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Posts posted by CraigS

  1. What makes you think evolution is not occurring?    Because you haven't seen it in your short life span?  I truly think some people have no concept of deep time.  You really have no idea how long a billion years truly is.     But, if no evolution is occurring, as you seem to think, how do you explain drug resistant strains of virus?  That is evolution on a very small scale.   Give em a couple of billion years and you would see all kinds of new and strange things.  


    I believe evolution does exist, however, I'd rather it taught correctly. GOD is the creator of ALL. From which GOD has created, I do believe forms of life have evolved (man is even smarter than first created through trials and errors, etc). however, an single cell did not evolve to (and I'll skip a few years here) monkey then monkey to man.......otherwise that process would still be happening...which it is not!

    Read better! and I STILL do not believe ebola will become a MAN! Yes, I believe we will see different strains of virus', and strange things....up to and including vaccinations by the ever evolving brain of mankind....however, I don't believe earth will exist in another billion years...

  2. In my mind it would be this...Atheist do not believe or have anything they support or believe in....AND (in their mind) Christians have a made up superior being in which they DO believe.


    SO...If a new football team (school) chose not to have a mascot, they don't like them, don't believe they should have one so they are just (name a city) university....PERIOD.........Then you have the Virginia Tech Hokies...a Hokie is made up, there is no such thing as a Hokie, in fact the "bird" in which they use is also a made up "critter"......should (name a city) university be allowed to keep VT from cheering the  Hokies because they don't believe in a mascot and the Hokie isn't a REAL thing......yes it DOES sound silly...because it IS....


    If they don't want a God or want to believe that one doesn't exist, or that it is a made up being.....great...but that doesn't mean our REAL (or made up) GOD should not be allowed to be worshiped (cheered)....


    I can hear it now...I don't take my kids to VT games because I don't want them hearing anything about a made up fictionous character, they might even ask me...Dad, what's a Hokie...and I'd then I'd have to tell them its not real son...it's made up... it may scar them for life...lol

  3. what difference does it make? if you don't believe it exists, you still don't want your kid ingrained with it at school, anymore than you would if you were muslim. why do Christians who don't believe in evolution not want their kids to hear about it in science class? If it doesn't exist in their mind, they should not care, right?

    I believe evolution does exist, however, I'd rather it taught correctly. GOD is the creator of ALL. From which GOD has created, I do believe forms of life have evolved (man is even smarter than first created through trials and errors, etc). however, an single cell did not evolve to (and I'll skip a few years here) monkey then monkey to man.......otherwise that process would still be happening...which it is not!

  4. They can't prove there is no god and you can't prove there is.  But somehow, they are liars and you are not.  Do you  not see how silly that sounds?

    About as silly as filing a complaint about Santa Clause (non-existent) or God (non existent according to atheist) or any other fairy tale....again I ask...how can one complain about what (in their mind) doesn't even exist.


    As mentioned before - I could better understand if the Muslims were complaining that we are allowed to worship our God but they are not.


    So satanism is not a religion - can a school promote that while receiving federal funding?

  5. Not the same at all. .... No one protest Santa clause even after learning he isn't real. .. they either play along and keep pretending. .. or they ignore it all together. ...

    so why do atheist fight against God.... But not Santa clause. .. according to you they are both fictional. .. so why not equal resistance..... Well I'll answer that for you. ...

    they have ZERO doubt there is no such thing as Santa clause. .. And by denying or disbelieving it has no affect on their life ...past. .. present or future....

    on the other hand. ... they choose to pretend there isn't a GOD because they then do not have to be accountable for their actions. ..... But. .. they do in fact believe... you can't fear what doesn't exist. ... therfore why fight against the non existent. ...as the saying goes if you tell a lie often enough you actually start believing it yourself. ... translation. ... they want to feel good about not standing for something or being held accountable. ..so they keep pushing their lies that there isn't a God..
  6. HJ..... (High 5)..

    Lol at the parent not wanting to be identified.

    And I call BS on that...if you are going to do something like this, that parent should at least be big enough to stand up in front of EVERYONE and own it........I know what it's like to stand against the brass and be very unpopular - but if you feel strongly enough to fight against something - be strong enough to stand up and face it head on! regardless of what anyone else says or thinks!


    I still wouldn't agree (and many didn't agree with me) but I would at least respect their "stance" on their belief more so.....

  7. I put this here due to all the bantering about HJ football and their recent success (me included) however on a more serious note - I send prayers to HJ that things will work out for the better against these idiots. I have and I will always join the bantering back and forth - but on this subject _ I STAND WITH HJ.





