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Posts posted by CraigS

  1. Maybe there are not many posts here because most if not all Lamar talk is on their own message board.


    I invite you to take a look at this site and I believe you will get some response:





    It's a very good site for all Lamar things.


    We use to have a separate Lamar board here but when these guys came along, felt it was no longer needed. Mike Melancon and those guys do a great job with that site.


    I am pretty sure they would enjoy having a SHSU supporters thoughts over there.


    Don't get me wrong, I want you to continue to post here about Lamar and SHSU, but I think you will see with the BRI site that there is still some interest in Lamar.

    I get that. But LU isnt the ONLY school to have this, YET, everyone still talks it up on here...I get your point though....maybe I will introduce a little BearKat insight over there....I ain't skeered...lol


    In fact i have an invite to sit with players parents in my very bright orange SHSU garb...bet is: If SHSU loses I have to put on an LU shirt to take pics with local "Silsbee" player...I just can't get his dad to agree to put on a SHSU t-shirt for said pic WHEN - SHSU wins...

  2. I copied this (my comments) from the "How do you fix Lamar" Thread 


    Apparently there's not much interest in LU football and that is why it will not be much of a success. It's not a secret I support Sam Houston State (My daughter is an athlete there). I started a thread for SHSU -v- LU included opponent information to get some talk going as the SLC gets kicked off.


    Only 12 views and 1 comment - from a sports forum right here at home. If people here cant get excited about LU football then it just wont be much of a success. People on this board will talk (several pages) on just about any match-up in the country....yet LU gets nothing.


    After reading and participating in this thread early on, I decided to take this discussion on the road....it was said to me that LU football WOULD SUCCEED...due to there being to much "big money" supporting it now....well that may be so as far as the program not being canceled again....but shear existence is not what I'd call success or "fixed" as this thread was asking.........


    Eat'em Up Kats

  3. Apparently there's not much interest in LU football and that is why it will not be much of a success. It's not a secret I support Sam Houston State (My daughter is an athlete there). I started a thread for SHSU -v- LU included opponent information to get some talk going as the SLC gets kicked off.


    Only 12 views and 1 comment - from a sports forum right here at home. If people here cant get excited about LU football then it just wont be much of a success. People on this board will talk (several pages) on just about any match-up in the country....yet LU gets nothing.


    After reading and participating in this thread early on, I decided to take this discussion on the road....it was said to me that LU football WOULD SUCCEED...due to there being to much "big money" supporting it now....well that may be so as far as the program not being canceled again....but shear existence is not what I'd call success or "fixed" as this thread was asking.........


    Eat'em Up Kats

  4. I saved it for you, just in case any of the other mods feel we shold have left it.

    LOL - I know your point in deleting it...Only difference in what I said and what Big Girl said is I didn't beat around the bush....


    She said if we believe in all that send your family...taking that as she doesn't give a dang about those people lives - well....I did! But sense she apparently doesn't appreciate my families effort - I just stated that maybe we shouldn't protect her and her friends/family if they in fact find themselves in that position!


    for the record - At no point did I lose my temper, get mad, etc.....


    #2 FCS E. Washington (3-1) L (56-35)

    Alabama State  (3-1) W (51-20)

    #8 FBS LSU   (3-1) L (56-0)

    #2 DII Colorado State - Pueblo (3-0) L (47-21)


    Opponents record: 12-3 - a combined 9 wins other than FBS LSU




    Grambling St. (1-3) W (42-27)
    #6 FBS Texas A&M (4-0) L (73-3)

    Texas College  (0-4) W (73-0)

    Mississippi College (0-4)  W (55-10)


    Opponents record: 5-10 - a combined 1 win other than FBS Texas A&M.

  6. Hey Big Girl For the record - I do have family involved (past and present) Whereas they speak of the terrible conditions, and a certain level of fear during combat knowing they may very well not return alive....Not a single one have denounced the reasoning behind their mission. They understand the evil and dangers these people pose to not ONLY the USA homeland but to the millions of innocent Christians (and others). Of course I (nor anyone else) would consider them cowards or dependent on others  They understand taking the fight to THEM is way better than allowing the fight to come to our homeland - they do this so pathetic liberals like you can live free and clear of the dangers they face on a daily basis.....


    My question to you is this: Do you have any comprehension of what it's like knowing the very people  they put their life on the line for hate them so much and take for granted the very freedoms in which they provide.


    I for one wish wars or acts of fighting for our freedoms could be voted on by the USA citizens - The YES votes are protected by the acts of our honorable military - The NO (and the non voters) shall not enjoy those freedoms. 


    Edited by Bobcat05 - 

  7. I'm not much on who beat who by how much, then so and so should...yada yada...but since some have compared CC to K'Ville I'll say this.


    Kountze put up 40 on CC, which some have stated CC's defense is average at best, yet are ranked higher than K'Ville. AND: Kountze put up 28 against HJ (who some claim will shut down WOS) All the while having 4-5 starters out...and should be back for the K'Ville game.....


    So what gives? It at least seems to me that Kountze can score so the low scoring predictions seem a bit off.


    On another note: Kountze has giving up ALOT of points albeit to the 2014 4A D2 State Champions HJ Hawks (their claim) and a measly little ole #5 in the state in 3A Corrigan Camden...


    I'll take the over and leave the who wins out right to you guys....ALOT of scoring in this one.

