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Posts posted by CraigS

  1. [quote name="Toe Jam" post="1419470" timestamp="1374020599"]
    [quote author=trout link=topic=112920.msg1419430#msg1419430 date=1374013823]
    [quote author=Young Guns GOLD link=topic=112920.msg1419367#msg1419367 date=1374006068]
    got them added....thanks

    Not sure of your point...Be Smart?
    [/quote] Impact Gold does it because of name recognition. Every team is called Impact Gold from 8U to 18 Gold. That is what I was told. It seperates them (us)  from other teams that are called Impact. It sounds a little unusal to me also but it is what it is.  Everyone has reasons for what they do and you don't have to aggree with them just attempt to understand and move on.
    [/quote][quote author=MBB2 link=topic=112920.msg1419317#msg1419317 date=1374000330]
    I don't understand using the Gold name at younger levels.  Gold 12U, Gold 10U- matter of fact I saw a Gold 8U looking for players.  Did ASA add another level above Class A for those ages?

    Very good point MBB2!  And a very poor attempt at an explanation trout.  The truth of the matter is that teams throw the "Gold" designation behind their team name in an attempt to attract players to a team that is no more gold than the fillings in my teeth.  You should have to be certified by ASA to signify your team as gold and only for the roster that qualified as gold.  The designation "Gold" now means nothing in the fast pitch softball world.

    the word "Gold hasn't meant much in the softball world since 'the recruiting" binge started...qualifiers are being used for recruiting, teams don't care if they have a chance in heck to qualify as long as coaches are there.

    A few years back there was talk about adding other rounds to eliminate the imposters....kinda like a qualifier for the qualifiers....college coaches would only show up to the "actual" qualifier to save their time.

    with all that said....why do you even care what a team calls themselves....and on another note...if you think people all over this country coast to coast do not recognize the "Impact Gold" name....well, there isn't much that can be done for you....just sayin'

    and NO its not a very good point, in fact its a very poor attempt to disquise bashing the new "impact gold" organization....mediocrity hates excellence! Always has...always will....
  2. [quote name="Buddy09" post="1417347" timestamp="1372641079"]
    Texas Bombers Gold HTX qualified for the ASA Gold Championship in Clearwater, Florida today.  This team has girls from the following high schools: Atascocita, Barbers Hill, Baytown Sterling, Channelview, Clear Springs, George Ranch, Huffman, and Lumberton.

    Great job, good luck and enjoy Kimber, a great opportunity for a great kid! (oh...and Dad)
  3. On another note: As it stands, GT Shockers are already the only team in the area to play in the Ronald McDonald and the Louisville Slugger showcases, which are the 2 best and largest recruiting tournaments in Texas AND are put on by Impact Gold (and made possible by seeking help from those before us...Verde, etc) They are also in the  Tx Elite showcases, the American Freedom showcase in Dallas amoung others, McNeese, ULL, Navarro.

    IF, they do merge with Impact Gold, the exposure for local players goes to a level that NO ONE in this area has even come close to...a simple phone call by Impact powers extends recruiting opportunities to the Rising Star (Fla), New Jersey, Fireworks (Aurora, Co) or Independence (Bolder, Co.) perhaps even Surf City (Cal) and PGF (Cal).

    With that said, IF this happens, this would not be for everyone, just like GTS was not for everyone....some want to practice 2 blocks down and go to Lamar PA....and that's fine....but learn from experience....it was a pissing contest when GT Shockers Gold was formed....and it seems history may repeat itself with some....

  4. It would serve some well to admit the obvious. When I started GTS, I knew early on I could not accomplish the goals I wanted for my players alone. I immediately went to the more experienced and those with more experience. Verde, Trout, Trahan, Wiese as coaches and recruiting, Lemoine as former player, I even spoke to current players (at the time) for how and why we should do the things we do/did.

