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Everything posted by CraigS

  1. To add to that before it's mentioned - being poor isn't anything new...believe it or not....there were poor kids/families way way back in the 80's when I was in skool... :rolleyes:
  2. Not saying you are. I am just saying anyone that "cries" or "complains" about it IS....otherwise why not just be thankful for the bus service while you had it....now make adjustments....to me it's a NON issue. It shouldn't have been put in place in the first place.
  3. I know Warren does/did due to large school district (from Warren to Fred) 20+ miles apart   WOS - used to also -if I remember correctly the discontinued it a few years back due to budget issues as well.
  4. No HE wasn't - HE was a 14 year old football player! The point being more along the lines of if you want it bad enough - you will find a way. The "system" (be it school or otherwise) DOES NOT OWE YOU ANYTHING...including a ride to extraciricualar activities.
  5. Yet I didn't - because I was taught BETTER than that. Some may not have agreed with how I DID handle it...but MURDER is NOT the answer, regardless of whether you THINK it is justified or not!
  6. There is a young man from Silsbee (now plays for Lamar, and a lineman at that - big boy) that rode his bike to school in the summer so he wouldn't miss his time in the weight room. He lives about 6-8 miles north of town...he would ride in - work out - then ride the 6-8 miles back home........and that was within "Today's environment" - then again, I know this kids parents well, and a handout or "making it easy" or whatever the excuse is doesn't fly with them - just saying!
  7. Michael Sam not signed to St. Louis Rams practice squad   Should have kept his mouth shut - IF - it were ALL about football. Ones sexual preference has nothing to do with how well you can play or not. He made this about something else and perhaps it cost him...   With that said, with all the negative attention Tim Tebow received for his religious views, I only see it fair that Sam take the same heat. One might even learn from history. Teams eventually didn't want Tebow due to the distractions he may bring/cause....   The Rams seem to be making their decision based on the same merit......or perhaps (as some will argue) that Tebow demise had nothing to do with his religious views, he was just a terrible football player (at the NFL level)   NOTE: Tebow fans (and Christians) will never see it this way....So is it the same, Sam was a terrible football player (at the NFL level) , but due to his "coming out, some will only see his demise as his sexual preference..........   [Hidden Content]
  8.   Damn, can't even enjoy a great story...hoping it's true...seems like a good young man that apparently has the trust of his team mates and coaches.
  9. Ferguson-like attack in Utah escapes media notice; race bias seen [Hidden Content]
  10. [Hidden Content]
  11. I don't think anyone is "OK" with anyone killing another. . Not even black on black. With that said. . And I'll speak for myself. ..I speak the harsh seemingly uncaring. .. even racist comments for that very reason. .. take care of the bigger problem. .. reduce that number before even recognizing the other issues of what whites may or may not do. ...
  12. yes...yes they did/do...it traumatizes me every time you fricking whine or play the race card.
  13. you are correct. .. And if you do so anyway. .. And kill someone. .. it is not an accident. .. you deliberately broke the law. .. so if it in fact kills another human being. .it should be murder... No different than deliberately getting drunk. ...deliberately stabbing. ..deliberately shooting... you deliberately broke the law that took an innocent persons life
  14. then I should be a bit clearer.... any diliberate illegal action. ..
  15. Once he made his sexuality public he should NOT have been drafted in the first place. To do so, would only suggest (in our PC world) that he was securing his future knowing the current atmoshere.   If someone had "come out" stating their heterosexual status, wold that have mattered, or made the news, or secured him being drafted or making the team - NO   This is no different than making something about race to secure (or at least try to) the outcome you are looking for by "scaring" people due to the "sensitivity" of said subject.
  16. NO, IMO however careless/stupid it was for that person to be playing with the radio / texting etc while driving that isn't the same, neither of those are against the law, therefore however unfortunate, that is an accident.   However, if the person is drunk (DWI/DUI) hit and kills someone - YES Driving high speeds / wrecklessly (Lumberton crash that killed 3) - YES
  17. Yes. as you stated, I understand and agree to a point. I understand there are "degrees" of crime...and yes, I'm sick of all the "racist" crap, especially where none exist, but it just feels good to stir the pot........but my point is more, why does it matter "WHY" a crime was committed........murder is murder - don't care if it was done just because of race ( I hate black/white people, etc) or if you catch someone in bed with your wife, raping your child....people will have more compassion for your reasoning with some, more than others but if in FACT you killed another in cold blood or took the law into your own hands out of passion---- by law - you murdered someone!   On another note...I don't agree with charges of 1st degree, second degree, manslaughter, etc either....it doesn't matter whether you planned it (first degree) didn't plan it (second degree) or it was negligence (manslaughter).......the other person is dead...you killed them....pay the price!
