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Posts posted by CraigS

  1. The GT Shockers 12U will have open practices and tryouts on the following dates and times. Only 1999 and 2000 birthdates.

    23 - open practice - 2pm College Street Complex
    30 - open practice - 2pm College Street Complex

    5  - Tryouts 10am - 2pm - College Street Complex
    12- Tryouts 10am - 2pm - College Street Complex

    For more information or questions, please contact Craig Soignet @ 409-284-6809.
  2. On a personal note:

    Last summer at the Louisville Slugger showcase we were scheduled to play a game at 8:00pm, the games got behind quite a bit as we didnt actually play until 9:30pm. Most of us were already not expecting alot of coaches due to being so late. However, my kid had her dream school come watch. While watching he was talking to Jimmie, and told him, " she took the time to email me her schedule, I at least owe her the respect to stay an watch" Now they didnt stay the entire game, but they did stay. Since then, that school has watched her play just about every game she has played in, that they are in attendance.
  3. [quote name="bigcat" post="912558" timestamp="1290129556"]
    At the Ronald McDonald, Hit Away played all 5 games at the main complex, last year and this year for sure. And the past 2 years played 2 games on field 1 at Plano, all the rest of their games were played at the main complex in Plano.  When the Plano teams play at the Ronald McDonald, they get a lot of games on the main fields. When our  area teams do play on the main pod, what game times do they get? I bet not very good ones.
    Our area is out of the loop, I dont care who play with or for. Its sad that our area girls cant get some of the prime time. [b]The girls from our area are just as tallented as the spring Klien girls, just not as many. [/b]   Spring Klien and Plano Gets the gravy, every one else gets the scraps. Sad to say but that is the way it is.

    And this is another of my points. If you only have 1 or 2 or even 3-4 kids that are "as good" as Spring Klein girls as you put it. Why play all of yur games in front of the Texas, LSU, Alabama, Oklahoma.....etc.......they arent good enough to go there, so why waste that valuable recruiting time.....get on a field with a time that schools more suited for the talent your team has.......Not saying the girls cant dream, just be realistic.....not everyone is DI, especially SEC, Big 12, ACC, Pac 10.....etc

    Just for the record, Dyess Park over the last 3 years was a good fit for GTS, Lots of smaller DI schools mixed with DII, DIII, NAIA, and JUCO's....We did have some bigger DI schools come watch, mainly due to kids sending emails and Jimmie following up.
  4. [quote name="shake and bake" post="912467" timestamp="1290122651"]
    You always get a game or 2 at Heritage [b]but last year talking to Trout they had to play somewhere out of the way.[/b] OC has had some games on F1 at heritage at premium times also. I did not go this year but CC was more upbeat then MJ about the Coach options. I am a fan of ALL the girls from the area and love to see them ALL do great things on and off the SB field.

    Sorry Shake, you are correct. I missed one of the Plano tourn. last year, they did play ONE game in 5 years, 10 tourn. (50 games) on an "off" field!  ;)
    However, my point remains the same, that ONE game did NOT affect our recruiting then or now!
  5. Just going to be honest, and the haters can hate!

    In the Elite Showcase Tourn. GTS teams have always had our games at either Heritage Yards or Craig Ranch (From the time we were 13yo). We have always had pretty good game times from the beginning, due to a previous relationship with Bandcroft and the up and coming powers in that organization. We have competed against them from 10U (won some lost some) all around the country, from Colorado to Oklahoma, Dallas, Houston, etc. Our schedule also consist of pretty good teams from year to year. We preach daily about our kids sending their own emails, however, Jimmie does an excellent job on following up. It also doesnt hurt that we have such a strong schedule that we feed off the coaches coming to see the more established teams.

