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Posts posted by CraigS

  1. Moderates have no beliefs of their own.  Otherwise they wouldn't be called moderates.   They go whichever way the wind blows.  Answer me this:  Can you go to the library and find books on the "Great Moderates" in history?

    Again -- even the Bible talks against being in the middle of the road.  That ought to tell you something.  Well, to some of us anyway!    ;)

    as the saying goes....You gotta stand for something, or you'll fall for anything.

  2. Now wait a minute, Baddog.  Our Dear Leader is demonstrating the benefits of "being nice" to those who oppose it.  See how much it has helped to refer to the Fort  Hood massacre as workplace violence?  Dont you see how beneficial it has been to refer to Benghazi as a spontaneous demonstration?  These policies are working and we just need to stop trying to make a political football out of them and allow them time to work.  As. Mr. Obama has stated "Al Qaeda is on the run".  " The world is a safer place".We are just trying to criticize Mr. Obama because of the color of his skin.

    Yes, we are. He is THE dumbest white man I know.

  3. roflmbo

    Oh no, I agree our education system is in fact flawed, here is a perfect example! Giving degrees to get them the hell out of the "system" and to meet their quota.


    My point was, even in a flawed system, if in fact more sperm donors would care about children and take on the responsibility of getting the most out of what is available, rather than blame others, it would be a good place to start.

  4. so, you and your kids can volunteer to go to Iraq to protect the country. We need to stay out of it. We should've never been there.

    Kinda like we are staying out of enforcing immigration laws in THIS country. However, I do agree with you on "staying out of"....so you (you people) and your kids can fund the "needy" and maybe they can unload those buses full of ILLEGALS at YOUR home....I find that the sympathetic and compassionate are only so in political speech....


    Alot of the very people you accuse, or say "you go" have done exactly that, ask how many Vets are in this forum that have given extra of themselves....on the other hand....ask how many of you "computer screen liberals" have donated extra tax money, or housed any of the poor little ILLEGAL children showing your TRUE compassion....YOU PEOPLE talk the talk, but will not walk it.


    To be clear so you can understand....


    I will stand by MY words as would ANY conservative -


    I would surely STOP paying taxes that assist in welfare....will YOU pay more to assist it?


    I would gladly drive the truck to dump the illegals back across the border...will YOU house them?

  5. Oversimplify much? Your heart is in the right place - your brain is stuck in neutral. Although you bring up good ideas, it's the implementation which is lacking. Again, education cures a lot of ills. Starting with ignorance. And if you think there is nothing wrong with our education system, your standards are exceedingly low.

    Perhaps that is what we need in this country. most things are way "over complicated" the tax code, immigration, justice system, welfare system...education....EPA...and much more, maybe it's that to much thinking is the problem....


    There is a story, and I'll tell the short version....an 18 wheeler ran under a bridge (overpass)and his load was to high, it hit the overpass and was lodged, couldn't be pulled forward or backwards, with all the engineers, state officials, etc trying their best to figure out how to dismantle the truck, support the overpass in hopes of not causing more damage. Along come a 12yo boy and simply states...let the air out of the tires....leaving the powers to be scratching their heads.....

  6. At one time I would have agreed with that entire statement.


    I'm not sure how old you are, but in the late 80's a friend of mines brother (around 17) shot and killed a kid(I think he was 6ish) and his Grandfather in cold blood. He was robbing Lamar University of Port Arthur. He came from a great family and a very strict family. I'm not sure what caused him to do it, but I never saw that coming. He is now spending the rest of his life in prison.


    So, after that, while the way you raise your child is important, it does not always mean they won't turn out bad.

    I just said the same thing in another thread, there are exception for sure, even good people rising above the fact they come from terrible families.


    I have a friend that is one of the best people and an exceptional father, in spite of the fact both parents were drug abusers and alcoholics, his 2 brothers on the other hand didn't fall far from the tree.

  7. Truer words.

    I wouldn't agree with your solution being the only problem we have. I would also not argue with you and say that it is not a real problem we have (although our definitions of family values would probably differ somewhat).

