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Everything posted by CraigS

  1. you spoke volumns of your bias for your messiah.
  2. I personally hope the Pubs beat him at his own game, by lying (the Pubs said they wouldn't seek impeachment) - I say IMPEACH - IMPEACH - IMPEACH
  3. IMO - jobs should be the #1 focus if the Pubs want to ride the wave into and through 2016.   I believe the first things that need to be done, in no particular order.   1) Keystone - will create immediate jobs.   2) ILLEGAL immigration - this can easily be done, if it's on the back of saving JOBS for legal Americans.   3) Obamacare repeal - be it total repeal, or whatever...premiums need to get back under control and put that money back in the pockets of the middle class.   Like mentioned earlier, pass it, and dare him to veto....in doing so, the Pubs must repeat the words jobs and money for the American citizens and those here LEGALLY.
  4. that's just cause the truth hurts....most people can't handle the truth...then they usually start calling names  ;)
  5. Hey coward behind a screen name, I really don't care if you are anyone on BRI "likes" me, even here for that matter...would you care to take a poll on here and see who the lesser of the evils are....the loser bows out of SETXSports forever....scared say you're scared...lets go, head to head, what say you?
  6. Which is why she is such a good liberal!
  7. I guess we've had a rule change on here...name calling and cursing must be ok..or maybe it's just ok for some posters and even some mods.....let me test it..   Mod edit.
  8. some are, yes! 3%
  9. Whereas I definitely do not agree with this at all. I don't understand why people like this can say crap like this in the liberal world, and not be fired. On the other hand, had a conservative made similar statement in the other direction "externally" he/she would not only be fired...but drug to their death politically, professionally, and personally....     “SISMEC is a consortium of researchers, instructors and intellectuals who work both collaboratively and independently on critical issues related to the MENA region,” a spokesman said. “We stand behind all work published on the SISMEC website, to include the research of al-Gharbi. However, those works published externally represent the views of the author and do not represent the initiative.”     [Hidden Content]
  10. apparently 97% do...
  11. SLC update....   With SHSU beating SFA and UCA also losing that leaves just McNeese, SELA, and SHSU tied with one loss.   MSU still has to play SELA, whereas SHSU still has to play UCA (which is out of contention)   As I understand it, without any other unexpected losses by contenders   SHSU wins out - AND MSU wins out - SHSU champions (due to head to head) SHSU wins out - AND SELA wins out           - IF SFA finishes above NSU = SHSU champion           - IF NSU finishes above SFA = SELA champion   MSU wins out - AND SHSU loses - MSU champions   **** SHSU and SELA did not play head to head, therefore their common opponents will break the tie...since NSU beat SHSU....and SFA beat SELA,....NSU and SFA's order of finish will determine who (SHSU & SELA) will win the SLC due to beating the more highly ranked team.
  12. If you think Big Girl and her/sons experiences give her the right to generalize and not others, then you are part of the problem as well. AND, if you or Big Girl don't think we, the white man don't get comments or racial treatment, or the race card thrown at us then maybe it's ya'll who need to wake up.   No one, or at least in my circle claim that racism doesn't exist...in all directions. But it sure seems the white man is all to often the only ones that get blamed...mostly for stupid crap that happened way before most of alive today even existed.....no one denies terrible things went on in this country...and it always will...we must know and understand history - true, as the saying goes, so it won't repeat itself....however...let it go already...this country has better laws and consequences about discriminating than any other....that will never eliminate all racial crimes/actions/comments....but it is the best in the entire world......   I for one am also not a racist....I do however (I'm sure) come across as being very much so...why? Because I will not tolerate any cry baby, finger pointing, or insinuating that MY race (white) is any more racist then any other out there...and if I sense it, read it , or hear it...I will turn the tide and sound just as dumb to make a point.   Some say in these situations, I should take the high road, and let those who do that kind of stuff hang themselves......well, that approach hasn't worked....the PC world / media we live in today has allowed only the liberals / minority to have their say and continue to silence the conservatives and majorities in this country.......   I will be just as vigilant as the next person....white / black / purple / green....   "A" white man may have done "something" to you (her son)...but White people have no more done anything to her son than they have "kept the black man down" or at least no more so then the sitting President and his staff has done...........   You can't control what other people say about you, how they treat you, etc....what you can control is how you react to said treatment....take care of your own house before you even begin to speak of others....if you don't give them mud...they can't sling it at you.
  13. Why do you and many others get so offended?   If I were discussing a group of 10 white people taking a college course and 6 of them were failing the class while all other races (color of people) were passing the class....and I said, White people are struggling more than any other race....I'd doubt seriously the 4 passing would complain about the context in which I spoke....but YOU in particularly (and at least the vocal blacks) would be all over me....for generalization or grouping, or ...whatever silliness you spew......defending that 4 were passing and that's not a fair statement.........
  14. CraigS


