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Posts posted by CraigS

  1. We don't need a fence. We need a system in place that properly taxes immigrants and does not reward them with freebies and handouts when they get here. If someone wants to move to the US and become a productive, taxpaying member of society, great! All of us on here come from families of immigrants, unless we have some pure native Americans on here I don't know about. But their being here should be at a benefit to our country, not a detriment. We should be making tax dollars off of them, not spending tax dollars on them. An aside to that, criminals need to be deported. You want to live here, you get one chance to follow the rules.

    The best post you have ever posted.....


    I would add one thing to this....severe punishment (fines, loss of drivers license, and/or any other state or federal assisance, including prison if multiple offenses) to those who hire the illegals

  2. Craig S, your point is well taken.  that being said, the number of illegals coming into this country was happening under bush and every other president.  your argument that we are spending that much money and some how it is going to go down by spending 12 million more a month on national guard is hog wash.

    I provided simple math to "show" (If not prove my point) Yet you simply say "hog wash".  Please at least provide an opinion as to WHAT WOULD  WORK.


    Please do not say....nothing. Any sane person can see that SOMETHING needs to be done, whether we can all agree on what that is or not.

  3. Leadership that costs 12 million/mo

    Obama's "lack of leadership" is costing at minimum $30M/mo you don't whine about that. Must be more of that low information stuff!


    50,000 (illegals) X $20/day = $1,000,000/day

    $1,000,000 x 30 (days) = $30,000,000/mo


    With 50K  ILLEGAL ALIENS and it were to only cost $20 per day per ILLEGAL, to house, feed, and medicate (see how low my $20 per day figure is) not even counting the salaries, electric bills, gas bill, etc..that would be $1M per DAY..($30M per month)...which is Obama's "leadership plan" AND GROWING....but you want to complain about $12M per MONTH that would ultimately lower the cost if we can stop/slow down/or even return them. 

  4. Who was the last Republican to carry the black vote.......I'll wait. 




    I don't know, but from this chart it seems the WHITE man is the least racist, being they were the most evenly divided vote, whereas all other races seems to lean to the minority candidate....and by a very LARGE majority by one certain race.


    Further more, it even seems more conservatives by percentage voted for the "black guy" seemly making the Liberal party more racist.

  5. In before someone blames the aircraft shootdown on Obama.

    ??? so if an out of control citizen is harming people in your neighborhood AND YOU ARE AWARE OF IT, yet you do not call the law or anything else to deter this person from hurting others, are you not to blame to some extent?


    No you didn't commit the act, or cause harm yourself, however, to turn the other cheek without even a hint of concern, reporting it, or something to stop it and prevent it in the future....I'd say you do bear some of the responsibility.


    Obama's foreign policies are weak at best. Everyone knows he will not act against Putin in this situation....it was an act of cowards (Putin) and allowed by cowards (Obama).

  6. True!!  It's all about conning the Low Information Voter out of their money and infringing on their rights.  And all of our rights if they have their way.  The Earth warms and cools depending on what the Sun does.  It's not rocket science.  But when you are dealing with a certain portion of the population, well, I guess it might as well be rocket science! 

    Yes this ^^^^


    the earth has seen at least 5 ice ages dating back billions of years...if in fact we were not in a global warming state (so to speak) humans would not be able to sustain life on this planet. As the natural evolution of time occurs the earth will heat and cool, as history (science) has proven.


    With that said (believing in science and God) Gas has already told us the earth will be destroyed by fire. Blame it on humans, cow farting or whatever you'd like....it can't be stopped or prolonged, etc. When God decides to heat the earth beyond that in which human life can be sustained - It's game over! and no amount of politics will change that!

  7. Big girl has to be the dumbest person with two degrees. She must have ordered them out of the back of a Sears catalogue........or attended Kaplan at Parkdale Mall.

    Like NOTB said, it is futile to argue with an imbecile.

    Wait, here comes a "whatever".

    Affirmative action! gotta meet those quotas!

