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Posts posted by CraigS

  1. So......you guys are okay with billionaires only paying 13% of their income in taxes?


    So......you guys are okay with billionaires only paying 13% of their income in taxes?

    more so than the so called poor (47% of the population) paying 0% or in some cases actually getting returns, making it a negative in that regard.


    do the math -

    13% of 1,000,000 (one million) is - $130,000

    13% of 1,000,000,000 (one billion) - $13,000,000


    they are paying plenty (in capital gains tax) their INCOME tax is taxed at the same rate as everyone else's, they also pay the same property tax (probably more since they own LARGE estates), not to mention the sales tax on any and all of the other high priced toys - cars, boats, vacation homes, etc.

  2. I am speaking of lawyers that actually care about the process and respect the position. Lawyers have jobs to do when they are in any court. However, the best ones do truly care about "justice." A SC Justice who practically sleeps through oral arguments, rarely ever asks a question, and obviously decides almost every case based upon what result he desires rather than the facts of a particular case is a disgrace to the process.

    Craig - I know you are trying to be funny but I am a WASP and much "blacker" than Clarence Thomas.

    Not trying to be funny. Just trying to figure out how so many "on both sides" can believe Thomas is the worse ever and that NOT be about race; but when so many think obama is the worst president ever, it HAS to be about race.

  3. Ohhhh, so now its his fault (?)  and not the governor, okay!

    Yes, The feds made it perfectly clear through the courts that states CAN NOT control their own borders (see Arizona). Typical liberal response, y'all want it both ways. The entire border crisis is totally on OBAMA. 

  4.  Despite the fact that the unrest was caused by pro-illegal groups, the federal riot police now arriving in the town have been sent ostensibly to deal with anti-immigration demonstrators.


    La Raza, which literally translates as “the race,” has been connected to the Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan (MEChA), an extremist Mexican race hate group which firmly believes in exploiting illegal immigration to bring about ‘La Reconquista’, a violent overthrow of the southern U.S. states that would be absorbed into Greater Mexico.





    Looks like things are going as planned by the Obama administration.

  5. The name of the abortion pill is meddlesome, it is different from the morning after bill. I dont have a problem with hobby lobby not wanting to pay for that. . It is weird how you guys constantly complain about entitlements, but are ok with a company not paying for birthcontrol pills. Some women will get pregnant and receive welfare and you guys will be itching and moaning about that.

    You are a very slow learner....we do not want either. We believe in personal responsibility. Pay for your own prevention, and if you don't or if it didn't work, pay for your own child birth and the raising of that child..


    ...if it is quite clear (as it should be) that you will not be able to provide for the child, then do not have sex (it's a choice)


    it may only be my opinion (Not all conservatives) but if you do indeed have a child and can't afford it...I'd rather pay for that child in a state run orphan than provide welfare that also benefits a deadbeat parent...in fact I'm not totaly against filing charges for child endangerment, being the childs welfare is in fact endangered due to lack of nutrition and/or residence etc.


    and before you say I'd be forcing more women to have abortions to avoid the charges....no no no....it's a choice...more of that PERSONAL RESPONSIBLITY stuff liberals do not believe in.

  6. havent you heard of charity hospitals? Houston has 2, LBJ and Ben taab.

    Then those should be the only places "the i can't afford insurance" or the "I don't want to buy insurance" people should be allowed to go for health care. If and/or when you can afford or choose to purchase insurance, for this sake call it "better" facilities and or treatment, then do so.


    Because the way I see it now is, WE pay for "charity hospitals" "the unpaid bills" at regular hospitals and now insurance for the "poor"....just insane!

  7. Obama is a very personable person with a pleasing personality and well respected as a world leader. Nope , he ain't perfect, but neither was Reagan. She pushed for his nomination because America needed a change. Someone to look out for the average person and not just place profit over a human being. Obama won because he was more personable and touched people. I guess Black people would have voted for Herman Cain because he is Black? C'mon, please give us more credit.

    Im sure you will have plenty excuses for this data (search on wikipedia) or as usual you will just ignore it.


    There are nearly 200 countries in the world today, nearly 50 are "black" countries...none of which are considered world powers, industrialized, or in the top richest countries in the world.


