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Everything posted by CraigS

  1. Big play Hornets... inside PNG 30
  2. Turnover on downs
  3. Looks like PNG going for it...
  4. 4th and 13... on the 31...TO PNG
  5. Sack... loss of 7
  6. 10-0 end of first...PNG moving thr ball... on Hornets 28
  7. I've also read that if he says Trump tried to interfere, or obstruct his investigation (whether he did or didn't actually do it) he will put himself in legal trouble. It is a felony to not report a felony.... so if Trump did obstruct justice (a felony) and Comey didn't immediately report it then he has also committed a felony.........much ado about nothing.... more Dem stipidity and waste of money....Comey will not put himself in that position, therefore nothing will be said othe than perhaps basic criticism.
  8. When was the last time you "mistakenly" spread your legs (naked)? and YES it is the mothers fault AND the fathers for "mistakenly" taking advantage of said legs being "mistakenly" spread......
  9. I can't? So, you would be willing to give a second chance to someone who did any of the things I listed, to your family? I'm not trying to pick a fight, just saying that I'm not going to be very forgiving to someone who beats, rapes or robs anyone. Those aren't "mistakes" those crimes are true reflections of the person inside, and can not be rehabilitated. And, like I said, the VICTIM, certainly doesn't get a second chance.
  10. So how do the VICTIMS get the chance to "right the wrong"? If a persons "screw up" affects another human being - I say no second chances. If it were along the lines of alcohol or drug use - maybe. But when one person beats / rapes / robs another - to late, you have affected another persons life forever - now it's your turn to pay the lifelong consequence that you've chosen to impose on another due to your choices.
  11. And NOT ONE Democrat stood, speaks of the lack of Americanism of the last 8 years......
  12. BLM is certainly a hate group - even the decent people who thought it might actually be for a good cause are coming out against them....of course that makes them racist and an uncle Tom.... “I had a debate with one of the lead organizers of the Black Lives Matter movement in St. Paul,” Turner said. “His name was Brian Allen and during this debate with him, I was called a racist, and I was called an Uncle Tom because I said that blacks need to address the killing of each other just like they need to address the killings by police.” [Hidden Content]
  13. and go ahead and put the 113 Billion wasted (every year) on illegal immigration in the SS pot.....problem solved!
  14. Let's say....I had a birthday....And pertaining to another post of yours.......NO...I doubt serious I would still drive...sure, I'd find the best way to help my family......you seem to draw a line at "anything short of stealing" Why is that? the law is the law...not to mention, that coming here illegally and taking form of benefit is in fact stealing...be it a form of welfare or even if you actually work for it.......you are stealing "an opportunity" from a legal resident or worse an AMERICAN. In addition to all of the reason I've given and others......one of my biggest beefs with this topic is assimilation......you see foreign flags everywhere during protest and/or even celebrations......and days dedicated to holidays that aren't even "Mexican" holidays not that would matter...... May 5th is equivalent to Texas Independence Day.....the entire US does not recognize and/or celebrate that day...so why would we recognize a Mexican State independence day in ......perhaps they should put more focus on JULY 4TH...
  15. Still doesn't make any sense to me....if my drivers license were to expire and not be renewable for whatever reason....I'd get in pretty big trouble if I were caught still driving without one....
  16. ??? ASSUMING you mean by way of some sort of visa - then let them expire. Then that begs the question - why would they do that?
  17. Apparently it isn't that difficult . .. many many many came here and are currently coming here legally. Perhaps you are confusing difficult with lazy and not smart enough......and we want those people, why? This isn't meant to be combative...I feel this is a very real question, as it pertains to the welfare of our country.
  18. There is already a path to citizenship.....but that isn't good enough......apparently! Not to mention, if some have been here for as long as some claim, then the long wait issue shouldn't work for t hem.....you've had plenty of time......short answer...yes "The front door"
  19. [Hidden Content] Then you're going to have to explain this. It is amazing how the liberal mind works. Most A-Listers are considered good liberals - as are most blacks.........yet...A-Listers exclude blacks in their award programs (whitewashing as they call it) I could provide other links on similar subjects - Milo at Berkley (Gay man) no liberal tolerance - AND defend Muslims who want to kill the gays, all the while claiming to be the champion of LGBTQ rights..... Hate Melania and Ivanka Trump - YET defend Muslims who demean women and other women who attack other very successful women..... yet claim to be the champion of women's rights.
  20. Pay your bill........just like we did with my father who died of cancer without having any insurance.
  21. Because evolution is a flawed theory. Not to mention put out by the same people who claim global warming is man made.....that's not teaching or rejecting ideology....that's rejecting "flawed science" aka. facts!
  22. sounds like a road trip is in order.......
  23. Original name was "Tigers12" kids number at the time I joined was #12 and of course Silsbee "Tigers"......I changed because someone once accused me of hiding behind a screen name.... CraigS (Soignet) so I fixed it for them........
  24. The issue (if any) would be cultural adjustments, not much unlike 2 people who marry of different religions or lack of.....I can certainly understand the thinking that some use kids as an excuse. With that said, if two people are truly devout Christian and __________ (fill in blank.. Muslim, Atheist, etc) how would you raise your kids? To believe, not to believe, or what to believe....same could even be true of two Christians of different denominations........relationships are hard enough....I personally can't understand intentionally adding to that difficulty.......On that note...my daughter dates a black guy....very well educated, (working on his masters) respectful, and fun to be around........we have spent time with our whole family and his whole family....taken him on multiple family vacations....great guy!
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