    I think we would also agree, by your statement, that "success" is not defined by wealth. I have also been very blessed financially but it has little, if anything, to do with my happiness.

    My wife is a first grade teacher. For the most part, they know who will be contributors to society by that time, by the participation and care given by the parents of each student. Is it 100%, probably not, but I'd be a very wealthy person just betting on the odds. 


    Children are the most innocent and precious commodity of any institution, what they become will define our society, our family, etc. Sure, there are a lot of peer pressures that can turn a well raised child against their teachings, likewise turn a less fortunate to overcome. However, those are the exceptions.


    As far as the "Education System", it is my opinion that if any child in any particular "system" can come away with a quality education, then they all can. If not it is NOT the fault of the system....not to mention. you get out of something what you put into it...no amount of money or legislation will FIX that...that's on the parents...starting with the value they put into their families success, and that is determined by the morals in which they instill............

  8. But why is that linked back to Mrs. Bush anyway? That man is 34 years and haven't lived at home with Momma since he was a child.

    Sounds like the link may be in PARENTING (or lack thereof) and the rooster may be just now coming home to roost....


    ever hear the old saying any fool can make a baby, it takes a REAL man (person) to parent one....

  9. All of this has been a great read. Interesting perspectives from BOTH sides. However, you are BOTH over complicating the whole matter. I often hear the statement don't treat the symptoms, cure the problem.


    The only, and I  repeat, the ONLY problem this country has is the breakdown of family and moral values.


    All else is a self fix when these two become priority....


    oh, and I barely graduated HS (athlete, didn't have to do much) went to 3 different colleges (2 for baseball) before finally getting my associate degree. But none of that seemed to have any bearing on my financial or life success once I got my priorities in order and put FAITH and FAMILY at the top of my list....

  10. Poverty, like so many other things that are blamed on others or "claimed" to be "born that way" is a learned trait. Not to say hard working people can't live in poverty. I'm saying choices in life have prevented them from reaching maximum potential to avoid such circumstances.


    give a man a fish, feed for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime. Even dogs appreciate learning and earning what they get.



  11. Common Myths about racism exposed:


    Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Rev Wright are here to help race relations

    All criticism about B. H. Obama is about racism

    Affirmative action "helped" minorities

    The Civil War was about slavery

    Any criticism about ILLEGAL ALIENS is about racism

    ONLY whites are privileged in America

    All Black Conservatives are Uncle Toms or GOP Puppets

  12. Would argue with her about it, but it's a waste of keyboard energy. She has been called out on her comments that simply are not true, and continues to make up talking points. I hope to God I never have her as a nurse. If she makes up topics here, no telling how she would treat you in a hospital.

    Apparently even aTm had a quota to meet in "giving" degrees...must be that fairness stuff....

  13. the truth hurts doesnt it?

    Yes, but not the "you people" you think it does in the big picture.


    Think BISD, Chicago, Detroit..and of course the White House...very painful indeed!


    The rise of the welfare state in the 1960s contributed greatly to the demise of the black family as a stable institution. The out-of-wedlock birth rate among African Americans today is 73%, three times higher than it was prior to the War on Poverty. Children raised in fatherless homes are far more likely to grow up poor and to eventually engage in criminal behavior, than their peers who are raised in two-parent homes. In 2010, blacks (approximately 13% of the U.S. population) accounted for 48.7% of all arrests for homicide, 31.8% of arrests for forcible rape, 33.5% of arrests for aggravated assault, and 55% of arrests for robbery. Also as of 2010, the black poverty rate was 27.4% (about 3 times higher than the white rate), meaning that 11.5 million blacks in the U.S. were living in poverty.



    Chicago Public Schools prom slogan: ‘This Is Are Story’  The average teacher salary is $76,000...  The disparity is worse in Englewood, a neighborhood where 23.6 percent of residents are unemployed and the average per capita income is $12,255.


    Something’s not adding up.

    Students can’t spell. They can’t do math. They aren’t graduating. And they’re not being set up to succeed in the real world.

    So why should CPS teachers be rewarded with raises?




    I know, I know - Damn Whitey! Keep playing the victim, name calling and blaming others...It really seems to be working out for you....very short sighted and further destroys.

