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Everything posted by CraigS

  1. Sponsor a work bill. ... create fed gov incentive.... for every one person removed from welfare one of these "scholarships" become available. ... win win for everyone. ... someone becomes independent by getting off welfare. ... someone gets and opportunity through education. ... and taxes don't get raised.
  2. Great post
  3. But fear creates a perception and perception is reality. All I'm saying is, if for any reason a persons perception is that of fear of any person, place, or thing....what you believe or say about how you would act in any given situation changes....and while sitting in the comfort of our lives, we should not judge....and IMO if a judgement will be made by others....it should start in the favor of the policemen because of these reasons.
  4. In the literal sense you are correct. Now, lets change your situation....it's the neighborhood you live in, or work in, and you don't have the option of not going there due to known dangers.   How would you look at every individual you see, cross paths with, etc?   answer it or not....that is what the police deal with in certain areas everyday. You, me or anyone else can't blame them, criticize them, hate them etc.....point is, it's easier to sit in our comfortable lives and decide to avoid these situations. The cops that work in in every single day, MUST look at each individual as a potential death threat.....add an area of know crime and that multiplies.    I'm not saying even a single mishandled situation should go punished, I'm just saying cops are people too, regardless of the training they are given. Just like you and I, there are days, times I hate my job, get frustrated, etc....the difference is, a bad day for those guys, could mean DEAD!   It just seems more times than not the cop is automatically given the bad rap, only to find out in most cases there's more to it than first reported....I guess I'd rather have to change the story to ...oh, my bad...the cop was a bad apple....rather than, oh, my bad....the guy charged him, or shot at him, then the cop defended himself....in most cases....it's ALL about first impressions....and that is usually decided by what id reported by news channels or said by community leaders.......
  5. ok...now lets take this approach to our conversation.   I know stereo typing is not a good thing, even though they exist at least in part due to statistics. So, if the majority of the time you went into a certain area, you were robbed, or beat up, or even just harassed, would you find yourself looking at everyone in that area as a potential attacker....or would you give each individual the benefit of the doubt?
  6. I understand, and you have made some very valid points. But these discussions are taking place due to "the narrative" of Black Lives matter and hands up don't shoot........whereas everyone's story I'm sure hits home and/or has had an impact on their lives - The approach taken by some (including the media) are nothing but harmful to the relations in which they claim to be attempting to fix.   It is my opinion, that these "discussion", are more needed among the leaders/spokesmen be it POTUS, Civil Rights, Churches, Parents, etc. When this type of situation happens (and it will again) these people should CONDEMN the negative press and/or riots, etc. and that's it...no more free press time and/or attention.   I've often heard the saying (in problem solving) "Treat the disease not the symptom". We as humans seem to focus more on the feel good now parts of problem solving, and things that appear to give immediate results......sometimes the results of real solutions can't be seen until months or even years after the treatment starts....I could go on and on with cliche' such as " One has to want to be helped, before anyone can help them" ... and that one may be the truest of all!
  7. In 1985 a buddy and I were leaving Wildwood (private resort) we had been drinking beer riding around (weekend before leaving for college) the gate guard called the police. As we left the gated area, the police were coming in, we just drove right on by like nothing happened. When they turned around and came after us, my friend didn't immediately stop. Once he did, we were told to get out of the car and put our hands on the hood. My friend had just been in a dirt bike wreak and was pretty bagged up....so he was slow to get get out....with cops yelling at him, I attempted to walk around and assist him.....only to hit in the lower back with a baton and reminded strongly not to move and keep my hands on the car where they could be seen....we spent a short time at the jail for minor in possession and questioned heavily why we didn't immediately stop....whereas, nothing else came of it, it was a good lesson about listening and doing EXACTLY what you are told to do, when dealing with the police.   With all of that said - I highly respect the the jobs of police officers, I can't even begin to imagine the courage it takes to deal with the general population, especially in this day in time....   but to fit the narrative - I guess white cops just hate everyone - even us white boys!
  8. [Hidden Content]
  9. CraigS


    Not a problem at all. ... it's been said many times on here. ... if this. .. if that. .. I'd shoot you. .....I'd bet others would also take up arms to do the same. ... several issues resolved here. .... people will stand against their own race. .. thugs die. ... and no cops will get blamed or harmed.... when a certain block of people learn to appreciate the police officers. .. and also "protect" THEM. ... then they can return to helping them protect themselves. ..... and. ... it would actually help support the need for citizens to be armed and put a major dent in the gun "control" movement.
  10. CraigS


    I think it's quite simple. .. the cops have a protest of their own. ... stay out of those communities. .. do not respond at all. .not to robberies. .. not to homicides. .. not to domestic disputes. .... let it self fix. When enough good innocent people get tired of the thugs and realize they are causing no response because no cop wants to put their life in danger or be accused of racism and the media is fueling it they will make a stand. ... if not. .. oh well. .. no cops die. ... no cop gets falsely accused.....
  11. There's talk on katfans.... with mixed opinion of him. From what I've read of Keeler he surely doesn't mind tranfer QBs... and from what I've seen this season. ... he will not tolerate bringing baggage.....
  12. CraigS


    I support my kid while she is in college....but I'd hardly insult her as to call her immature, or not a woman (man). and I hardly think that if you would have had that assistance you would be any less of a man...or considered immature....just my guess.
  13. Colorado State - Pueblo 2014 National Champions. SHSU losing to a DII school was thrown in their face all year. Now with the Kats finishing in the FCS top 4 and CS-P being DII National Champions. ...it kinds throws it back in the faces of those who criticized....
  14. #2 North Dakota State -v- #5 Illinois State these 2 teams are Co champions of their conference.... they did not play this year (similar to SHSU and SELA) however this is for ALL the marbles.
  15. #2 North Dakota State -v- #5 Illinois State these 2 teams are Co champions of their conference.... they did not play this year (similar to SHSU and SELA) however this is for ALL the marbles.
  16. CraigS


    with such a roll model I can see that. ... but being immature has nothing to do with being a child or and adult. ....
  17. Great season. . Ball game 35-3 Bison... hopefully a 4-peat.... can't beat'em.... may as well support them
  18. 35-3 SDSU....338 left. ..
  19. Thanks. .. but I think I'll stick to Orange. .. daughter wouldn't like me very much if I took you up on that. .. lol
  20. 28-3 NDSU....1137 left in game just gotta play for pride now. ... let's go Kats
  21. Total melt down on those last 2 series....gut check time
  22. 21-3 NDSU .....632 left in 3rd total break down. ... need to regroup
  23. 14-3 NDSU....734 left in 3rd Terrible defense on entire series for the Kats
  24. Yes and some missed opportunities. .. clean those up second half and they got this. Kats are winning in every stat but the one that matters. ... the score board. 7-3 Bison half
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