    I also spent many hours with Houston area coaches of organizations with years of success. I lost some of the best talent ive ever coached to Houston Power, Impact Gold, etc.....why? Because I told them....we...GT Shockers can NOT provide you with the recruiting opportunities that those organization can.

    some may consider me rude, arrogant, egotistical, etc...to each their own....but nothing stood or stands in the way of helping players reach their goal of playing at the next level....and not just that....but at the highest level of their talents....and if that means send kids to Houston....so be it....not about personal pride, rather the pride one has for the success of each and every player....

    With that said....IF....GT Shockers do merge with Impact Gold in the name of extending opportunities for local players....at the cost of swallowing pride...or more likely not having any to begin with, when it comes to helping kids....good for them!

    for those who choose to continue to deny, or miss out on opportunities because of barriers, territories, or just plain pissing contest....so be it, but please....do not spread your denial to others costing them the opportunity.

    as some may know, i no longer have a dog in this hunt....but as Trout stated, numbers dont lie...GTS is the youngest organization yet the most players ever recruited in the area...i believe 37 in 5 Years....second....to NONE!
  5. [quote name="scapegoat" post="1414574" timestamp="1371660723"]
    Nederland's boys track team lost District Championship to Tony Brown and company by 1 point.I think Nederland was selected by Coca Cola as the best program in SE Texas this year.Another poll picked Ned. as the fourth over all program in the state.Tigers had a great year but Nederland had a better one this year.I would love to see a list of all of the sports top to bottom to back up my view.

    the only way to truly solve this is to place a value on each win, each place at each level then come up with a total.

    each win = 1pt
    District championship = 6 second = 5 etc
    bi-district champion = x .... regional champion = x state qualifier = x placed at state event = x, etc

    Then divide by the number of sports played at the particular school (this would equal out the bigger schools who have more sports teams than the smaller schools)

  6. [quote name="AggiesAreWe" post="1414328" timestamp="1371585339"]
    Silsbee also sent a girl to state golf tourney, finishing 8th, [b]a girl to state track meet (high jump) finishing 3rd[/b], two girls to state power lifting meet with both winning state titles in their respective weight class. Silsbee girls golf team won district.

    Silsbee softball was 2nd in district, 2 rounds in playoffs. Volleyball went to playoffs as well. Girls soccer made playoffs.

    Silsbee football regional finals(lost to semifinalist Carthage), Silsbee basketball district champs, 3rd round losing to state finalists Houston Yates, Silsbee baseball district champs losing in state semifinals to eventual state champion LaGrange. Silsbee also had regional track and tennis qualifiers.

    3 girls went to state with 2 5th place finishes as well, the Enterprise said only 2, Chanissey Folwer also went as a sprinter.
  7. [quote name="H-D BOBCAT 55" post="1413932" timestamp="1371493771"]
    History shows the overwhelming majority of our Nations top leaders, as well as elite Forbes 500 CEO's, played sports and learned valuable life lessons through sports. Bottom line is you take a kid that has never played sports and only hit the books hard,[size=14pt][b] then take a student that has busted his butt as a member of a team [color=red]and also made good grades[/color], the student athlete will be the better leader and professional every time.[/b][/size] Without sports and competition a person will never have that drive and passion that has truly built America. JFK, FDR, Patton, Schwarzkopf, Powell and even the great Bill Gates all played sports. Sports seem to be the "X" factor in life, separating the weird-o from the great American. It's not enough to just be smart anymore, you have to have the intangibles of Leadership, Dependability, Trustworthiness, Initiative, Responsibility and Respect. Let's remember it's our Coaches and not our math teachers sharpening our kids with the intangibles I listed above. 

    absolutely....my argument is to be a STUDENT athlete which agrees with and supports your stance. I have NOTHING against athletics...I played college baseball, my daughter will be attending Sam Houston for track....but she didn't depend on SPORTS (nor did I) and it is NOT the means to the end...she is an HONOR STUDENT FIRST....
  8. [quote name="cougar14" post="1413855" timestamp="1371490402"]
    [quote author=Craig S link=topic=112483.msg1413757#msg1413757 date=1371479992]
    [quote author=JB94 link=topic=112483.msg1413735#msg1413735 date=1371475270]
    High School coaching salaries ...should they make more?  No, there's way too much emphasis as it is on sports in grade school. Imagine what we'd be if only half the same emphasis and pressure were put on reading, writing, math and science. This is not college where if they win, it could mean millions to their schools.

