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Everything posted by CraigS

  1. He does it again - in essence calling the low information democratic voters and politicians stupid. We all know the republicans saw right through this, not a single Republican voted for it.    Nash and Smitty have been calling out the "stupid" people on this board for a while, in the name of "low information voters" seems others agree!   From the article:   Gruber was discussing the law’s so-called "Cadillac tax,” which he said was helped along by “hero” then-Sen. John Kerry. The “Cadillac tax” mandates that insurance companies be taxed rather than policy holders. He said that taxing individuals would have been “politically impossible,” but taxing the companies worked because Americans didn't understand the difference.   “So basically it's the same thing,” he said. “We just tax the insurance companies, they pass on higher prices that offsets the tax break we get, it ends up being the same thing. It's a very clever, you know, basic exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the American voter.”   [Hidden Content]
  2. From the article:   Uninsured Americans who decide not to enroll will face a penalty of $325 per person, more than tripling the $95 penalty those who did not enroll had to pay the first time around. Children under the age of 18 will be fined $162.50. The maximum amount an uninsured family will be penalized is $975 under the flat-rate method.   CBS News reports that many Obamacare plans will be charging more as a 27-year-old earning 250 percent of the poverty rate will now have to pay an average of 7 percent more for the lowest-cost bronze plan. The analysis from Investor’s Business Daily found that the lowest-cost silver plan will rise 9 percent and the lowest-priced catastrophic policy will go up by 18 percent.   [Hidden Content]
  3. so lets see if I understand you. .. you're saying that a network can not be secured without the feds looking at or collecting the data in which it is supposed to be protecting. .... hummm and what does that have to do with them stealing technology from our government.... Not our private lives?
  4. Hummm...   From the article:   Uninsured Americans who decide not to enroll will face a penalty of $325 per person, more than tripling the $95 penalty those who did not enroll had to pay the first time around. Children under the age of 18 will be fined $162.50. The maximum amount an uninsured family will be penalized is $975 under the flat-rate method.   CBS News reports that many Obamacare plans will be charging more as a 27-year-old earning 250 percent of the poverty rate will now have to pay an average of 7 percent more for the lowest-cost bronze plan. The analysis from Investor’s Business Daily found that the lowest-cost silver plan will rise 9 percent and the lowest-priced catastrophic policy will go up by 18 percent.   [Hidden Content]
  5. You will now join me on Big Girls list of Liars....lol
  6. I agree with him except he should have been a bit more specific, the low information or the I don't pay anyway "democrat" voters / politicians.   It has been debated on here in many forms of discussion...you can not tax the corporation per se...that extra cost will only be passed down to the consumers. So, it seems by leading (lieing) to the public that we will only tax the "big bad monster insurance company" the idiots (low info democrats, and their reps) thought this was a good idea.....and of course passed it without a single Republican vote and against the will of the majority of the peoples wishes...so it's not that Americans are stupid....just a certain block of Americans (some not even that - illegal aliens).   Since this article "blocks" all Americans as stupid due to a few (compared to overall population), would it be so far fetched to blame a certain group that voted 97% for this president...or a certain group that supports 11 million ILLEGALS being in our country? I think NOT!   Now, you know the REST of the story!       Gruber specifically was referring to the way the "Cadillac tax" was designed -- he touted their plan to, instead of taxing policy holders, tax the insurance companies that offered them. He suggested that taxing individuals would have been politically unpalatable but taxing the companies worked because Americans didn't understand the difference.    [Hidden Content]
  7. Because they (and no one else) respects him....or the USA for that matter. He has turned our great country into the laughing stock of the world. They hack our system, then fly the very technology they stole in his face...all the while Putin is mocking/ taunting him...because he / they know he won't and can't do anything about it....pathetic actually!
  8. Yes we know - A brain disorder
  9. that it caused my premium to go up just over $300 a month. .. And my deductible to double. ...I know that as a male I'm covered for pregnancy. ... And several other things I didn't and don't care to have. ..I know I don't go to the doctor but once every 2-3 years. ..I know that alot of people now are insured that I'm paying for. ..I know only Dems voted for it. ..I know it's very unpopular amoung the ones that are paying for (they majority)..I know that your BOY broke the law by changing it without a congressional vote. ...I know the Pubs will repeal it. ..I know the architect of it said it was "sold" to the public on lies and deceit. ....I could go on if you'd like. .. now you tell me. .. what do you know about obamacare.... other than. ..moochers get free health care. ... No maximum (which I didn't have anyway).... And can't be turned down for preexisting conditions. .. which there's no such thing to those who have always been responsible and had insurance in the first place. .. the only thing I can say that helps me. ..I can keep my kids on longer. ...26 is a stretch. .. Mine will be educated. ... employed and paying for their own way before 26...