  14. I never owned a slave my ancestors never owned slaves I come from dirt poor farmers, I went to high school with many black students whos fathers worked at the plants with my father and they had the same teachers I had in school so with all that said I can say with confidence that I owe no one anything for my part in the slavery chapter of our nation! Hate it happened but I cant change that! Sure there is still racism and always will be on both sides but I  always try to treat others  the way they treat me.

    My point exactly! But somehow ALL whites get "blamed" whereas knowing "black" Africans were the ones who were selling their own people (blacks) into slavery, it is argued (and rightly so) that it wasn't "MY FAMILY" that actually sold slaves....again it seems to only work in one direction......because it WASN'T my family that bought and/or even used slavery...I'm second generation French of a migrant brick layer...

  15. We know Africans sold their enemies to the slave traders and it was wrong. We also know Africans sell drugs in their communities. Both incidents destroyed family structures.And you REALLY don't want to have an honest discussion about slavery.

    I'm glad these things are recognized. However, I have a few questions.


    1) Why isn't ALL the efforts of this country put on fixing the broken family structure, rather than blaming others and/or rewarding it? 


    2) Then with what sounds like resentment from the black community about the suppression, torture, persecution, lynchings, etc from the white man in the USA, has it ever crossed your mind to HATE on your African Ancestors? The black slaves wouldn't have been in those situations had their fathers and grandfathers not sold them? 


    I will debate race with you any time any place? But to do so, I will require a discussion where the words, you, they, y'all, YOU PEOPLE can NOT be used. Speak only of the issues of our OWN race, where we are NOW, and what can be done by our OWN people to fix or at least better current relations..........so, I challenge you to invite me out for dinner and a beer...I'm buying!


    ps...invite all your friends on this board to join us, I'd welcome them.

  16. You guys are in denial. We ("race baiters) know the truth. The great USA was the last industrialized nation to outlaw slavery.

    And the great AFRICANS were the last to sell to the GREAT USA! yet you take BOTH their names "African-American" and blame only ONE....smh


    Which is the point of the right - selective tolerance, selective racism, selective anything from the left! and Take ZERO personal accountability.


    Where is your hatred toward the BLACK Africans, your ancestors, who sold or traded your other ancestors to the GREAT USA!


    But I guess we don't REALLY want to have an open HONEST discussion about race do we....you want to start in the middle and IGNORE the ENTIRE history of slavery and the suppression of blacks...started by the Africans themselves!


    By that standard lets JUST blame those who buy and abuse drugs - not the Drug dealers!


    And - to keep rambling - I personally would feel way more anger toward one of my own for selling me out (pun intended) than anything a stranger might do to me...

  17. We all know the history of this country when it comes to race relations. Maybe a better question would be, " can you provide emperical & verifiable evidence that race has nothing to do with President Obama's opposition?"

    Apparently we don't all know the history of slavery though. In the beginning African slaves (blacks) were traded and sold by their own kings and tribal leaders, as were the whites. Once the European countries outlawed slavery (all slavery) the white's discontinued the act, whereas the African leaders simply found new buyers....but lets not take any of that into consideration. In fact, let's just blame the white man, and take on the "AFRICAN-American" title to honor the very people who sold your ancestors to the highest bidder....of course to do so, one have to take responsiblity for their own peoples actions. With that said, it is a typical liberal stance to blame only one part of the problem rather than it's entirety. Settle the mess in your own house before trying to clean others....just saying.

  18. Well, I for one think that 100% of his WHITE side is completely incompetent, a liar, and will to some degree leave this great country worse off than when he took over....only 1% of his BLACK side is of the same....simple math...51% failure . so that makes me - tolerant, compassionate and understanding of the opposite race, however intolerant, lacks compassion and understanding of my own? 


    Whew, And YOU PEOPLE were starting to make me feel racist - 

  19. Race Card Alert!!!!! Throwing out a lot out there aren't you? You sound like a closeted frustrated man.

    Sorry, you are correct on the front of "throwing a lot out there" I should have kept it short and simple. But i did notice you didn't discard any of what I stated as "nonfactual".