    How about the players? I have never said this on a message board before, but dumb question. See answer above. These are children and sports should ALWAYS be secondary to education because the chances that any of them will play professionally [color=red](or at any other level beyond HS) [/color]are way too slim.

    I agree!

    [quote]Teachers and Coaches pay levels should be performance based. Like most jobs.[/quote]

    1st - how do you judge performance in a classroom? Lets even the playing field...every student in the school must be allowed on the team, and every kid must get equal playing time...like in the classroom

    2nd - IF parents would work with their kids at home on academics as they do sports this wouldn't be an issue.

    3rd - there's a reason why they are called STUDENT athletes in that order, how does the commercial go...400 some odd thousand NCAA athletes (more in HS) and MOST of us will be going pro in something other than sports...
    4th - one of the dumbest things I've ever heard was that sports give opportunities to some kids to get an education that otherwise wouldn't even stay in school....priorities are JACKED UP! from parents, teachers, coaches alike, if this mid set is whats being taught or depended on[/b].
    [/quote]That is a stupid statement if you live in The Woodlands or somewhere else where that type of stuff isn't an issue, I bet the folks ay Ozen or other places similar have a different view. [b]I couldn't accept a scholarship offer because of grades so that tells you about my high school, [/b]I made the Dean's list my last semester of college and [b]the only reason I got to that point was because I had to stay eligible to play.[/b] Same can be said for motivating a kid to make good grades in high school to even be able to receive a scholarship. I'm a democrat though so my views are probably wrong on this board. :(

    Not because of the HS you went to....and if that was your only motivation...then your PARENTS failed you...or maybe YOU can take accountability for your own laziness or lack of motivation to just be a better more educated person.
  9. [quote name="JB94" post="1413735" timestamp="1371475270"]
    High School coaching salaries ...should they make more?  No, there's way too much emphasis as it is on sports in grade school. Imagine what we'd be if only half the same emphasis and pressure were put on reading, writing, math and science. This is not college where if they win, it could mean millions to their schools.

    How about the players? I have never said this on a message board before, but dumb question. See answer above. These are children and sports should ALWAYS be secondary to education because the chances that any of them will play professionally [color=red](or at any other level beyond HS) [/color]are way too slim.

    I agree!

    [quote]Teachers and Coaches pay levels should be performance based. Like most jobs.[/quote]

    1st - how do you judge performance in a classroom? Lets even the playing field...every student in the school must be allowed on the team, and every kid must get equal playing time...like in the classroom

    2nd - IF parents would work with their kids at home on academics as they do sports this wouldn't be an issue.

    3rd - there's a reason why they are called STUDENT athletes in that order, how does the commercial go...400 some odd thousand NCAA athletes (more in HS) and MOST of us will be going pro in something other than sports...

    4th - one of the dumbest things I've ever heard was that sports give opportunities to some kids to get an education that otherwise wouldn't even stay in school....priorities are JACKED UP! from parents, teachers, coaches alike, if this mid set is whats being taught or depended on.
  10. [quote name="Coach Comeaux" post="1413041" timestamp="1371134959"]
    [quote author=Craig S link=topic=112483.msg1413035#msg1413035 date=1371134182]
    [quote author=H-D BOBCAT 55 link=topic=112483.msg1412929#msg1412929 date=1371090464]
    There are 1A AD/HC's that make 100,000 a year. At least they have two job titles. lol. [b]Coaches work their butts off, they deserve every penny.[/b]

    And "Teachers" don't?

