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Posts posted by CraigS

  1. Why not? If saying something in your own home (which didn't "hurt" anyone) can be cause of one selling his team and a life time ban........the why the hell not...I'm starting to like the new face of professional sports. Hopefully it will trickle down to the NCAA, high school and youth sports.....the day of the THUGS are hopefully OVER! 


    bottom line - If you can't SAY something about someone without them getting butt hurt and that person being destroyed - Then you sure as hell can't be physically putting your hands on another person however "little" it may hurt without the SAME EXACT consequences!



  2. Let me ask a new question.

    Let's say Lamar finally starts putting out a good product on the field and the Southland titles and playoff appearances start rolling in. I think Lamar will see a increase in attendence, tailgating and everything else across the board.

    Will the fans be satisfied with that product? When Lamar first brought back football, all the talk was going FBS and playing with the big boys. All that talk has seemed to vanish over the past couple of years. Has the realization set in that Lamar is never going to be at that level or what? I personally think the current admin at Lamar would be satisfied being a "McNeese" and staying put in the Southland. As a fan and a grad of Lamar, I want to see them take that next step. I want to see a 30,000+ stadium at Lamar and part of a mid-major conference. Is it possible? I think it is, but it's years away from happening. If that is the goal of the Lamar admin, then they have wasted 5 years trying to reach it.



    All the FAILED sports programs in Beaumont over the years - Beaumont is a cesspool - a commuters town and can not and will support anything.


    Lamar University Football - FAILED (once already)


    Texas Wildcatters (Hockey) - FAILED

    Beaumont Bullfrogs (Baseball)FAILED

    Beaumont Golden Gators (Baseball) FAILED even with Future Major League Baseball players John KrukRoberto AlomarJoey CoraOzzie GuillénSandy Alomar, Jr.Shane Mack, andBenito Santiago all played at one time for the Golden Gators

    Southeast Texas Mavericks (Basketball) - FAILED

    Texas Strikers (Soccer) - FAILED

    Texas Drillers (Football) - FAILED


    On another note - Ford Park can't even maintain events enough to be considered a success. And this is terrible - over the years we had season tickets to The Wildcatters (didn't know a thing about hockey - but fun to watch) The Bullfrogs and the Golden Gators.

  3. we all know wo-s has a ton of  sr on there team this year WHOs going to fill there shoes.i being a mustang fan from day one have seen this year after year ,the mustang coaching staff put in long hrs with  the jv kids and it pays off in the end as you can see .the mustangs jv have been dist champs now for the last three years in a row and should be agan this year IT ALL STARTS WITH THE JV HERE AT WO-S  Anywhere if you want a good program!

    Even Lumberton won when the promoted the Jr high / JV coach to the head coach (Creduer (sp)) he built from bottom up and it paid off in the long run!

  4. I agree that now that the "new" is wearing off, the numbers and interest is decreasing. No doubt about that. I agree with several of your points.


    I just found the comparison with SHSU is not a good one when Lamar is still "out drawing" SHSU in attendance, even though SHSU is clearly better than Lamar on the field the last several seasons.


    Now, a better comparison would be McNeese, who is just a 35 minute drive from Beaumont. They kick Lamar in attendance every year and is usually the largest home game for Lamar.

    No...not a good comparison or at least not a FAIR comparison - people of the Coonass variety "out party" everyone....lol :D


    and on your first point about outdrawing SHSU - yes overall I suppose your right (backed with numbers) but if you look at the large contrast to quality of opponents with SHSU it should reflect that not even as a "good team" fans will not attend low performing opponents as compared to the attendance for the better teams.


    So, I still believe that the new factor is what is propping up Lu's numbers...in the 5th year (of any new program OR just getting a new coach) the results are all on that coach...all HIS recruits and coaching strategy is well in place....I have touched (but not to much) on the coaching (because it's looked down upon in this forum) - BUT - that may be the BIGGEST problem LU has.

  5. It means that LU averaged more in attendance last year than what SHSU did.


    Pretty simple.


    Lamar went 5-7 last year while SHSU went 9-5, 2 rounds in playoffs.(that coming off three very successful years that should have that little stadium packed every home game) Yet Lamar still averaged more in attendance than SHSU. No matter how big the stadiums. Fact is, on average more folks attended LU home games than SHSU home games. Also, Lamar was SHSU's 2nd largest home attendance.


    I am pretty certain that if Lamar had three consecutive seasons like SHSU had from 2011-13, they would average more than 7040 in home games, regardless of opponent or size of stadium.


    I could understand your logic on the percentage thing if SHSU attendance was over flowing the stadium capacity thus hindering their amount compared to a school who has a bigger stadium. But that is not the case. Any way you spin it, 8378>7040.