    Wrong on this front... Not in the closet at all, very frustrated with the pathetic direction in which our great nation is headed, which is being created by "YOU PEOPLE" - 

  20. Nor are they stupid. The liberal base has got the conservatives by the short and curlies, and we allowed it. What they have figured out is, they can destroy anyone that disagrees with them by attaching the appropriate word (even if it isn't true, obtained illegally, etc)


    Racist - anything of color (including illegal aliens)

    Sexist - any thing of opposite sex (including transgender, which is same sex...but anyway)

    Homophobic - anything gay

    Bigot - anything Muslim / Athiest (also used as catch all)

    Uncompassionate - anything against the "deserving" (lazy a$$ bums, etc)


    These 5 words can destroy anyone. You can lose your job, be discarded from society and destroyed. With the help of the media, the liberals can attack and attach any of the above mentioned words and your life, as you know it, is over. It doesn't matter if what they claim of you is true or not. Damage control is almost impossible.


    It doesn't matter if it's fact or if you said it 30 years ago....if they want you gone, you are gone...


    Example 1 - Teacher fired for teaching that white people (actors) used to paint their faces black to represent blacks in movies and on stage performances (which is a fact)


    Example 2: Paula Dean admitted herself she used the "supposed", (cause those people...use it all the time, without consequense) oh so terrible "N word" ....wait for it....30 years ago!


    Example 3: Sterling destroyed by illegally obtained recordings IN HIS OWN HOME


    It seems they don't JUST have the "race" card anymore....they are playing with a FULL deck!

  21. [quote name="Toe Jam" post="1422057" timestamp="1375848920"]
    [quote author=Craig S link=topic=112920.msg1421706#msg1421706 date=1375793061]
    [quote author=Toe Jam link=topic=112920.msg1421107#msg1421107 date=1375571483]
    [quote author=AMc link=topic=112920.msg1419905#msg1419905 date=1374165739]
    Houston Power and Impact Gold coming to Beaumont is awesome for our girls! The ones it will benefit are our girls who have what it takes to make it to a big D1. It's sad to say, but once you get the right combination of hard work, talent, determination, and attitude on the players part, it DOES matter what name they have on that jersey. We know from experience. Parents have to be willing to turn your daughter's game over to the coach/manager/organization that's willing to push her beyond what she thought was her limits, then let things happen. If our local coaches don't live up to those organizations expectations and reputation, they won't be coaches for long. And that's a good thing. The local softball drama won't last long with those groups. Parents and kids will have to step up their game and rise to the level of success. Some of our local guys have done an amazing job getting our local players to the next level, but it's time to make things better. There will still be a place for some of these smaller organizations, but this opens up so many possibilities! My advice is to find out what your daughter's goal is, and give her every opportunity to reach it. It's not going to fall in her lap in softball.

    Just a word of advice, don't get caught up in the "allure" of the D1 college title "prestige", a majority of players, guys and gals, have done it and regretted it (the ones who wanted to play at least).  There are a select few players that are going to be able to step into a D1 college as a freshman and do anything but set the bench.  A general consensus is playing at a good juco is better than setting the bench at a D1 with all that prestige around you! Oh, and the name on the jersey of the select team means squat if you don't have the talent.  Just being real!

    A product worth having, you have no trouble selling.

    As you quote one of the BEST post I have read on here in a very long time, you follow it with one of the worst EVER!

    This post reads equal to the "Speed don't matter", says the parent of the 52 MPH pitcher.

    WOW, Note to general public, new parents/coaches....be careful where you get your advice (Just a word of advice), and don't believe everything you read on the internet....

    There are 286 NCAA DI programs, 264 NCAA DII, 392 NCAA DIII, 205 NAIA and 470 NJCAA softball programs in the United States.
    Each NCAA DI program can offer up to 12 scholarships per team, while DII programs have up to 7.2, NAIA programs have 10 scholarships and[b] fully funded NJCAA Softball teams have 24 scholarships per team.[/b]
    Not all softball scholarships are full rides and the majority of programs split up their scholarships in order to give money to as many good players as possible.
    The junior colleges give the most full rides and where do you think most of the D1 Colleges recruit from?  Travel and select ball teams or junior colleges?  Maybe the all knowing will have the answer to that one!  Oh, and lay off the sauce when posting, [b]cause your last one, made no sense![/b]A product worth having, you have no trouble selling.