    First, I don't believe the head football coach should have the AD title. [b]They have that so they can pay them more. I think the AD should be a separate job[/b] (as in the bigger districts) I think a football coach as the AD is a conflict of interest. Now...my coaching friends aren't going to like me much for this approach, and even less when I say...maybe they shouldn't be paid at all.

    Many "select" coaches put as much time or MORE into the sport they love without any compensation...pay, expenses, etc. because they love kids, and love teaching the sport.

    After all, school (learning) should be the first priority, and the notion of "well without sports, some kids wouldn't stay in school" or "sports is the only thing that gives some kids the opportunity to move on" just don't cut it.

    My kid is on athletic scholarship....but SHE also is an honor grad....she didn't DEPEND on her athletic abilities to advance to the next level....it's just a past time....

    and NO, players should NOT, under any circumstance be paid

    So instead of paying 1 guy lets say $65k a year to do a HC Football and AD job... you would rather smaller schools pay a HC $50k and then pay an AD $55k a year to be AD? so if one guy does it its a total of $65k and if two guys $105K.... which one would you rather have to pay for as an ISD... do you think the taxpayers of that district would rather 1 guy and extra money for different things throughout the district... or take away from other programs to pay 2?

    Classroom teachers don't make $55K and $65K at these smaller schools....besides, where do you get these numbers...there isn't a AD/HC making as little as $65K in the state.

    "Now...my coaching friends aren't going to like me much for this approach, and even less when I say...maybe they shouldn't be paid at all. "

    ^^^^ or this! There isn't a bigger sports fan in the world than me.....there isn't a person in the world who like winning more than me....but the cost of HS sports is crazy!

    And this is just an argumentative subject....HS sports, ESPECIALLY FOOTBALL isn't going anywhere...neither is the cost...in fact...I agree with an earlier poster...it's only gonna get more expensive as the years pass.
  11. [quote name="H-D BOBCAT 55" post="1412929" timestamp="1371090464"]
    There are 1A AD/HC's that make 100,000 a year. At least they have two job titles. lol. [b]Coaches work their butts off, they deserve every penny.[/b]

    And "Teachers" don't?

    First, I don't believe the head football coach should have the AD title. They have that so they can pay them more. I think the AD should be a separate job (as in the bigger districts) I think a football coach as the AD is a conflict of interest. Now...my coaching friends aren't going to like me much for this approach, and even less when I say...maybe they shouldn't be paid at all.

    Many "select" coaches put as much time or MORE into the sport they love without any compensation...pay, expenses, etc. because they love kids, and love teaching the sport.

    After all, school (learning) should be the first priority, and the notion of "well without sports, some kids wouldn't stay in school" or "sports is the only thing that gives some kids the opportunity to move on" just don't cut it.

    My kid is on athletic scholarship....but SHE also is an honor grad....she didn't DEPEND on her athletic abilities to advance to the next level....it's just a past time....

    and NO, players should NOT, under any circumstance be paid
  12. [quote name="wackpack" post="1412733" timestamp="1371036607"]
    [quote author=Youvegottabekiddingme link=topic=112166.msg1412464#msg1412464 date=1370920231]
    [quote author=Craig S link=topic=112166.msg1412459#msg1412459 date=1370917289]
    [quote author=midcountymadness link=topic=112166.msg1412158#msg1412158 date=1370753663]
    [quote author=TASO Ump link=topic=112166.msg1411303#msg1411303 date=1370523644]
    All Players that is not listed on the roster " The coach did not nominate the player or the player declined to play" every player that was nominated will play if the player was available. The roster is available on the TASO web site [url=http://www.tasobeaumont.org]www.tasobeaumont.org[/url]

    I think you could have found better way of saying this or left it unsaid all together.


