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Everything posted by stang4life

  1. OMG...a great day in Austin...and a hot one! First of all, congrats to Honeyman, Trey, James, Phillip and Ed! Can't forget Ed (I didn't see any pics with him!!!). Second of all, a huge thanks to the track coaches (Toby and Coach Ivory), but moreover the coaches that were in attendance to share in this day. Third, I have to say that I was quite impressed with the number of people who came to Austin to support our Mustangs! Watching that 4X400m relay was breathtaking and we were on edge most of the race. I tell ya, it was just meant to be. Congrats also to the Lady Mustangs who placed 5th & 7th...nothing to hang your heads about! Next year should really be exciting!!! Honey, thanks for the effort you've given us for four years. Your trademark smile and laugh remind us that while this is a competition, it's always nice to see kids enjoy their specialty like you do. Trey and James, wow...we still have two more years with you two. Phillip and Ed...three years. Honestly, I just can't wait for football. THANKS AGAIN for the ride!!!! You showed what five young men with great talent, coaching, and parental/community support can do through adversity that has been overlooked in little old Orange and West Orange.
  2. I thought they went in the last few years or am I confusing it with basketball?
  3. No, baseball may not have the number of plays in baseball, but I can also say that there is also more money pumped in to many more baseball kids than football kids. Bottom line is...talent is a great thing and although they may excel at the lower levels...at the upper levels, they still need to be coached. Maybe the baseball coaches deserve a little more credit than they get being called managers. I don't see much negative in my post...but, then again...usually a differing opinion is considered negative. There is much talent in the respective schools and their respective sports... both weed out as they get older and much of is either lack of discipline or desire to continue to play (usually because of their parents). My take on cardfan's comment was about like if Coach T left WO-S...like him or not, for a couple of years after he left...his discipline styles would probably show in the kids that had gone through his off-season...whether you liked him or not. That's all. My bad for ruffling your feathers...oops!
  4. Hmmm...that wouldn't surprise me a bit!!! 8)
  5. What about Josh Smalley...is he still there?
  6. Hmmm...are you the current coach or a player's parent? Mighty touchy, ehhh? I don't see where we really got off subject, oh sensitive one. BC has a strong baseball program like WO-S has a strong football program, but talent is just talent without a coach to guide them. I don't think that anyone is taking anything away from anyone here...I think cardfan was just inserting their $.02...
  7. That's the problem...Kobe is not the team. I would respect him a little more if he gave other players their due credit. Come on Magic!!!
  8. I would think just a little credit would go to their former coach, huh? He obviously wasn't too shabby because didn't he have a pretty good record with the Cards?
  9. I really forgot that Mobley was just a junior. WOW. Looks like we have at least another year of accolades to come. 8) GOOD LUCK LADIES!!! And, kudos to Coach Ivory. You've done very well!!!
  10. Why can't the tapes be submitted? Even if it doesn't affect the here and now, maybe the refs or the 1B could be reprimanded if they are found to have been out of line.
  11. Wow...I saw something about it on KOGT, but I just wondered why no one was talking about it on here.
  12. Just wondering...why was a BC player ejected in Game 3?
  13. No one from PA Memorial or West Brook qualified? :-\
  14. I think that the Mustangs have some more size to add to their line and more speed too. Gotta love it...how many days now?
  15. That's pretty darned funny!
  16. Looks like SETX tracksters are representing us well at state! Surely someone from one of the 5A schools has someone going to state, huh? Way to go 3A... What's the strongest sunscreen they make because I'm definitely going to need it in two weekends! LOL (I got blistered after three hours in the sun at Ford Park Saturday for the Boys Haven Crawfish boil...I got to be more prepared...LOL)
  17. Yes, we will! Zach is a great coach and person. Vidor is getting a gem. Congrats and wishing him the best!!!
  18. Was anyone at the last board meeting (was it last Monday)? I was just asking because I heard that one of the principals might be speaking.
  19. Well, that went well! Trust me, I totally did not expect you to care about my personal experience. And, I'm actually not full of myself or anyone else, but lovely try. I am not self-righteous (there you go again!!) I'm sure that your kinfolks are good people...I never said I was branding an entire town...just stating experiences. Pacifist, huh? Thanks!!! 'pprciate it, sir! Honestly, I don't believe that I dedged any comments. So sorry if I offended! Peace!
  20. I'll give you a hint...monkey farts! Not that it matters because you will think what you want to think and I will be wrong. LOL, but monkey farts. It's an inside joke with myself and couple of my poster friends...it's actually a candle scent! Imagine that, huh...
  21. Happy to oblige!!! Just trying to keep you busy. I work in all sections of most towns in this area, from the nice to housing complexes. I really don't NEED for my comments to hold much of anything for you because it wouldn't matter...anything that doesn't fit into your line of thinking isn't right anyway, right? (Well, I guess it might!!! LOL) I'm just posting what I experienced and here's one for you...the racial slurs that I was talking about were in reference to the caucasian girls who were playing volleyball or basketball (me included) vs. Lumberton. You might be successful in reversing my words on this board, but you cannot affect my personal experiences because they are MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCES. Sorry to get your panties in a wad...I'll try harder next time!!!
  22. I can remember Memorial and WO-S JV...if it's the one I do remember (freshmen also)...we had several players injured after that... :'(
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