  8. He made an allusion that implied that the country was perfect at the start of Obama's presidency, and is now a barren wasteland. My point in its entirety being that neither one of these is anywhere close to accurate.

    I guess that depends on one perspective - because perspective IS reality! 


    Look at the number of dependents we have now, be it welfare or disabilty...by the standards of the greatest country to ever exist it's quite a barren wasteland


    Look at our position globally and the amount of disrespect (or lack of fear) - by the standards of the greatest country to ever exist it's quite a barren wasteland


    Look at the major setback in Christian values, the conditions of our schools, politicians, legalized drugs, gays, abortions, etc....


    I could go on but only those who love and respect American values will consider these things terrible.....the rest of you see and except the direction we are headed....which is - make sure everyone feels good, hurt no ones feelings, make excuses for poor behavior/choices, and on and on and on - until we are not exceptional but equal to the rest of the world...


    and that is a BARREN WASTE LAND!

  9. We will have to see but Sam does not appear to be quite the team they were the last 3 years.  Your point about no chatter from LU fans is well taken and is because LU fans are at best skeptical about Woodard's ability to be anything better than a 5-7 to 7-5 coach in the SLC and after 4 years of beating our chests, we are taking the wait and see approach with not a great deal of hope!  If Woodard surprises us we will be more than overjoyed and if we win Saturday you will have to cover up from the smack talk you will get.  However, no one is going out on a limb at this point and talking smack or making bold predictions.  Last years game, a 14-3 win by Sam, quieted down the Sam fans and they were not nearly as arrogant as past years.  I expect a close game and still give the edge to Sam but think the scoring will be much higher for both teams than last year.

    Good post - And with the slow start at SHSU, with the new coach, "some" fans are already calling for his head....it takes time (in most cases) for anything new to take hold - we see it at UT with the fans - some say 3 years, etc...This is a hard game to predict - with the conflicting schedules and coaching situation. 


    You hear it all the time - but they haven't played anybody....that schedule better prepares them for ....and the the coaches...7th year (5th in the league) and a 1st year coach......gonna be fun sitting among my LU friends...friendly wagers... and lots of smack talking........

  10. The big question that I have is simple - how will his dismissing 9 players affect his future recruits?  At these camps that all schools now have the top recruits will normally meet and possibly become friends a lot more than when I was in school - is this a topic of conversation - and if it is is it beneficial for Texas or not?


    You can dismiss perceptions all you want but if Texas is losing the PR battle among the future recruits Strong's tenure at Texas will be short.

    The current atmoshere in the NFL may be helping him - he could state he is looking for kids that are disciplined to play at Texas and have a future in the NFL....now that all hinges on where all that stuff goes.


    Note: I'm not a sip fan, and if in fact that all plays out, it would be shear luck - but it could help him.

  11. @BlkSportsOnline: Jameis' Accuser Said She Was Raped Because She Doesn't Sleep With Black Boys http://bit.ly/1ps3fcG http://twitter.com/BlkSportsOnline/status/514795170789736450/photo/1

    So what does that mean? I have a saying: "If you ever see me running, please kill whatever is chasing me." Meaning...I don't run! and if I am then I'm in danger! 


    So she says: since it was discovered she had sex with a black boy, know that is must have been forced in some manner, cause she doesn't do that....


    of course one can make this racist - or they can make it a RAPE case....to each their own!

  12. AND - joined the SHSU forum at the same time I joined LU - there is constant discussion over there - since I posted on LU---zero responses....since I posted on SHSU 10 plus....that's my point as far as participation from fans within the program....however, you are correct AAW that is where what action there is would be found surrounding LU football (or sports in general) - thanks for the heads up!

  13. Maybe there are not many posts here because most if not all Lamar talk is on their own message board.


    I invite you to take a look at this site and I believe you will get some response:





    It's a very good site for all Lamar things.


    We use to have a separate Lamar board here but when these guys came along, felt it was no longer needed. Mike Melancon and those guys do a great job with that site.


    I am pretty sure they would enjoy having a SHSU supporters thoughts over there.


    Don't get me wrong, I want you to continue to post here about Lamar and SHSU, but I think you will see with the BRI site that there is still some interest in Lamar.

    I took your advice - lets see how long they allow me to stay after complaining about how much they hate the "sissy fans" and getting kicked out of the BearKat forums....just wondering ...if they kick me out of the Cardinal forum - will that make them "sissy fans" as well?

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