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Everything posted by CraigS

  1. 14-7 Kats ...2:41. 1qtr Hill with a 66 and 76 yd TD runs
  2. 7-7 ...5:42 1qtr
  3. 7-0 Kats
  4. I understand, but in the not so distant past, the NFL didn't worry itself with whether or not a player had legal issues...past or pending...but I like the direction they are headed...   Kinda like your Horns, not really a fan...but I'm liking what I see going on in Austin....like someone said...hopefully it trickles all the way down through high school...to the parents.   Hopefully the Kats can keep it going this weekend on the road and not have a let down after last weeks big win at home....
  5. maybe - maybe not - the Honey Badger skipped a year after getting into trouble at LSU and is now getting a paycheck....it will only matter if the NFL extends their efforts to clean up their image and makes a statement.
  6. SHSU @ NSU on Southland Network  :D
  7. Who ya got? Sam coming off a big win over #4 / #5 McNeese improving to 2-0 in SLC play. Can the Kats keep it rolling? This game along with remaining games of SFA, UCA and ACU are considered crucial for the Kats.   Can the Kats make it 1-0?   SHSU - 35 NSU - 20
  8. You answered your own question. They are the ONLY ones who consider their religion to be law....which is why I said (which you made fun of) until they use separation (at least in our country) they do not get any consideration....because if we rule against their law, in essence we rule against their religion...then they can say what you just said....discrimination....all I'm saying is I...me...CraigS...is calling BS on this!
  9. [Hidden Content]   [Hidden Content]   I'm sure there is more to come...
  10. simple actually - THEY, the muslims do not practice separation - their religion is their law....so until they start practicing separation, why should they benefit from our laws that do....the last part speaks for itself...   as far as entering into THIS topic, I admitted that I was off course by stating: Back on Topic: then again it does all work together as far as - does the gun range owner have the right to keep them out - sure they should, as well as we as a country should keep them out until THEY defeat the so called "radicals" - they are ALL radicals, even the so called "peaceful" ones....just some more so than others,   Bottom line is we are at war with islam....play the political game of calling it "radical" islam if you want to, or act like most are nice people if you want to.....but I believe the "nice people" part is an act to allow infiltration and playing against the "tolerance" of the western civilized nations.   If you remember, not that long ago, our government spoke of "cells" within the USA...terms like "sleepers" were used, and we didn't know who they were until they were "called" upon to serve their duties.........I don't believe that has changed...
  11. I saw that a week or so ago......I AGREE with the owner!    I'm always reading on here about prayer, well, Christian prayer...what would you do IF it were a muslim prayer...blah blah blah....well, they want it both ways...the reason they...muslims.. even have rights here is the US is because of the argument or interpretation of "separation of church and state" ....however, they...muslim's are one in the same....sharia law - I say, when THEY start using the "separation" rule/law we will reconsider our stance on the right....kick them all out of everything up to and including our country!   Back on topic - as long as they (the ones living here) are not standing on the rooftops denouncing and offering their blood to protect this country against jihad and the slaughter of the infidels then WHY would anyone feel comfortable around any of them with guns......they could end up a victim of "work place violence"
  12. AMATEUR - noun 1. a person who engages in a study, sport, or other activity for pleasure rather than for   financial benefit or professional reasons. Compare professional. 2. an athlete who has never competed for payment or for a monetary prize. NO, it's NOT a stupid rule, NO, it shouldn't be changed. It's been the rule for ever, and it's been a good rule, and it's been there for a good reason.........the only problem I see here is it's not enforced more consistently.   The whole argument about other players getting less punishment for bigger or worse crimes is very legit, but that's another discussion in it self.    In this instance, the reason the university suspended him was for self protection - they don't lose scholarships for " crimes" they would for NCCA violations....
  13.   We have a winner - 5gallonbucket
  14. GOD - does he exist - or doesn't he, that seems to be the simple, yet complex question...some need proof and others are content with having faith....   Here is a thought for you Westend1 -   If you choose to believe and live your life as "if" God does exist and he ends up not existing - You've lost nothing - You've lived a caring, compassionate, moral life having hope of a eternal life beyond anything imaginable to the God given brain....   On the other hand, you choose to not believe, you have ignored and lived your life as if there will be no consequences, without hope of anything other than to return to dirt...yet in the end, there is a God, - it will be a really bad day for you...a day beyond anything imaginable to the God given brain...   Take the leap of faith without fear, you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain!
  15. God destroyed earth by floods the first time, it was not that long after the creation of man....therefore I don't believe it will be that long before He decides to do it again - by fire!