    Yes, thru two home games this season, that very successful on the field team in the BearKats are averaging 263 more fans a game than what the so-so Cardinal team is averaging. But let's see where the numbers are after a complete season. For this season, sample size is just too small.

    Fair enough. But consider this. Whereas the BearKats haven't always been good, and they have fallen somewhat in the last year (this year is yet to be seen with new coach) there are a few other things to be considered.


    1 - Opponent - with SH you can tell alot by attendance numbers based on quality of team they are playing which is what several have stated as a problem for LU...since their numbers "aren't so bad" compared to SHSU, just think how good they "could" be, if they'd play "somebody" at home.


    2. "New Program" - Whereas all SLC teams are "ahead" of LU as far a s being established, true, but LU is enjoying the "hype" of having football back in town....that is fading.


    3. Success - with it puts butts in seats - without it attendance will be dismal.


    A wrap - So from what started this thread lets look at LU's failures - The new is wearing off, they don't play anybody in non-conference, and they are losing....which equals attendance and participation in tailgating is dropping!

  6. My bad, Bearcats.



    not sure what that means, if it's capacity LU shows (wikipedia) 16,000 as of 2010 and SHSU shows (wikioedia) 12,500 as of 2010.


    16,000 > 12,500


    8636 (avg attend) / 12,500 = 69% (my bad I used 75% guessing)

    8373 (avg attend) / 16,000 = 52% (my bad I used 50% guessing)

  7. One other thing. The NFL needs to be careful about trying to pigeon hole certain actions into a CBA set punishment. That was a ridiculous endeavor to begin with. For instance, I have seen guys arrested and charged with DV for grabbing/bruising their significant other's arms. Let's say a couple is arguing and the woman is trying to leave (although the stories generally differ from whom you are speaking, let's use the woman's version). The man grabs her by the wrists/lower arms to prevent her from doing so. In so doing, she has finger prints on her wrists/forearms. He is arrested for domestic violence is causing "injury" to his mate.

    I am not saying this isn't a wrongdoing on the man's part, but does he deserve the same punishment as Rice who took a full swing at his fiancé, and knocked her out. Like in the law itself, some offenses have to be evaluated on a case by case basis. We have great ranges in punishments for a lot of offenses for that reason alone (some as great in this state as 5 to 99 years). The league puts itself in these positions for setting punishments before the crime IMO.

    Fair enough (to some extent) Whereas in society we might can (or even have to) have levels of punishment (not that I agree as discussed in another thread). But FOOTBALL (or any job) is not a constitutional right....you can be fired for tarnishing your employers name, happens all the time. 


    you can...and should have a ZERO tolerance for acts against another person (assault, rape, murder, etc)...these people make ALOT of money...take behavioral therapy if your parent(s) didn't teach you better.


    I call it the meat grinder rule....from a male perspective I'd ask on any given situation.....

    Can you get drunk enough or mad enough to put you male parts in a meat grinder? IF the answer is NO (and I'm sure MOST are not no...but H3LL NO)- then there is ZERO excuse for hitting or raping or murdering, etc. Because for some reason you are in enough control of yourself not to use the meat grinder....but not in enough control not to do those things......BS!

  8. I agree. I only showed the attendance numbers for SHSU because it was brought up in comparison.


    SHSU team is way ahead of Lamar but as far as support (attendance, facilities, money, etc.) Lamar is on par or exceeds the Bobcats.


    It was said that if Lamar would start getting significant wins like Sam, then they would enjoy the fruits of labor like the Bobcats. But by those attendance numbers, it seems winning significantly at Sam Houston State has not helped in regards to attendance in comparison to Lamar.

    Sure it does. The attendance IS higher at Sam (however small it is) whereas Sam's stadium is 4K seats smaller. So from a "packed house" stand point Sam at least seems fuller than LU...from a player stand point or just looking around inside the stadium, I'd say a 75% capacity is better than a 50% capacity...I don't think it really matters that one can say...but our stadium is bigger....perspective is reality!

  9. I agree. I only showed the attendance numbers for SHSU because it was brought up in comparison.


    SHSU team is way ahead of Lamar but as far as support (attendance, facilities, money, etc.) Lamar is on par or exceeds the Bobcats.


    It was said that if Lamar would start getting significant wins like Sam, then they would enjoy the fruits of labor like the Bobcats. But by those attendance numbers, it seems winning significantly at Sam Houston State has not helped in regards to attendance in comparison to Lamar.

    Ill be at the BEARKAT -v- bluejay game next week sitting with the Silsbee LU player parents in my Blue and Orange...help out the attendance some. 

