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Posts posted by CraigS

  1. Craig.... You sound like a very knowledgeable person...If the we beat them and they beat them don't mean anything, how are you so confident WOS can stay with HJ? I mean, you cant be that cynical... You come on here all confident, talking trash, making no sense.... Lets do this, go back to the High School orchestra page and talk about the flute you are so good at playing and leave the football to the men sister....

    because I'm not drinking the coolaid.....
  2. Craig S.... Dude..... Whatever.....Your right.... We are still the worst team in SETX.... We are slow and unathletic...

    you can whatever all you want. ...I never said HJ was horrible or not athletic. ... they just WILL NOT beat WOS.... yall might would win the larger 4A district. .. you've already beat 2 of the top 3.... But stop inhaling that stuff. .. thinking. . Or worse believing HJ beats the Stangs
  3. Ha so now we beat LCM who we were told was going to wipe the field with us. Now since we beat them all of a sudden they are no good. You guys can't get out of your own way.

    nope not all of a sudden. .. who has LCM played or beat. .. kinda like HJ... can hardly count Kelly and Kountze. .. And Jasper is seemingly not as good as they have been. .. especially not as good as last year. .I left and went to watch the end of the OF..Lum game. ... the OF-HJ game will be for 2nd place
  4. I wasnt disputing WOS schedule. Just saying that other than Kelly, HJ schedule is pretty solid. Much better than in the past.

    you mean other than Kelly and Kountze. .. they did beat a traditionally good Jasper team. .. But I went to the LCM game tonight to see what all the hype was about. ..LCM is not very good. . Better than the afore mentored. . But average at best. .. bottom line. ..HJ will not beat WOS... Not even close. ..HJ will not get to the edge agsinst WOS... And surely will not blow up the middle like they did tonight. ... my advice to the Hawks... go trick or treating.
  5. http://www.saturdaydownsouth.com/alabama-football/saban-uses-footballs-recent-issues-make-point-team/


    "Mama wanted me to be a preacher. I told her coachin' and preachin' were a lot a like." - Bear Bryant

    I am mad bro, as a lifetime LSU fan. However, on so many levels Saban is a great coach and teacher. OK, since he went to the efilants....this is the first and only time I will compliment him....GEAUX TIGERS!

  6. I thought K-State looked more talented and Auburn looked lucky.

    Maybe so. But if we look back at games from last year, a whole lot of luck played in Auburn's favor. Just 2 that comes to mind Georgia (tipped pass for TD) and Alabama (putting time back on clock, returning missed FG attempt for TD)

  7. If a CFB coaching staff has not turned the program around after three years, to the satisfaction of the BOSS, IMO they should be let go.


    You mistake turning a program around to winning. It is not the same. Winning will come. Attitudes change first.


    Fans or posters on this board do not get to hire or fire CFB coaches.


    Too many mediocre coaches are allowed to continue. There are many good coaches to replace them.



    Well, looks like the UT hiring has been a success by your definition.....You say winning will come, what do you call that part? I'm gonna go out on an limb and bet UT doesn't agree with how you define "turning around" a program.


    If Strong doesn't WIN, regardless of what attitudes the players have...he is OUT!


    Fact: Strong will for sure have "his" recruits in place in 3 years.

    To be Seen: If Strong can get the recruits he wants in place by that time, to WIN.


    With the shake up of the Big12, A&M going to SEC and Baylor rising, I don't think Texas will be the sole power of Texas anymore. Due to this alone, Strong will be faced with unrealistic expectations. The days of Texas dominance are over. But that won't be good enough for the Alumni, Strong is gone within 4 to 5 years, Texas will blow through several coaches before excepting reality, and all you blow hard Texas fans will be left here on SETXSports scratching your heads, wondering....what the hell happened.....

  8. I noticed while looking up stats a bit of history in our area. Whereas most schools have been consolidated and/or started later than some. Here is a bit of history of our area older schools (before WWII) and how those schools handled their season during the war.


    Nederland      est 1925      played full season

    PNG               est 1925      played full season

    Vidor               est 1940      played full season

    Jasper             est 1915      played full season

    Silsbee            est 1921      played full season

    Orangefield     est 1933      went to 6 man football

    Buna                est 1929      cancel football til 1961

    Kirbyville          est 1914      canceled 1943 season


    For what it's worth, I thought it was interesting.

  9. they should have fixed that field a long time ago....now you need deal with it and let the teams play, they earned the right to play their games.

    They haven't because they kept hoping they could get "artificial" turf, but that would never fly. So they tried to hide in bonds as atheltic improvements, that didn't fly either...it failed twice...then the wording was removed, money left the same. With the "extra" to be spent at the discretion of the board.


    I agree, let the kids play!

  10. And LU should have fired there coach if the progress was not to their liking after 4 years. (3 yrs not starting from scratch).