  8. Having seen Kirbyville and CC play....Kirbyville is a much better team defensively. CC is average at best defensively. Kirbyville has one of the best front sevens in class 3A. I genuinely hope that Kounze does well...but I don't see this being very close.

    Kirbyville 48
    Kountze 13

    According to the AP poll, I can't see the average part, and apparently they don't think K'ville is better than CC......not that Kountze can or will beat K'ville....just stating that some are under stating CC.


    With that said, if in fact, Kountze has been missing as many contributing players as stated, (and they will return before the K'ville game) this may be closer than some are wanting to admit...note: I haven't seen either team play.



    #5 Corrigan-Camden

    #6 Kirbyville

  9. Not so fast. If the article is correct (and I read it on more than one website including the Washington Post to see how credible it was) then current law says that if you go to a foreign nation and take up arms against the USA, you have constructively given up your citizenship. 


    ISIS is not a country but they are rebels trying to be. It appears that by the a stretching of the law, Americans can go fight for ISIS against the USA or against our interests and because ISIS is not a country (yet), the law does not apply. I believe that the intent is to say that if you take up arms against the USA, you lose your citizenship period and not say that it only counts if you take up arms against the USA..... but it has to be attached to some known country. 


    I don't care if you are Catholics, Muslim, gay or atheist. If you leave this country's borders and join a fighting force against the USA, you should lose your citizenship and I think that is all that the bill is asking. 


    Under that idea, I am all for it because now it appears that traitors can get around the law by simply saying that ISIS is not a country but in every other aspect, it is the same as if they joined the Syrian or Iranian army. 

    I can't agree with the red in it's current state, however, you seem to clear it up in the black by stating "If you leave this country", and with that I do agree.


    The first seems to limit US citizens the right to stand against it's government in the homeland as well, in fear of losing your citizenship.

  10. Whats funny is most of the WOS people you are talking about are really not WOS fans. They support other schools. 

    I fall into this category. I read all the hype, read HJ would beat WOS, had to see for myself, to establish my OWN opinion.

    And most have not seen an HJ  game.

    I DID go see HJ play as mentioned above, to see for myself.


    Bottom line anything said about the HJ-WOS game is just opinion at this time. I don't have a bias opinion.... I don't have a dog in the hunt...I don't have an axe to grind with HJ.....I could care less who wins....However, from what I witnessed at the HJ -v- LCM game, I'm quite certain WOS will be district champions!

  11. Craig, read your 1st post on this thread.... You set the tone... We just beat a team we were not supposed to and your 1st comment about HJ was negative.... Now your whining we are obnoxious??? You don't know football son.... Say what you want, you got on here looking to piss people off, and it didn't work..... Your actually giving me some cheap entertainment...... Keep talking, Im enjoying this...Sister...

    whatever. ..I read all the hype about HJ beating WOS... without commenting. .. wanted to see for myself so I went to the game. ...I simply posted my opinion based on what I saw. You can keep acting like a child all you want calling people names (which should get you banned) it doesn't change that HJ will fall to the mighty Mustangs yet again. .. And you fear of them has nothing to do with it. ... mediocrity hates excellence.
  12. I just love how HJ people are the only ones that think their right. ..delusional people that have tasted a little. .. yes little. ...success. I've stated several times I believe HJ is pretty good this year. .. Might would even win the 4AD1 district... But all this rediculous mouthing and false confidence makes it very hard. .. to impossible to want to support them. ...I usually like supporting the little guy. .. the underdog. .. the team that had turned things around. ... But not this group..... I'd rather see the shoe fall so yall will shut the h3ll up. ...geeeez yall are obnoxious. ...I sure hope yall kids know better than act like their childish dads...
  13. That tells me you don't know much about highschool football to say that with such authority. I really don't care what you think and our boys don't either. Thanks for your unbiased opinion though. Our next opponent is Center. WOS is several weeks away.

    kinda like making a bet with the odds. ... if nothing else. ..I bet WOS every single week. .. I'd be a rich man. .. they have won district God Knows how many years. .. have only lost a few ... if that many. .district games (to Silsbee)... they don't like losing. .. And they KNOW how to win. ... whereas. ..HJ is a pretty good team. ..WOS is probably as good this year as they've been in a while. ... you don't have to belive me to get your feelings hurt. ... But it WILL happen.
  14. Craig S all u need is a good a.. woopiin. I would do it but my kid would rather. Are you an LCM fan? I saw your film and knew we would whip yall.You and Chris are just butt hurt. A basketball school doesn't put alot of money in their football stadium that yall did not even fill up. What is your beef? Did you not like how your kid was treated? Were we to ruff with him. Give your kid an ice bath and he will be ok. Field to wet, to hot, refs cheated, seats to uncomfortable, Butt hurt?

    nope. .. Just been following the hype. .. went to see for myself. ... my youngest is in college. ...Division 1 athlete. .. Not that that matters. ...HJ WILL NOT BEAT WOS... And I have no beef at all. ... Just honest observation
  15. Yea that's weird.... Our stadium is small and crappy but LCM couldn't even fill the visitors side up.... Our whole community showed up tonight...

    and you wonder people give yall crap. .. you ever hear of the saying. ... act like you've been there before. .. Well I realize you haven't. .. But you should at least try. .. Same reason everyone laughed at the LTRAIN... yes they did win district that one year. .. But God they were obnoxious. .. And now look where there at. ...

    for the record. .. I'm not from either place. .. And yes. .. the stands were full on the LCM side.
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