    It did to the one's that matter!

    And that product you have can't be sold if you arent in the RIGHT market place I don't care how good it is, and IF the right person isn't marketing it CORRECTLY....it doesn't get sold...no matter how good it is...so keep on believing what you want, and in the process, you single handedly will blow smoke up some parents back side preventing a kid somewhere from reaching their full potential, because you spew ALL THINGS ARE EQUAL....translation: try selling a Bentley at a used car lot in Fred Texas...let me know how that works out for you!

    [quote author=SEBLUE link=topic=112920.msg1422074#msg1422074 date=1375879961]
    [quote author=Toe Jam link=topic=112920.msg1422057#msg1422057 date=1375848920]
    The junior colleges give the most full rides and where do you think most of the D1 Colleges recruit from?  Travel and select ball teams or junior colleges?  Maybe the all knowing will have the answer to that one!  [/quote]

    I'm not the "all knowing", but the answer is select ball teams.

    Next thing we will be hearing from Toe Jam is college coaches recruit at HS games...
  22. [quote name="Toe Jam" post="1421107" timestamp="1375571483"]
    [quote author=AMc link=topic=112920.msg1419905#msg1419905 date=1374165739]
    Houston Power and Impact Gold coming to Beaumont is awesome for our girls! The ones it will benefit are our girls who have what it takes to make it to a big D1. It's sad to say, but once you get the right combination of hard work, talent, determination, and attitude on the players part, it DOES matter what name they have on that jersey. We know from experience. Parents have to be willing to turn your daughter's game over to the coach/manager/organization that's willing to push her beyond what she thought was her limits, then let things happen. If our local coaches don't live up to those organizations expectations and reputation, they won't be coaches for long. And that's a good thing. The local softball drama won't last long with those groups. Parents and kids will have to step up their game and rise to the level of success. Some of our local guys have done an amazing job getting our local players to the next level, but it's time to make things better. There will still be a place for some of these smaller organizations, but this opens up so many possibilities! My advice is to find out what your daughter's goal is, and give her every opportunity to reach it. It's not going to fall in her lap in softball.

    Just a word of advice, don't get caught up in the "allure" of the D1 college title "prestige", a majority of players, guys and gals, have done it and regretted it (the ones who wanted to play at least).  There are a select few players that are going to be able to step into a D1 college as a freshman and do anything but set the bench.  A general consensus is playing at a good juco is better than setting the bench at a D1 with all that prestige around you! Oh, and the name on the jersey of the select team means squat if you don't have the talent.  Just being real!

    A product worth having, you have no trouble selling.

    As you quote one of the BEST post I have read on here in a very long time, you follow it with one of the worst EVER!

    This post reads equal to the "Speed don't matter", says the parent of the 52 MPH pitcher.

    WOW, Note to general public, new parents/coaches....be careful where you get your advice (Just a word of advice), and don't believe everything you read on the internet....
  23. [quote name="AMc" post="1419905" timestamp="1374165739"]
    Houston Power and Impact Gold coming to Beaumont is awesome for our girls! The ones it will benefit are our girls who have what it takes to make it to a big D1. It's sad to say, but once you get the right combination of hard work, talent, determination, and attitude on the players part, it DOES matter what name they have on that jersey. We know from experience. Parents have to be willing to turn your daughter's game over to the coach/manager/organization that's willing to push her beyond what she thought was her limits, then let things happen. If our local coaches don't live up to those organizations expectations and reputation, they won't be coaches for long. And that's a good thing. The local softball drama won't last long with those groups. Parents and kids will have to step up their game and rise to the level of success. Some of our local guys have done an amazing job getting our local players to the next level, but it's time to make things better. There will still be a place for some of these smaller organizations, but this opens up so many possibilities! My advice is to find out what your daughter's goal is, and give her every opportunity to reach it. It's not going to fall in her lap in softball.

    One of the BEST post I've read on here in a LONG time.

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