  16.   Read better! and I STILL do not believe ebola will become a MAN! Yes, I believe we will see different strains of virus', and strange things....up to and including vaccinations by the ever evolving brain of mankind....however, I don't believe earth will exist in another billion years...
  17. In my mind it would be this...Atheist do not believe or have anything they support or believe in....AND (in their mind) Christians have a made up superior being in which they DO believe.   SO...If a new football team (school) chose not to have a mascot, they don't like them, don't believe they should have one so they are just (name a city) university....PERIOD.........Then you have the Virginia Tech Hokies...a Hokie is made up, there is no such thing as a Hokie, in fact the "bird" in which they use is also a made up "critter"......should (name a city) university be allowed to keep VT from cheering the  Hokies because they don't believe in a mascot and the Hokie isn't a REAL thing......yes it DOES sound silly...because it IS....   If they don't want a God or want to believe that one doesn't exist, or that it is a made up being.....great...but that doesn't mean our REAL (or made up) GOD should not be allowed to be worshiped (cheered)....   I can hear it now...I don't take my kids to VT games because I don't want them hearing anything about a made up fictionous character, they might even ask me...Dad, what's a Hokie...and I'd then I'd have to tell them its not real son...it's made up... it may scar them for life...lol
  18. I believe evolution does exist, however, I'd rather it taught correctly. GOD is the creator of ALL. From which GOD has created, I do believe forms of life have evolved (man is even smarter than first created through trials and errors, etc). however, an single cell did not evolve to (and I'll skip a few years here) monkey then monkey to man.......otherwise that process would still be happening...which it is not!
  19. Did you notice how fast that lady had to resign, when BO was in "danger", compared to the ones involved in actually "killing" other Americans? (Fast and Furious, Benghazi) Not to mention IRS, etc.
  20. About as silly as filing a complaint about Santa Clause (non-existent) or God (non existent according to atheist) or any other fairy tale....again I ask...how can one complain about what (in their mind) doesn't even exist.   As mentioned before - I could better understand if the Muslims were complaining that we are allowed to worship our God but they are not.   So satanism is not a religion - can a school promote that while receiving federal funding?
  21. Not the same at all. .... No one protest Santa clause even after learning he isn't real. .. they either play along and keep pretending. .. or they ignore it all together. ... so why do atheist fight against God.... But not Santa clause. .. according to you they are both fictional. .. so why not equal resistance..... Well I'll answer that for you. ... they have ZERO doubt there is no such thing as Santa clause. .. And by denying or disbelieving it has no affect on their life ...past. .. present or future.... on the other hand. ... they choose to pretend there isn't a GOD because they then do not have to be accountable for their actions. ..... But. .. they do in fact believe... you can't fear what doesn't exist. ... therfore why fight against the non existent. ...as the saying goes if you tell a lie often enough you actually start believing it yourself. ... translation. ... they want to feel good about not standing for something or being held accountable. ..so they keep pushing their lies that there isn't a God..
  22. It does humor me that atheists know so much about something that does not exist. .. how can you protest nothing. ... That's like being pissed off if someone at school told your kid about the tooth fairy. .. Wouldn't bother me one bit. I could at least understand if a Muslim group was complaining. ...
  23. According to LU fans Woodard will be fired after losing embarrassingly to SHSU 42-10.....
  24. I guess that depends on one perspective - because perspective IS reality!    Look at the number of dependents we have now, be it welfare or disabilty...by the standards of the greatest country to ever exist it's quite a barren wasteland   Look at our position globally and the amount of disrespect (or lack of fear) - by the standards of the greatest country to ever exist it's quite a barren wasteland   Look at the major setback in Christian values, the conditions of our schools, politicians, legalized drugs, gays, abortions, etc....   I could go on but only those who love and respect American values will consider these things terrible.....the rest of you see and except the direction we are headed....which is - make sure everyone feels good, hurt no ones feelings, make excuses for poor behavior/choices, and on and on and on - until we are not exceptional but equal to the rest of the world...   and that is a BARREN WASTE LAND!
  25. Good post - And with the slow start at SHSU, with the new coach, "some" fans are already calling for his head....it takes time (in most cases) for anything new to take hold - we see it at UT with the fans - some say 3 years, etc...This is a hard game to predict - with the conflicting schedules and coaching situation.    You hear it all the time - but they haven't played anybody....that schedule better prepares them for ....and the the coaches...7th year (5th in the league) and a 1st year coach......gonna be fun sitting among my LU friends...friendly wagers... and lots of smack talking........
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