  8. That's an easy answer Nash. Whereas I do not agree with TxHoops on many levels, it is obvious he is a very intelligent and intellectual person. Big Girl on the other hand is proof positive of affirmative action and quotas must be met, apparently on several levels as she constantly reminds us of how many times (degrees) she has assisted "the system"...

  9. The consumers pick the coverage that best suits their needs.

    LIAR - I pick to not have to pay for birth control, child birth, mental care, along with several other "coverage's" that I can't opt out of....but I don't have that choice due to Obamacare which DOES in fact decide the minimum coverage in which I carry.

  10. what do you think of people who dislike Obama, but they dont have a clue as to what his policies are? I have encountered people who have said "I dont like the Predident's policies". I ask them to tell me about the policies they disagree with and they cant name any.

    Because in MOST cases his policy is to NOT have a policy...don't deal with it at all...in fact go play golf or pool, drink a beer, and smile for the camera...


    We have a very cool guy with no experience or leaderships abilities running our country.


    3 categories of Obama voters.


    1) same race as I am - racist (since you people claim voting against him is racist)

    2) Young people - they saw him as hip / cool

    3) White guilt (to claim I'm not racist, I voted for the black man)

  11. The black unemployment rate is always higher then whites. It doesn't matter who the President is. Illegal immigration started in 1492. :)

    yes, yes, and yes!


    Does that make it ok? Weren't these folks promised "Change we can believe in" bottom line is perspective is reality, and these peoples perspective was that things would change (because they were promised they would) Now that "his own people" are seeing what most of us already knew "empty suit" "community organizer", etc...they are turning on him and realizing HE IS THE WORST PRESIDENT EVER....they are turning into high (or at least higher) information voters....lmao, and realizing that voting straight color didn't help them at all.

  12. I think this is another area you and I may agree upon, Steve. I believe charitable donations should be at least a dollar for dollar deduction, rather than the current 50% credit. We should encourage benevolence among our citizens; and those of us that give can do so to organizations with the lowest "administrative" expenses to ensure more of our money actually gets to the "cause."

    Yes, now were getting somewhere....this statement (at least in my mind) is the difference between liberals and conservatives on most social welfare issues....problem is, most charitable entities are Churches, and most liberals don't believe in God...I bet if what you said TxHoops ever comes to past....there would be alot more God fearing, loving, believing liberals in this country...lol

  13. Can someone explain to me what the Dream Act is. The one signed into law by Rick Perry a few years ago.

    Can someone please explain the logic behind left wing liberal blacks - voting for obama - supporting illegal immigration - and the black unemployment rate?

  14. Its funny how the border isn't broken when we have immigrants to come over here to work the rice fields down the road from Beaumont, or when they're passing through on their way to N. Carolina, and other surrounding areas to work the fields.

    no it's not funny, even then. I personally think the "intruder" AND ANYONE who hires them should be jailed, then the intruder returned after prison sentence, and the hiree have to live with being a convicted felon....


    Now as far as all the jobs that the gov (and others) claim that only the immigrants can/will do....well every able bodied person on any kind of gov support would lose said support as long as there is even ONE of those job available....


    but nah - that wont get votes!

  15. I was just reading about more protest in Michigan about bringing illegals into their community. Of course there were protesters for both sides. The interesting part about the pro-(illegal) immigrant argument was this: 


    "Monday night’s gathering featured a number of counter-protesters who said they support housing refugees in Vassar, where about 115 jobs will be created if Wolverine lands two contracts to house 120 refugees at its Vassar location, according to Wolverine Senior Vice President Derrick McCree."


    Good Lord, thats almost a one to one ratio....our classroom ratio is approx 1-20 (in some cases larger) Our fine government at work again...



  16. besides, you and/or anyone else that so chooses to invest your money will pay the same amount (13%) as the big bad evil millionaires on your CAPITAL GAINS - NOT INCOME....please consult with you expert economics guy, surely he can explain the difference to you, so you can stop sounding so ignorant.

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