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Posts posted by CraigS

  1. You are stretching that rubber band beyond the breaking point. 


    Your first example is a Muslim suing a Muslim organization in basically contract law. They are required in their own organization to arbitrate the issue in front of church clerics. From what I have seen in contract law (written and verbal) is that an agreement to use another form of mediation exists, that must happen. I know that if you buy certain things like vehicles, manufactured homes, etc., you often sign a contract says you cannot use the court system for a complaint and must use an arbitrator around the right to sue in a normal court. The only way it will get to a court of law is if the agreed upon contract (verbal or written) was not followed. 


    The judge in that case said that it is their church law to go to arbitration in front of the church first. If that is correct then that is no different than any other contract law where you agree to a means of mediation. I know that our union has such a contract and we cannot sue for many things unless our agreed upon process is not followed and therefor the contract violated. In fact we have sued but only to make the court get our employer back to the arbitration table, not to settle the lawsuit. We have to comply with the agreement to use arbitration. 


    In the second case you cite, the case was overturned on the First Amendment. The law specifically banned the use of Sharia law but did not mention any others. I did not say to ban any religion law but to ban the use of "international" or "Sharia" law. 


    The problem is the discriminatory nature of the amendment that spells out one specific religion but does not spell out others. Apparently by that OK constitutional amendment, you could use Christian, Buddhist, Jewish or other church doctrine to determine a lawsuit but not Sharia law. Explain to me how that does not violate the First Amendment where a single religion is named in a constitutional amendment. 


    How under a state constitution or the US Constitution can you spell out a single religion as the law applies to and not violate the First Amendment? I think they might have an easier job passing constitutional muster if they had said something like, judges cannot consider any religion precept in determining a court case. OK chose not to put that on the ballot but chose to single out someone that they didn't like and are shocked when someone calls them on it. 

    You answered your own question. They are the ONLY ones who consider their religion to be law....which is why I said (which you made fun of) until they use separation (at least in our country) they do not get any consideration....because if we rule against their law, in essence we rule against their religion...then they can say what you just said....discrimination....all I'm saying is I...me...CraigS...is calling BS on this!

  2. Where do they practice separation? 


    You can have any belief that you want but it doesn't trump the law. Let a Muslim try to beat his wife and say that it is okay by Sharia law. Sorry but he is going to jail. They just had a guy behead a person in OK under his belief of Sharia law. Is he not being held for murder? 


    That is why I can't make any sense of your argument. Christians can believe anything they wish but must still comply with state and federal laws. 


    We can only compare what they do in this country and the laws in this country. What other countries allow is up to them but there is no special status for a Muslim here under Sharia law. That is also why I can't understand how the separation of church and state (an American constitutional freedom) has anything to do with their beliefs. 





    I'm sure there is more to come...

  3. Huh?


    They only have rights because of separation of church and state? 


    I am not sure that means and then I don't see where it enters into this topic. 

    simple actually - THEY, the muslims do not practice separation - their religion is their law....so until they start practicing separation, why should they benefit from our laws that do....the last part speaks for itself...


    as far as entering into THIS topic, I admitted that I was off course by stating: Back on Topic: then again it does all work together as far as - does the gun range owner have the right to keep them out - sure they should, as well as we as a country should keep them out until THEY defeat the so called "radicals" - they are ALL radicals, even the so called "peaceful" ones....just some more so than others,


    Bottom line is we are at war with islam....play the political game of calling it "radical" islam if you want to, or act like most are nice people if you want to.....but I believe the "nice people" part is an act to allow infiltration and playing against the "tolerance" of the western civilized nations.


    If you remember, not that long ago, our government spoke of "cells" within the USA...terms like "sleepers" were used, and we didn't know who they were until they were "called" upon to serve their duties.........I don't believe that has changed...

  4. I saw that a week or so ago......I AGREE with the owner! 


    I'm always reading on here about prayer, well, Christian prayer...what would you do IF it were a muslim prayer...blah blah blah....well, they want it both ways...the reason they...muslims.. even have rights here is the US is because of the argument or interpretation of "separation of church and state" ....however, they...muslim's are one in the same....sharia law - I say, when THEY start using the "separation" rule/law we will reconsider our stance on the right....kick them all out of everything up to and including our country!


    Back on topic - as long as they (the ones living here) are not standing on the rooftops denouncing and offering their blood to protect this country against jihad and the slaughter of the infidels then WHY would anyone feel comfortable around any of them with guns......they could end up a victim of "work place violence"

  5. AMATEUR - noun

    a person who engages in a study, sport, or other activity for pleasure rather than for   financial benefit or professional reasons.
    Compare professional.
    an athlete who has never competed for payment or for a monetary prize.

    NO, it's NOT a stupid rule, NO, it shouldn't be changed. It's been the rule for ever, and it's been a good rule, and it's been there for a good reason.........the only problem I see here is it's not enforced more consistently.


    The whole argument about other players getting less punishment for bigger or worse crimes is very legit, but that's another discussion in it self. 


    In this instance, the reason the university suspended him was for self protection - they don't lose scholarships for " crimes" they would for NCCA violations....

  6. How fair is it and what is a coach teaching players when a coach allows a failing varsity player to play on JV Thursday night to get playing time, due to knowing the player has failed and won't be allowed to play on Varsity Friday night?



  7. When Silsbee gets finished reeling off about 15 district championships in a row, their basketball tradition will speak for itself. And I think they have a decent chance at bringing home the big prize sometime between 2016/2017 and 2018/2109.

    I agree, To add to that, Silsbee has more success in their overall athletic program (boys and girls) year in and year out than anyone in the area....Aggiesarewe can give more detail....

