Coach Crouch. It's time and with Crouch being around Coach T...some work ethic can/should be enhanced. PN-G needs to have a good team because they have that re-done stadium. They need to live up to the stadium because it is NICE!
  8. They need to go back to the old way...two top teams go to the playoffs and no DI or DII...just straight up PLAYOFFS!
  9. It would be nice for him to stay in Texas...
  10. We just hope he plays...well! Really well!!! ;D
  11. HF and OF...only due to the size of the stands. Many fans just stay at home. LC-M because of that gosh-awful bear "growl". I like WO-S' stands. The track stinks as well as the concession stands, but I love the stadium. I like Silsbee's setup.
  12. I didn't want to start a new thread to ask this question. Do schools that have 6-man football teams have regularly-sized other teams? Like basketball, baseball, track? Do they have a classification for track? Just wondering.....
  13. Wow! Truly a tragedy. I hope someone didn't drop the ball on his psychiatric referral. Possible could have been avoided. Just senseless.
  14. Nice one Keyes! Finally gotcha one! (Well, actually two!) Tied ballgame 4-4 bottom of the 5th! Hook'em Horns!
  15. wow...I think mine did too! Wow...still a touchy subject! Man, some people have ALL the luck.
  16. Would the son have to wait out like any other athlete that transferred?
  17. Awesome article and pic with him and his shoes/medals! Great, genuine family! Failed to mention that his mom's dad was an awesome athlete himself...so, looks like it was just destiny all the way around! LET'S GO MUSTANGS!!!
  18. Can't wait for the reunion of Godfather and Moses! 8)
  19. That last sentence sums it all up. We are not promised another second, let alone another day. It might be us or our children, but always remember that no matter what...you want your last words to each other to be expressions of love. Most kids do think that their parents worry too much, but I don't think that we will until our last breath because that's what makes us parents. I would also like to add...you just never know what other kids have at home, so it doesn't take too much more to say kind words to them as well because you just never know.
  20. Honestly, I would think that it might be more of a challenge to play "small ball" than the norm. Besides, I am probably a little biased because I think every time I saw my oldest son play in high school, he was bunting...I guess the lack of batting lessons explains it!
  21. When does the series begin and will it be televised? I couldn't find the Longhorns on last night.
  22. Deeply saddened in Orange. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.
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