  10. as there are a lot of smart folks that aren't very intelligent....
  11. Not one republican voted for it...the majority of the populace didn't approve of it....Pelosi said - we have to pass it to find out what's in it....
  12. What Obama meant by 5(7) states is...his other 7 states he is loyal to.....   1. Afghanistan 2. Iran 3. Iraq 4. Sierra 5. Saudi Arabia 6. Pakistan 7. Yeman
  13. He didn't say anything about "dumb" people...he said ignorant and dependent....some more of that lack of comprehension and/or knowledge to know the difference in the definition of words...did you get your degrees by way of 504? 
  14. There you have it - there's a certain block of people in this country that the term "real" does not apply. The terms, lazy, moochers, worthless, useless, pathetic, among others adjectives comes to mind!
  15. And then there's 2 - With SFA beating MSU at home....SHSU and SELA are the only remaining teams with 1 loss in the SLC. The teams will not play each other this season. Provided they both win out, the following is the tie-breaker rules for SLC.   As of now - SHSU has the tie breaker with SFA (SHSU win / SELA Loss) ahead of NSU (SHSU loss / SELA win)   Tie Between Two Teams. In case of a two-way tie for the championship, the team that defeated the other team shall be the automatic bid recipient. If the two (2) teams did not play one another, then the tied teams’ won-loss results against the next highest-positioned team(s) they both played shall be compared. This shall be continued through the final standings until one (1) team gains the advantage, thus the NCAA automatic bid. When comparing tied teams’ records against other teams in order above or below the tie in question, all other teams not involved in the tie are eligible to be compared with. [5/14] Computer Rankings. Should the above tiebreaking procedures not resolve the tie(s) and determine the automatic bid, the Conference shall utilize the final computerized ranking of the NCAA Simple Ratings System (SRS) to designate the Conference’s highest-rated team and automatic bid recipient. [5/14] Unbreakable Ties. If a tie remains after the above procedures are attempted, the NCAA Championship-eligible member that has been absent from the Division I Championship for the longest period of time shall be designated as the Conference’s representative in the Division I Championship. Tie-Breaker Drawing. If a tie remains after the procedure outlined in is attempted, a drawing
  17. First I'll say that the formula for all presidents is a joke. .. with that said. . The only reason the unemployment rate has dropped... is because so many people have dropped out of the equation ... they quit looking. ..I would guess the actual rate is in the 14% - 17% rate as far as actual people being unemployed. ..in addition to modifying the formula to include those who've dropped out. ...I believe part time jobs should show up as such. .. Maybe the report should also reflect "underemployed"..
  18. The reason obamacare "works" is because the money the insurance companies are losing is reimbursed by the feds. ..and higher premiums from the haves. .. which allows the insurance companies to offer unlimited coverage... And to people with prexisting conditions. ... once the new congress/senate defund ... the insurance companies will not be able to recover losses. .. therfore they will discontinue anything that losses them money. ... once that happens there will be no need to "over charge" the haves to pay for the nots.... premiums will return to normal
  20. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: The two-thirds of voters who chose not to participate in the process yesterday, I hear you too.   When the president himself is in denial and does not except or respect the peoples vote, why would anyone expect his most loyal supporters to.    Whereas, Obama may be correct, the voter turnout was low (as it usually is in mid terms) it can hardly be determined that all those who did not vote would support his agenda. In fact it may very well mean, the turnout was at least somewhat lower due to some that supported him before, no longer do, and simply chose not to participate.   The best I can figure, Obama thinks that sense he won back to back elections that the majority of the "citizens" do still support his policies, and whether they voted or not he will continue his agenda on their behalf, as ridiculous as that may seem to some of us.
  21. CONDI RICE: Dem racial attacks 'appalling'...   [Hidden Content]   “The idea that you would play such a card and try fearmongering among minorities just because you disagree with Republicans, that they are somehow all racists, I find it appalling. I find it insulting,” she said on Fox News.   “We are not race blind. Of course we still have racial tensions in this country. But the United States of America has made enormous progress in race relations and it is still the best place on Earth to be a minority,” Rice said.
  22. repeal obamacare completely - eliminate medicaide completely - medicare becomes completely funded!
  24. Steve. .. I've already stated what I (and many others who won't say it) think of her... it got edited... Then I got a PM advising. .. Not reprimanding.... me to ignore her she isn't worth the breath. .. keyboard time. ..and her time here is limited. ...
  25. if that is true, Carter is surely going to throw a party....he moves up one notch!
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