  8. Since we are on the topic of tradition - I like most can agree WOS leads in football tradition, - Whereas HJ leads in BB tradition!


    However, I'll take Silsbee - they are pretty dang good in BOTH (not this year in FB) over the years....


    AND - since this is all going on on the WOS -v- Newton thread, I can't say - and back on topic....but I can stay with the direction it has taken......


    Tradition has nothing to do with who wins the WOS -v- HJ game.........WOS being the better team does...


    HJ WILL NOT beat WOS

  9. Im speaking in general son... It don't matter who said what, you both will be shoutin "rich tradition" Nov.1, cause that's all you'll have.... The past....

    Then lets make it a bit more fun - if HJ wins, I'll change my avatar to HJ - WOS wins you change yours to WOS for the rest of the season......just a little harmless bet - put your money where your mouth is!


    and to back it up - if one or the other doesn't comply - the mods can ban the non complying person for the rest of the season!

  10. My boys follow the coaches lead.... Aint nobody over-lookin OF... We run the same offense, and know how to defend it... I am the HJ Fan that cannot wait for WOS... I am the fan that says HJ Beats WOS.... ... I am the one that gets on here and defends our kids and community when folks like you guys get on here and try to "be-little" us... I am the one that post with my real name because I AINT SCARED...StangX, dude your not reading the post..... Why would I be jealous of WOS??? You cant hang in basketball, you cant hang in volleyball, you cant hang in softball, you will not hang in baseball and you sure as hell will not hang in football.... No jealousy here son, just confidence.... When you type words in bold red, your talking just as much trash as I am, only difference is we are 6-0.... I hope for your sake the WOS passing game is tight, cause aint gonna be no rushing yards halloween night.... You guys are not as good as you were last year and we are not even close to the team that came to Orange last year... Keep on shoutin "rich tradition"..... We are living proof that "tradition" means nothing on Friday night....

    That would be me...not stangx...and I do believe I use my REAL name....cause I ain't scared either......funny you bring up softball...another modern day success story after being the cellar dwellers for many many years....BB is about the "only" sport you can flaunt with "history" and consistency....maybe the bright lights that are blinding you - get back indoors and out of the elements.


    I repeat - HJ WILL NOT beat WOS

  11. Why you so jealous edelman? So envious of WOS. Wait unti we win, then I believe hj will know what the word obnoxious means. Not beating people like all the years prior...laughable. We beat PNG, beat Jasper and Silsbee pretty good, lost to a Foster team that could be one of the top teams in their division. Yeah we got beat by Newton, a team that had a rough start but may have put it all together with the talent that they always have.


    You have to live for today because your yesterday wasn't too good was it? After the game we can go out to eat. I am sure there is a place in Hooterville that serves crow for you to eat. Shoot, ya'll may not even get second place, I think you have to get through OF first. Wouldn't that be a kicker, third place for the Hooterville Hawks for overlooking the Bobcats.

    LOL...they blasted me for stating that very thing....I do believe HJ is more athletic than OF, however, OF is very scrappy and disciplined, HJ should win...but that game will be to determine 2nd and 3rd place and the Hawks keep looking past or underestimating, or being over confident about beating the Stangs...OF could take the win.

  12. The only obnoxious fans on this site are from WOS.... Your "rich tradition" has gone to your heads....Is about time you guys hit a couple of bumps in the road... After being the laughing stock of the SETX football thread for several years, we suddenly are a fairly good team... But I guess since you are not putting it on people like you have all the years prior, now we have to hear about the "rich tradition"...Hey if that's all you got, then flaunt it baby.... That's what I would do .... All the way to the end of the HJ game when reality sets in.... Then you can start that next year crap... We live for today.... Keep livin in the glory days and see where that gets you.... Live for today.... Like there is no tomorrow.... The HJ way.... Obnoxious..... You aint seen obnoxious sweetheart.....

    Not really & yes we have


    I repeat - HJ WILL NOT beat WOS


    Whereas I did go see Hj for myself, and thought they were a pretty good team, I to am gaining respect for the players and coaches at HJ....fans - not so much. Also, being from Silsbee (as mentioned before) I could have easily been Hawks fan, especially against WOS (not exactly our favorites in Tigerland) but with the big 3 running their mouth - GEAUX STANGS!


    And like you obnoxious people from Sour Lake - I'll be back to say - I TOLD YOU SO.

  13. That takes one admitting one is wrong and sinful Craig S.


    Many non believers don't want to admit that they are wrong or are living a sinful lifestyle.  Though yes even Christians sin..........


    I don't think I live a sinful lifestyle, so I have nothing to admit.  You guys act like you can simply choose to believe something that you aren't sure about.   I am not built that way.   If your god is vindictive enough to send me to some type of hell because I am not sure, then so be it.  I just don't believe that.  If he is compassionate and loving like you say, he wouldn't do that.  i wouldn't.

    We have a winner - 5gallonbucket

  14. GOD - does he exist - or doesn't he, that seems to be the simple, yet complex question...some need proof and others are content with having faith....


    Here is a thought for you Westend1 -


    If you choose to believe and live your life as "if" God does exist and he ends up not existing - You've lost nothing - You've lived a caring, compassionate, moral life having hope of a eternal life beyond anything imaginable to the God given brain....


    On the other hand, you choose to not believe, you have ignored and lived your life as if there will be no consequences, without hope of anything other than to return to dirt...yet in the end, there is a God, - it will be a really bad day for you...a day beyond anything imaginable to the God given brain...


    Take the leap of faith without fear, you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain!

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