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Bulldog Dad

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Everything posted by Bulldog Dad

  1. Yes.... I see one in the major division made up of nearly all players from one particular select team roster.  I think the problem is that teams were formed with geographic area being considered for convenience.  Guess they didn't think about the possibility of these teams being made up of mostly select players from the same team... Going forward (next season) perhaps SETXBA should create the rosters and do a check before they are finalized to ensure that the majority of the players have not played together... tough to do but i believe something could be done to ensure that teams do not get "stacked".  All in all though, looking forward to playing this fall.. should be fun and a great opportunity for some kids who have never played "real" baseball to learn a few things.
  2. I couldn't agree more RR...  I've only been to a few practices this year, but haven't seen him get off a knee on the sidelines yet.
  3. Dionte... if that is truly you who made that post... please try and brush up on your grammar, punctuation and spelling before you go off to college because I don't care how big, strong or fast you are... if you can't pass you won't play.  Character is also a big thing they look at and all of this trash talking is not very becoming to a young man with aspirations of playing college sports.  Be humble in your talents and successes and thank those around you and ABOVE you who have helped you to get to where you are now and who want to see you get to where you want to be.  Good luck to you in whatever you do.
  4. I would send him over if ya'll would stay home long enough...LOL!! We are just as guilty....go go go !!!
  5. I'm looking for a pitching coach for my 10 year old in the Mid-County area.... any suggestions?
  6. CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG???????????
  7. My 10 YO and 15 YO go.  They need to attend at least twice a week.  The exercises and drills are great!  Lateral and linear speed and agility have all improved!!
  8. Nederland has too many oldtimers running the school board and city council.  They are close-minded and resistant to change.  It's always been like this and probably always will be.  We need new blood in the city and in the school district if we expect anything to change.  If you want change, then you need to vote for and elect people who support change in the city and district.  Good luck with this...we are outnumbered by the old oldtimers... and guess what?  They vote!!  Do you????
  9. Any word on the Soph and JV games? Are they still tomorrow or have they been moved to today also?
  10. I think this is a GREAT idea JT!!
  11. Nederland Babe Ruth and Mid-County Babe Ruth are two seperate organizations.  NBR is for 13-15 year olds and MCBR is for 16-18 year olds.  They operate totally seperate from each other.
  12. There were a few years in the past...about 6-8 years ago... when Orange County kids were allowed to play at NBR.  The boundary was reduced back to Jefferson County after it was revealed that it was becoming a "select" league in the 14-15 year old division.  Kids were being turned away based upon lack of skill.  Since the park that NBR plays upon is considered a neighborhood park in Nederland, there were alot of outraged parents whose kids were being turned away.  Good move, in my opinion, by the previous leaders at NBR who changed this back to Jefferson County only and turn away NO kids. It is my understanding that the present board has expanded the boundary again, but this time with good intentions of including more kids in the league who may want to try something different or who may not have any other alternative.
  13. My personal opinion...why would anyone want to let their son play in a new program when history has proven the league to be unstable and unsuccessful.  This is their first year under a different program.  Kinda like a new car.  Never buy the first few years of a new model.  JMO.  NBR has been around and sucessful since the 1950's.  If you're debating on which program to let your son participate in, go with the program which has been around and sucessful the longest.  Over the next few years, hopefully they can rebuild their program into a successful organization, but it'll take time before I'm sold on them.
  14. Thanks for posting this on NBR's thread!! CLASSY!!!!  Geez!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  15. Here is a link to their website...but they usually don't start registration until close to the end of HS baseball season.  Monitor the website for registration news. [Hidden Content]
  16. "Annexing" is probably the wrong word to describe what NBR is doing.  I would rephrase this to say that NBR has expanded it's boundaries to allow Orange County kids to participate in Babe Ruth League if they so desire.  There are plenty of different baseball organizations out there for kids of this age to participate in including Babe Ruth League, Big League Little League, Pony League, Dixie League and of course all of the different select organizations.  Babe Ruth League Inc. requires each local league to have a clearly defined geographical boundary from which it can form a league.  This is in place so that if another group in the same general area cannot form a BR league within another BR league's boundaries.  This is similar to the geographical areas set forth by Little League Baseball Inc.  Just a different organization.  Mid-County Babe Ruth is the Senior Babe Ruth Division in this area and is made up of players 16-18 years old from all over Southeast Texas.  It has run in this area for years allowing kids in this age group from Jefferson, Orange and Hardin Counties to participate.  Nederland Babe Ruth is only responding to the inquiries from numerous folks in the Orange County area over the last several years to allow thier kids to play at NBR.  After much discussion, the Board of Directors has voted to allow more kids to play in the league.  They are by no means trying to take away from your registration numbers, but only responding to the requests of interested parties.  Hope this eases the tensions of anyone who had any other thoughts as to why this change was made.
  17. Whats up with the 10U team? My son tried out...guess that was a tryout...mostly 8's and 9's there that day. Are you going to have a 10U team? We never heard anything from anyone.
  18. Hey NI...if you want to see how a real 10 year old nose guard plays you need to watch (and let your little jr. take pointers from) #90 on Nederland Jr. White (Thibodeaux). He's a BEAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Do you know if Gladiators will have a 10U team next spring? If so...do you have any contact information?
  20. How'd the Nederland Freshman team look???
  21. Anyone see the Nederland v. WOS freshman game? I was working and missed it. Any info would be great.
  22. Way to go guys...players, coaches and parents!!! It seems like it was truly a team effort from all. Way to represent...now lets go kick some butts in Washington!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Let me say that I'm proud of all of the Nederland teams....they worked very hard and I think they learned alot this year.
  24. Great!!!!....hold 'em guys!!!...we need this win to get back on track!!!!
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