    Here in the United State of America (we are aware of past history) Blacks are given more opportunity than in any other county in the world (including President) yet the prison numbers and welfare numbers are astonishing high in the black community.....but rather than face the issues of broken families, children out of wedlock, low education.....we just keep on hearing the same old cry baby crap.


    Whether I like Obama or not, he and others seemed to have overcome the "white man" and have had extreme success in this great country...whereas obama was handed his success.(which plenty can identify)...the others didn't blame others or find excuses TO FAIL rather than overcome TO SUCCEED.


    You probably wonder what all this has to do with what you said........we here it is.


    Obama is an enabler: He continued down the same path of giving free stuff (even furthering the destruction of his own people, see unemployment rates for blacks) whereas the others you mentioned would have demanded person responsibility....if you want credit, then EARN it..(unlike obama compared to the others).it's kinda like RESPECT, you can't simply DEMAND it...and that is not done by apologizing for American exceptionalism, it is done by creating more exceptionalism.


    With all that....what would YOU PEOPLE have said if 95% of whites had voted against obama....as the 95% blacks voted for him....credit...I think NOT

  8. I was having a similar discussion (on a broader basis) with my wife's uncle (very liberal) this past week.


    His liberal view is we are already paying for the health care of the uninsured, so why not pay for insurance?


    My response was: You are correct, we are paying, due to hospitals not being able to turn them away, therefore yes, we are paying....however, paying for their care by way of insurance is not the answer. My take on it is this. We set up similar medical facilities like the VA hospitals. If you can't afford insurance or can't pay for treatment then you go to one of those facilities. That way the cost of "our" medical treatment goes down (hospitals not having to raise rate to cover the unpaid treatment) therefore our insurance premiums should go down, offsetting the taxes paid to cover the "VA style" medical care for the poor.


    Of course I have much more detail to my idea than can be typed on here, so let the criticism begin and I'll address each comment arguing against this idea as they come.


    edit: If the VA style is good enough for our Veterans (haha) then it should be a superior care for the poor.

  9. Why do they invest in birth control companies if they are adamametally opposed to paying for them. Some women cannot afford them.

    They aren't against birth control, they are against ABORTION (which the morning after pill and others are considered to be)


    If some women can't afford them, then maybe some women shouldn't be having sex.


    Before you attack me with the rape cases, there are already programs in place for administering those pills during the administration of the rape kit ,if the victim so chooses.


    Of course you either already knew this and spewing lies OR you would be in the group of low information voters, either way it would explain A LOT about you.

  10. Well, if you had read the article, and/or had any comprehension skills, you would find the following explanation.


    That 35% liberals, 34% moderates, and 27% conservatives watched to the World cup and an overall percentage of 30% of AMERICANS watched it.....leading me to believe that it isn't necessarily an AMERICAN thing to do as one seemed to suggest.

  11. You should be all for higher tax rates on the rich, Craig S. After all, you have it all figured out on who can be a Christian and who can't. And I'm sure you are familiar with when Jesus said it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. Shouldn't your solution be to tax the wealthy more so they won't have as much, thus they will be able to go to Heaven?

    No I don't have it ALL figured out, but apparently my ability to comprehend what I read is MUCH MUCH better than some, regardless of their proclaimed higher education (not necessarily talking about you)


    As far as your camel and rich person...you might should read a bit more, and not do as so many do and take a single verse and want so badly for it to mean something is doesn't.....hint: being rich is not THE sin...but I bet you knew that already didn't you?

  12. Ok....so according to this article and some I have read, he will be sending 275 personnel to add to the 100-200 already there.


    What is that going to do?  I think we had more than 300 in my senior class.


    They have an ARMY.....with this stuff


    "Security officials said the Islamic State fighters managed to take control of two weapons depots holding 400,000 items, including AK-47 rifles, rockets and rocket-propelled grenades, artillery shells and mortars. A quarter of the stockpiles were sent to Syria, they said."


    He needs to man up to his mistake and send some troops in to take care of this.

    He sent nearly as many to round up cows. lmao what a pathetic disgraceful white man our president is! 

  13. preach on preacher.......

    Would this be the Al Sharpton / Jesse Jackson type "preacher" you know the self proclaimed, or the type where God has truly called....I'm guessing the first....cause people called by God don't support killing babies, sleeping with same sex, or disobeying the laws of the land.....hard to be true to your calling of God and be a liberal.

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