  18. Better than equaling CHICAGO, oh wait, it's ok for blacks to kill blacks.....nevermind
  19. Not I - I will not be quietened at the expense of the sensitive.   It has been stated on here many times, if you want to know where a person stands, look at what he does, not what he says. With that said, I will, intentionally come across as "racist" or "sexist" once i sense one is taking that path with me. However, if one were to look at my work within this community, there are no indications that I have DONE or ACTED in anyway other than fair to all races and/or sexes, etc....SO, if anyone of any race or sex whats to have a conversation with me on any subject matter, I suggest it be fact based and leave the poor me I've been discriminated against crybaby crap out...   I don't care how your grandmother was treated by people I don't know a day ago or 60 years ago....I don't even care if the act WAS without doubt racist...if in fact this cop killed this kid in cold blood...it is none other than MURDER, no more important than if anyone else had killed anyone else............   This crap continues due to terms like "Hate Crime" - WTH is that anyway (I know the definition) ANY crime committed against another is quiet HATEFUL - no need to make it racist...point is, there aren't any racial crimes...it is either a crime, or it isn't, and until we make that adjustment, well....it is what it is...BS
  20. Thanks for the responses. I had Googled it, I just wanted a more local opinion as well.   I went with the 30hp ETEC
  21. NO, the problem is, you can't "help" those who won't "help" themselves. Since all this is focused on the black kid/ community/ murders ,etc.....IF it is to be FIXED, then the black community, media, Sharpton, Jackson, Black Panters need to start talking about ONLY the black on black murders, pregnant black women with no baby daddy, and ONLY focus on the WITHIN problems....it's VERY hard to take seriously people criticizing others when the higher percentage of their problems are their OWN....   and here is a perfect example....if I (or any other white person) were to say the forbidden "N" word  (today or 30 years ago) OMG certain people go crazy....yet it is used (and justified) in all sorts of cultural music, professional athletes etc....   It's the same argument that some make about terrorist...until the mass Muslim world takes ownership and condemns this behavior....it won't stop, and people will not respect muslims.........it is what it is! Stop blaming others.   It was once said, to make a point, that white males are serial killers....which by inlarge is true, but that does not make ME (a white male) one, nor does it "offend" me...so...therefore it doesn't bother me at all....on the other hand, if you were to say muslims are terrorist, that also is by inlarge true...but oh the PC police go crazy....same is true if you were to say blacks are.....well, you get the point....or at least you should!
  22. I guess "white people" should start looting and rioting in DC...the war on the "white man" Blacks are racist, blah blah blah.....anyway I have seen protest, civil disobidence, etc from all walks....why is it just the black community that "Riots"...     [Hidden Content]   AND, then there's this....   Ferguson Looter: ‘I’m Proud Of Us, We Deserve This’   [Hidden Content]   AND this:   CHICAGOLAND: Cop shot, children held hostage....   [Hidden Content]   And all this crap about 1 kid/young adult (that wasn't all that good of a citizen anyway) being shot and killed....it may be time for some to take a look into their own community before all this crap makes the news....not saying cops or anyone else should just go around shooting and killing people....but blowing the low percentage occurrentcies out of porportion while ignoring the elephant in the room.....IMO..it undermines the effort and make mockery of those who do....kinda like the Alfred Wright and Zimmerman thing...what a joke, pathetic actually....
  23. BREAKING REPORT: Officer Darren Wilson Suffered “Orbital Blowout Fracture to Eye Socket” During Mike Brown Attack   [Hidden Content]
  24. Looking to buy a small outboard for my 14 ft aluminum....   25hp 4 stroke Yamaha 30hp 2 stroke Evinrude ETEC 25hp Murcury   Opinions please
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