  10. 2013 home attendance numbers for SHSU and LU:


                                                    SAM                                                                  LU

    Houston Baptist                      9246                     Oklahoma Panhandle St.    8433

    Texas Southern                      6403                         Bacone College               8056

    Incarnate Word                      5789                         *Central Arkansas          10,738

    Eastern Washington               8621                        *Nichols St                       7738

    *Lamar                                   9156                         *SFA                                7681

    *Northwestern St.                   5527                         *McNeese St.                  7627

    *Nichols St.                            7507   

    Southern Utah (playoff)          4069


    total                                        56,318                                                            50,273

    average                                   7040                                                                8378





    Alabama St.                             7595                           Grambling St.             9520

    Colorado St.-Pueblo                9678                            Texas College            7226


    total                                       17,273                                                             16,746

    average                                   8636.5                                                             8373






    looks as though Lamar is keeping up with the SAM's of the SLC. ;)

    Sam Houston State

    2011 - 14-1 / 7-0 (NC game) - including 5 ranked teams and UTSA & New Mexico St (FBS Teams)

    2012 - 11-4 / 6-1 (NC game) - including 6 ranked teams and  Baylor & Texas A&M (FBS Teams)

    2013- 9-5 / 4-3 (Playoffs) including 6 ranked teams and Texas A&M

    2014 - 1-3 / 0-0 (????) including so far 3 ranked teams - including LSU


    Nah - doesn't seem that way at all where it matters....besides the original post said "losing interest" fan base / tail gaters, etc....and by your own numbers, that is exactly what's happening, and the numbers above is why Sam will stay consistent....and LU will NOT.


    Note: the attendance was high for the Grambling game because people thought the band would be there........NOT to watch LU and Grambling play football...

  11. Basically, all of that.


    Earlier in this thread, it was pointed out that Lamar has wins over such vaunted teams as Texas College, Mississippi College and Grambling State.


    A win is a win, but not all wins are equal.


    If Lamar wants fan support, it has to stop beating up on smaller schools and start beating schools the average, reasonable observer would associate with Lamar. Teams like Sam Houston State, SFA, and longtime rival McNeese. Everyone loves a winner, but a small collection of wins does not a winner make. Until Lamar can effectively compete with the schools it should be on the same playing field with, it will continue to lag behind in fan support, school spirit and regional prominence.


    Outside of that, the only thing Lamar can really do to put fans in the stands is to put local players on the field. Southeast Texas is one of the best places in the world when it comes to high school football fanbases. There are a lot of longtime high school fans who would pay the price of a ticket and concessions to see their favorite high school players take the field again. I can't tell you how many PN-G fans would happily go to Lamar games if they thought they'd see Brennan Doty back under center.

    I disagree whole heartedly. This has been stated many times about several LU sports teams. But since we are on football I'll stick to those numbers. If you look at LU's roster, it has nearly 20 kids from the GT area (I think 5 from Silsbee alone)...if you compare rosters with any of the top 3 in the SLC SELU, MSU, and SHSU you would find very few from the area in which the school is located. The only exceptions are, whereas SELU is near baton Rouge and New Orleans, and SHSU is near Houston, these can hardly count as local kids.


    On another note, it's not the "local" kids that LU needs, it's the "local" kids that would otherwise leave to equal or better programs (big difference than just saying "local") BUT, this would never happen, those type kids would not stay home to an LU with offers to more lucrative programs and/or a chance to go away....so what gives?


    LU, as already mentioned, should have hired the best household name with program building experience they could have afforded (if they were serious about getting back on the map) NOT a juco coach, just because he had local ties....


    Edited correction : LU has 25 players from the GT area = 25% of their roster is already "local".

  12. I saw the video and it is bad! He should not have hit her, and her family and friends should take him out back and whoop his butt. However, she married him after this happened. If she apparently doesn't think it is bad enough to get away from him, then why is everyone else so against him?
    Why should he lose his job because of a stupid decision that he made on his off time? There are rapists and murderers still playing! Is this really worse? If he loses his job in the NFL I bet his wife will be worse off then if he keeps playing. By all means we must save her by cutting off his huge paycheck and having him go to work as a ditch digger! That is her only hope now for happiness!

    So many others lose their job due to stupid comments or actions on their "off time" often arguing "freedom of speech" which does not apply. Naked pictures of teachers on-line....Donald Sterling comment in his own home...and the list is endless....


    Gotta start somewhere. No time better than the present. How dumb is it to say, well he did it and got away with it, why can't I? The problem is not that Ray got suspended, it's that it hasn't been looked at as serious in the past....In fact, I think the all sports, youth, High School, College, and Professional should take the tuff stance starting today and clean up sports for good.


    Violent and drug crimes are the norm among talented athletes at all levels...and they get away with it...protecting the all mighty win.......I vote it ALL ends now!