    It take 3 years to get your recruits and process in place. Ask any CFB Coach.

    I agree with you that in three years the team belongs to THAT coach. BUT that doesn't always translate to being "turned around"! It could take even longer to convince kids to come there. Examples could be, Penn State, Miami, USC, or better yet SMU. Following disasterous events, or the running down of a program to the point of no return (like Mack Brown did) it may take longer than THREE years!


    Ask any CFB Coach.

  11. I would get in touch with the LU administration and let them know of your displeasure.


    If you don;t speak out, you can;t complain.


    Totally off-topic





    Note Avatar - don't really care what LU does! And it was not off topic - it was in reference to turning a program around in THREE years....just stating, that's NOT always the case!

  12. you can't fix a field overnight, im with Grad and AAW on that issue.

    Hopefully in the future Silsbee will get turf.

    they have "turf" the natural variety. they need a stable subsurface and drainage! Which they've had plenty of opportunity to "fix" but chose to spend it elsewhere. Some would argue (or read it from the script) as to why it was spent where it was...and whom it was spent with.

  13. The games tonight should be played, those players have put in the time at practice and to cancel the game because it may damage the field is crap.  Silsbee just needs to fix the field.

    They will (by next year I'm sure) with the extra bond money...that the board has the right to spend at their discretion!  :angry: Oh, and a new practice field....coming soon to a campus near us!

  14. Exactly why I will not be surprised if they cancel the 9th and JV games tonight. Tiger Stadium field still has never fully recovered from the mud bowls of a few years ago. I am all for preserving the field for varsity district games instead of playing non-district sub varsity games in these conditions.

    If they would choose to spend money wisely and hire quality contractors and not brother-in-laws maybe the field wouldn't be in such bad shape. but this is for another thread I suppose.

  15. Reality is, WO-S JV does not beat varsity teams on WO-S schedule this year. I believe that is what is being disputed.

    I Understand that. BUT, I don't think the statement was limited to WOS opponents....If I remember right it said beat a varsity team...and I agree with that. 


    With that said... I personally would rather hear smack talk about WOS JV team beating varsity teams than HJ beating anyone - right or wrong...WOS has EARNED the right to smack talk! HJ is just another LTrain. one good team in a lifetime and run that mouth.



    Really, you guys think WOS jv could beat a varsity team????? I'm beginning to loose what little respect I have for you "blind" WOS fans... You are waaaaaaaaay too big for your little britches...... Ya'll are not THAT good that your JV has that type of talent.... You guys need a dose of reality....



    Since WOS consolidated they are 340-88 - 79% WINNING percentage second to NONE in the Golden Triangle....like them or NOT I think they have earned the right to boast a bit - as the saying goes - It aint braggin' if you can do it!


    side note HJ - 272-262 - 51%

  16. Really, you guys think WOS jv could beat a varsity team????? I'm beginning to loose what little respect I have for you "blind" WOS fans... You are waaaaaaaaay too big for your little britches...... Ya'll are not THAT good that your JV has that type of talent.... You guys need a dose of reality....

    Here is your reality !


    Did a little research, and I'm as anti-WOS as they come living in Silsbee but it is what it is.


    Since WOS consolidated they are 340-88 - 79% WINNING percentage second to NONE in the Golden Triangle....like them or NOT I think they have earned the right to boast a bit - as the saying goes - It aint braggin' if you can do it!


    side note HJ - 272-262 - 51%

  17. I don't condone hitting women, but that is a terrible analogy. I've never had a meat grinder cuss, yell, scream, or physically assault me.

    Very contradicting! You don't condone it, yet you give reason (excuses, and not very good ones) where you insinuate it may be ok to do so...cursing, screaming, yelling is good enough to hit anyone...musch less a woman? OK!.......only if you are facing physical assault to the point of SELF DEFENSE would it be justifiable and then only to the extend to do just that DEFEND.


    I've heard some say: If she puts herself in a mans place by_______. Anyway that's the dumbest, most cowardly statement I've ever heard - PERIOD!


    Unless a weapon, or in some cases, the woman is larger and more controling than the man would this even apply. Whereas, I hardly believe that woman had Ray in that situation.

  18. The Cities Where A Paycheck Stretches The Furthest

    "In first place is Houston, where the average annual wage in 2011 was $59,838, eighth highest in the nation. What puts Houston at the top of the list is the region’s relatively low cost of living, which includes such things as consumer prices and services, utilities and transportation costs and, most importantly, housing prices: "




    Also by FORBES: Whereas being educated is very important. I'm not convinced basing how "educated" a region is by way of  bachelor degrees is the best way, or maybe it is, just a terrible misleading headline. Anyway - I think this statistic may serve better for our area. This is obviously Houston, however, we are almost identical to this model.

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