    Must be coaches that didn't nominate some players.......
    [/quote] I know a couple players that should have played in  this game but was not nominated.  I'm sure there is more

    These games should be called the "TASO Beaumont Scholarship Games" its for a noble cause and a great idea. However, when all nominees are allowed to play, not all (in our/your/their opinion) good players are not nominated, or there is not a selection process from the nominees...this is hardly and "All Star Game".
  13. [quote name="midcountymadness" post="1412158" timestamp="1370753663"]
    [quote author=TASO Ump link=topic=112166.msg1411303#msg1411303 date=1370523644]
    All Players that is not listed on the roster " The coach did not nominate the player or the player declined to play" every player that was nominated will play if the player was available. The roster is available on the TASO web site [url=http://www.tasobeaumont.org]www.tasobeaumont.org[/url]

    I think you could have found better way of saying this or left it unsaid all together.

  14. [quote name="Cheater" post="1410259" timestamp="1370194111"]
    [quote author=bigocat link=topic=112245.msg1410254#msg1410254 date=1370193148]
    Are you going to teach her to swing a golf club rotational or leaneure ??????

    Now that funny!

    That is funny...but the whole purpose is to not have to "teach" or "coach" anything anymore....being just a parent (or grandparent) is da bomb....
  15. [quote name="Slam14" post="1409171" timestamp="1369861301"]
    [quote author=Craig S link=topic=112245.msg1409167#msg1409167 date=1369859789]
    [quote author=NEWS link=topic=112245.msg1409139#msg1409139 date=1369857833]
    sure miss the good old days there were some epic battles between myself and craig

    On AND off the field, games between the 94 GT Shockers and the 93 Orange Crush were "epic" no doubt!

    No doubt! Will never forget those.  [color=red][u][b] I wish we would have had video back in the old days!
    Hold on! Somebody call an administrator...I just noticed NEWS only has 26 smites?  That can't be right...there has to be more than 26 umpires on here.  ;)  I guess that's the new calm, passive, and low keyed NEWS.

    Dude, telling our age for sure....

    Yes, notice I didn't get mad at ME (Tigers12) and boycott the site during heated times....so I STILL have all my original smites...ALL zillion of them!

    I have a 5 yr old grand daughter, maybe in a few years .... I'll get some video of this go round, however...I'm pushing GOLF, already bought her clubs!
  16. [quote name="Slam14" post="1409113" timestamp="1369856959"]
    [quote author=Craig S link=topic=112245.msg1408983#msg1408983 date=1369842393]
    [quote author=NEWS link=topic=112245.msg1408959#msg1408959 date=1369838844]
    Is this the same gun you used back in the day i remember one of you pitchers was throwing 70 at 12 u. Sorry could not help my self.

    its all about the tuning forks.....yes, but that was when she was in league ball....us travel coaches screwed her up, she finished her career throwing only 52mph....BUT...she had movement...lol

    LOL!  I wish I had a dollar for every kid travel ball coaches screwed up! I'd be rich!  Those guys are crazy!!

    [color=red][size=14pt][u][i][b]Does that gun come with a money back gaurantee?  [/b][/i][/u][/size][/color]

    NEWS, put the shovel down and quit digging up old skeletons!  ;D

    That they will throw 52 at 12U after being coached by a travel coach....sure!
  17. [quote name="NEWS" post="1408959" timestamp="1369838844"]
    Is this the same gun you used back in the day i remember one of you pitchers was throwing 70 at 12 u. Sorry could not help my self.

    its all about the tuning forks.....yes, but that was when she was in league ball....us travel coaches screwed her up, she finished her career throwing only 52mph....BUT...she had movement...lol
  18. [quote name="Ty Cobb" post="1402545" timestamp="1368108068"]
    At first I thought they were talking about a coach getting tossed but now I think it is someone else.  The post said someone that casts judgement and has a pretty influencing title within the district.  [b]Someone has to have some information.[/b]

    OH, Someone does....but this is one of their own....don't expect to hear much on this....
  19. [quote name="Critter" post="1401200" timestamp="1367695795"]
    Where's those Tiger bats at?

    Perhaps they were over shadowed by a certain person who cast judgement (death penalty) to others while acting way worse (and getting tossed from game)...not to mention an adult, and a pretty influencing title within the district at that....kinda surprised nothing has been mentioned on here about that....then again...not really!
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