    In fact, I kinda like the Yankee's rule of no long hair, ear rings...etc. You don't get to "express" yourself...you get to PERFORM as you're getting paid to do...period!

  13. In addition, let's make a comparison. UL-L is the closest geographics to LU. Lafayette is the main town with lots of surrounding communities. Yet, There isn't a campus in Carencro, Youngsville, Scott, Rayne...etc


    UL-L is THE campus, it is EVERYTHING in that community. NOT SO at LU. To much divided interest from surrounding cities. Not to mention people LIVE and WANT to live in Lafayette, Lake Charles, Nacogdoches, Huntsville, etc...the locals don't have to drive from outskirt communities to get to the games...just some of my thoughts on why LU will never be successful.

  14. Define win. Win more games than you lose? Win Conference? Win a few games into the playoffs? Win the FCS National Championship? I don't believe just winning more games than you lose will be good enough. To do that, all they have to do is continue to schedule games like they have this year. I personally think it's the quality of wins/opponents. 


    SHSU is only 1-3 so far  this season, their losses are to:

    Eastern Washington - Ranked #2 FCS

    LSU - Ranked #8 FBS

    Colorado State Peublo - #2 Division II


    I watched EW on TV and attended the other 2 games...all 3 of these teams are very quality teams, something that doesn't exist on LU's schedule.


    SHSU has also been to the National Championship game 2 out of the last 3 years, and lost. They have won the SLC, made the playoffs at-large, etc. With that said the fans are always expecting more (as they should).


    Bottom line is there must be a balance. They must win...but win against quality opponents, win conference, or at least put yourself in position to do so. SHSU finished 3rd in the SL last year, yet got an at-large bid....why is that? Because they had a very tough schedule and won some of those games (beat #2 E. Washington at home) and even though they slipped in conference (lost to SELU and MSU) they still got invited to the show.

  15. Follow the SEC scheduling protocol: Schedule cupcakes in non- conference, build up the wins, get all your guys playing time in blow out wins, and enter conference play with your starters rested.

    There's enough talent in the area for Lamar to compete. Just need to trade paydays for some winnable games.

    aren't they already doing that? Grambling...Texas College...Mississippi College. ...
  16. Just 63% Know Which Parties Control the House and Senate


    From the article: 


    "Remember, too, that these are respondents who are the likeliest to vote this November and so presumably are more politically aware than most other Americans."


    "Women and those under 40 are less aware of who’s in charge of both congressional chambers than men and older voters are. Republicans are more aware than Democrats and unaffiliated"


    It is also known that Obama carried the majority of women's votes and the younger generation, whereas, the Repubs carried the men and older votes. So this obviously suggest that Dems, and even more specifically those who voted for Obama would be considered "LOW INFORMATION VOTERS" more so than the repubs.


    Case Closed!!!



  17. I skimmed the first article.

    The issue appears to be that marijuana shops weren't on the ban list because it wasn't even legal at the time they drafted the law. In other words, it's a temporary loophole.

    Correct me if I'm wrong.

    (No I'm not supporting buying weed with food stamps)

    (Sad I even have to put that disclaimer in this forum)

    You are correct - but isn't it equally sad that it has to actually be on a ban list in the first place?

  18. This is easy, anyone who isn't -

    PNG Bama Kid
    Tragic hippy
    Buddy Garrity
    Myself (of course)

    Missing a couple I'm sure. I'll edit it in when it comes to mind

    I agree with this list of the "good" posters. I usually just read, it's quite informative and interesting most of the time. I only post if I have a opinion that is even farther than right. OR when stupid comes out, usually after someone (well certain ones hijack a thread with racism) then I will carry that baton to the WHITE extreme, not because I AM racist...more so because I'm sick of hearing the excuses and whining on every single issue....therefore I too fall under several of your numbers! I AM TROLL!

  19. I suppose since Obamacare was unfairly imposed on you, you now support it? No, I bet not.

    No, I do not....point being it is what it is....and as stated by others - Life isn't fair!


    However, I hardly think taking away a "freebie" at whatever point...is "unfair" one shouldn't become dependent on said "freebie" use it as a tool and be appreciative while you have it....but don't whine, cry and belly ache when it no longer exist.


    These two situation are not even close to the same...I only used it to show that fair or not - __IT happens! ADJUST!

  20. It would be different if students and parents knew what was required before they committed to the activity. To tell them after the program started that the district is discontinuing the service that they said would be provide is not fair. It's like telling them midseason that because of budget cuts it will cost you $100 to finished the season.

    It wasn't "fair" that after I came to the company I work for "Obamacare" jacked my premium up costing me $100's of dollars a month more than I "knew about" while negotiating my salary either....but I managed.

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