    I got in trouble once for calling you an IDIOT...so I can't do it again....you didn't say staff...You said Bush...If you want to include staffs....well your boy and his staff still win the blue ribbon....   Big Girl is the most uneducated educated person (so she says) I've ever encountered....
  15. Nothing underhanded about it....she is the one that claims to be so educated, and doesn't mind throwing up when it benefits her....she should at least know definitions and context....most over rated educated person I know...or lieing...either way...smh
  16. My point exactly....I will use the same type of bs that she uses....why...so we can see bigcam call me out...but not big girl....so she can say she has problems with some..but isn't racist...but if we have problems with some and only call them out....well...we know where that ends up....They are both racist!
  17. Apparently, not all feel that way....some realized it was a bad Arkansas team...and that pissed off ole Saban...lol   “It really, if you want to know the truth about it, pisses me off when I talk to people that have this expectation like they’re disappointed that we only won the game 14-13 and the way we played. That’s frustrating. You want to talk about something that’s frustrating? That’s frustrating to me, for our players, who play with a lot of heart in the game.”     [Hidden Content]
  18. She saw it was a black guy and immediately said to herself....uncle tom...
  19. yep...mine went to $946 per month w/ $3000 deduct.....that's $14,452 (after deduct is met) before I can even get the benefit of my insurance paying 80%....and we may go to the doctor once or twice a year...a big maybe!   And I don't even get a thank you from the "leaches" ... I just get called names like selfish and greedy, and told I don't pay my fair share to "help" others.....this isn't even counting what I pay in taxes...but that's for a different discussion.........
  20. I totally agree...so the next time YOU, Big Girl and certain other people complain about "white people" and what happened before, during and after the civil war...go visit a cemetary...if it was during the forties thru sixties...go talk to the 90+ year olds (and maybe cemetaries)...if it is current...then get off this board and go do as you suggest...don't just spew crap about what others should do as you blame an entire race for your OWN failures.......   Barkley type? Let me guess, uncle Tom's....lol...or do you mean successful black man that see's and speaks the truth and puts blame where it should be....
  21. CraigS


    Be more specific, name the stances in which he switched, I'll answer each one.
  22. CraigS


    that's not it at all, it's his conflict of interest with his black voting base, his Hispanic voting base and his extreme social liberal base. You can not allow all of the illegals to become legal, and take all the low paying jobs...yet lower the unemployment rate among his largest voting block....they are competing for the same thing....low income jobs and welfare...then offend the blacks and Mexicans (which are typically very religious) by pandering to the social liberals by supporting LGBT, Abortion, etc   He is a terrible leader...period! and you just admitted that by stating you would stick with your decision...and I agree with that stance. I may not agree with his decision....but I would have alot more respect for him if he did just that...and even more if he would just tell the entire truth.
  23. Smart is ones ability to learn, which you've said he has done....Intelligence is inherited - nuff said!
  24. CraigS


    Me personally - for flying in the wind due to it being election time......either step up and be the mouth of this and speak bold and true....leave it to your lead guy, and shut the____up....but swaying every time he gets pressure from this group or that....being the responsible one...then not...assigning a czar with no medical history at all, claiming he has great organizational skills (as if no one with medical experience has those)....not to mention the 15,000 threads and post that clearly answer this dumb question.........
  25. so by definition you have a very "smart" son....however, it seems he isn't very intelligent.  ;)
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