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Everything posted by CraigS

  1. As the Kats arrive at their hotel. ... snow is falling... supposed to warmer and better weather by game time Sat. ...
  2. It seems most have disdain for transfers to FCS schools. The ole do it with HS recruits and "developed" skill seems to be what most fans want to see. I've seen this on fan forums from LU to SHSU to Jacksonville...Villanova - etc.   What's your opinion of transfers?    
  3. Whereas Overstreet is definitely capable of carrying the load. .. he's done it the last 2 weeks. .. (actually all year). .... versus #9 and #3 ... Hill should be back from a concussion vs SELA (on opening kickoff) and flu vs JSU.... the three headed monster .... technically 4.... should roll. ... all 3 backs and Johnson have over 600 yards rushing.... It'll be hard enough to key on any one of them. ..a constant rotation of fresh legs and different styles of running will be very difficult. ... And if JJ is on his passing game... Well. .. they are fun to watch. ... And then theres that defense. ..
  4. Yes, in essence Sam is being picked to win this game...the home team usually gets 3 points for home field advantage....on a neutral site the kats would be favored by 1 1/2...
  5. Vegas has Nova + 1 1/2 against the Kats, the line started at 3 1/2
  6. It may very well help the P5 teams ... And even the mid majors.. But it will hurt the FCS teams. .. millions lost in revenue.... if that's the direction
  7. That's what got us in trouble early...he tried to run the "run and gun" but JJ wasn't able to do the "gun" part - then the change was made after the CS-P game - which was a good idea....however, I think we should look at the recruiting this year....that should tell us if he is recruiting to "stay the same" or "make the transition"....   I'm with you...I like the pound the rock first, then let the play action make the passing game look to be incredible....JJ is a great runner...if he can just be more consistent in hitting the 10-15 yarders to keep the other team from loading the box....the backs (all 3) will run wild!   and the daughter tends to agree with you - as she has told me...more than once - she bleeds orange!...which is funny....because before this - she bled purple....hahahaha she won't even wear her LSU clothes anymore...due to SFA
  8. I've asked the same question....and got a very good answer.   What comes first, the chicken or the egg? It is very difficult to get teams of that caliber to play you, much less in a home and home situation until you are considered a worthy opponent....from that it seems LU will have to work up to that type scheduling. This year was a start, hopefully they can get at least one of those teams you mentioned replaced with a more formidable opponent......and then another the next year.....   However, I do agree....the lack of quality games OC was probably the difference in LU winning the UCA game for sure...maybe even being more respectable versus SHSU and SELA...   It takes at least 6 wins versus DI teams to get in the playoffs...then the quality of those wins come into play....LU had the 6 DI wins...replace those mentioned (at least 1 of them) then pull the W against UCA...I'd think LU would have had a chance this year with only 2 SLC losses....after all .... That's what SFA had...
  9. I've only become a "follower / fan" since last year. Daughter went to Sam to high jump. I was only a casual fan for a local team and being a fan of football did take notice of local success as I did when McNeese had similar success.   I've been to probably 8-10 games over the last 2 years. I find the difference between the 2 coaches styles quite large. Whereas I didn't really go to games during Fritz's "glory days" but I can say I really Like Keelers style, especially his ability to make adjustments....being the overall team style of play to align with current players, or adjustments made at halftime....with the exception of Northwestern St...that was bad...   I will say this though - I'm not sure what we see in the Kats now, will be what we see in the long run...I see (from what I've read) that Keeler will be building to a more "high powered" type offense with more passing....then again...he may have learned that down here in Texas. he may can have the best of both worlds with a balanced style offense.
  10. As far as uni's - I agree...but they are mostly from last year...we will see what KC as in order with next years look.
  11. I've supported the hire from the beginning. Several of the old timers on Katfans.com were ready to run him out town after the CS-P loss. I was at that game....SHSU played terrible against a very good #2 DII team and got embarrassed at home and broke the home win streak of like 21 straight games.   Keeler and staff took a deep look into personnel and made changes accordingly since starting 1-3 they have gone 9-1 and still playing - 3rd of playoffs and the ONLY non seeded team remaining. Making the Kats at least a top 8 FCS team - with only 2 starting seniors and only 2 others on the 2 deep chart...   With that said, I looked at Keelers past coaching records...be it DIII or DI - going to 7 NC's and winning 2 is not by accident...he must have done something right. Others complained....what has he done lately? Why did UD fire him....well, a little more research tells those answers.....   Anyhow - Keeler was a great FCS (Div I 2A) player in his day - playing and winning a NC and coaching in several others....been there done that - and will hopefully do it again - looking good so far.
  12. Well it would be sooner than that if they do get another shot...if both win this weekend, the Kats will play NDSU in the Fargo dome...which may be a bit harder than in Frisco...I watched them play this past weekend on TV, whereas, I do not think NDSU is as strong as the last 3 years (they did lose a game this year)...and they struggled to win against South Dakota in the dome...the fact remains...they have NEVER lost a playoff game in the dome.   But, I would still like to see that matchup...
  13. Just a few questions.   If the GOVERNOR wasn't going to use the National Guard when it really mattered, why did he call them up in the first place?   What happened that night, why were the locals (Mayor and Sherriff) not able to even reach the Gov. ?   Why hasn't the Gov. explained this, no harm in having a press conference to tell the Ferguson business owners what changed his mind from protecting their investments to not.   Answer these 3 questions and no one would have reason to "blame" anyone other than the Gov...or maybe even understand, rather than blame...
  14. In theory the Kats should win this game - after all they man handled the #3 team...#5 should be possible. After reading a bit about Nova I think they match up better with the Kats than JSU did, and the weather may be more of a factor in Philly....I'm thinking it's gonna be the battle of QB play - as it always is for the Kats - JJ plays well Kats win, but can he play well 2 games in a row....I don't think they can beat Nova if he plays like he did against SELA. He just needs to realize he has plenty of weapons and he doesn't have to "win" the game. just don't "lose" it...let your playmakers make plays, just get them the ball....   BearKats -31 Wildcats - 20 (PJ blocks his 6th kick of the season setting a SHSU school record)   Kats extend what is already considered the impossible season! Southland Strong!  
  15. I find it pretty funny that after the loss to the DII school everyone (in the SLC and even Jacksonville St) was laughing and making fun of them. Truth is CS-P was highly ranked and rightfully so...they were a very good football team, that beat a SHSU team, that at that point, wasn't sure of their own identity....I think that loss was the defining moment for the Kats. Not many people laughing now - unless you're a Kat fan...lol
  16. do not go to BRI and say that. ... they will say you are an LU hater and the only possible reason you'd want to keep Woodard is because you support another team and want LU to suck.
  17. Yes. .. Nova had their hands full with Liberty. .. should be another good game. .. And remember Sam only plays 4 seniors....
  18. Jacksonville State was ranked #3
  19. Nice turn around for the Kats... struggled early with identity under new coach. .. now playing their best ball at the right time.
  20. Ball game
  21. Victory formation
  22. Jacksonville out of timeouts
  23. 1:15 left. ... Sam with ball. . Should be over
  24. 3:34 left. .. Sam just intercepted in the endzone. 37-26 Kats
  25. 10:36 left
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