    Ronald McDonald.....Just this year we moved to Collins Park (main fields) for ALL our games, before this year all of or most of our games have been at Dyess Park. I must say this, sometimes its not to the advantage for a team to have MAIN field and PRIME times.....if you are honest with yourself, your players and parents......sometimes its worthless to waste your time playing in front of the entire SEC, Big 12, ACC , etc.....It may be better served to play where your players and schools match. If in some instances you have "A" player that has that kind of talent, she will be known about (through contacts) and they will come to where YOU are.

    Just saying, I think sometimes to much emphesis is put on Fields!
  6. [quote name="Bugler" post="888097" timestamp="1288112397"]
    [quote author=Tigers9 link=topic=73946.msg888051#msg888051 date=1288109551]

    Very good post. But I still dont think you get it. I havent disagreed with these basis of teaching, they are obviously very good traits as a human being. It doesnt change that the athletes of programs that have continued success have and expect a level of swagger.......whether or not Cheater and others will admit this or leave me to being a [b]"lone rebel"[/b] is yet to be seen.

    I was watching the news the other day, and I must agree with the journalist's opinion of the direction of our country.........America is getting fed up with the "politically correct BS" the point........we cant see the actual point being made due to race, sex, religious or political views that so often get in the way.....hence the comment by O'Rielly...."Muslims killed us on 911" which by the way is FACT.....however he takes crap for it....he didnt say ALL, however some got their feelings hurt and whined about his comments.

    so, if your agenda gets in the way of seeing the actual point being made....so be it! Choose the right fit for your kid and be happy, thats why there are several teams in the area.


    Thanks. I agree with most of what was said there except that if a program continues to have the success they will have the confidence that others will see, and then they have the choice of swagger or humility, which in no way means weakness. The opponent will most likely see it as swagger. The difference would be how they were treated by the confident one.

    Yes, I get it and see your point. It's the way of the world, today. Expecting swagger is just like expecting PC.  (Swagger won't get you fired.)  Facts are facts, but supposition or assumption and perception is not. Bill O'Reilly stated fact. What the others, that don't like him, IMHO, heard was probably something offensive  "due to race, sex, religious or political views".

    I see my daughter walk in confidence and humility. The opponent may see swagger. Who's "right"?  They would know if they met her.

    Anyways, thanks for your work over the last few years, also.


    Thank you. Since you seem to have known me for a few years then you know I dont always come across very well to some. Im glad you see the point, and I must admit, you spoke my point alot better than I obviously presented it......again....very well spoken!
  7. [quote name="Bugler" post="887629" timestamp="1288057882"]
    [quote author=Tigers9 link=topic=73946.msg886868#msg886868 date=1288012124]
    [quote author=setx99 link=topic=73946.msg882577#msg882577 date=1287673914]
    [color=blue][color=red]It is important for coaches to not be so arrogant[/color][/color].  [color=#151b8d][color=red]cant agree with this at all. Coaches that are successfull will always show arrogance, in fact, they should be teaching their kids to have a certain amount of swagger themselves......medicocrity HATES excellence.[/color][color=blue][/color][/color]

    I think we will continue to teach our daughter Confidence not arrogance and Humility not swagger.  She practices excellence and not mediocrity and she isn't arrogant at all.


    Good luck with that. No where did I say those things werent taught. I believe you confuse arrogance, swagger, cokyness with being rude, unsportman like, and demeaning......below is a quote from the football forum about WOS....you either "GET IT" or you dont, if this doesnt make sense, then NOTHING I say or anyone else can say to help!

    "These are the only games that challenge the Mustangs before the playoffs.  They may get knocked around every now and then in those games, but they come away from those games with alot of wins and a whole lot of confidence.  Second, their swagger beats the inferior teams the day WOS is typed on their schedule.  Teams look at their annual matchup and know there's not a chance to win.  When you don't truly believe you can win, you won't.  Unless it's a playoff team that doesn't have a 21-year losing streak against the Stangs, it should be a crime to talk trash the week before playing WOS."

    The real problem is people have a hard time seperating their kids as athletes from off field personaility. Especially their dauhters....     

    This thread is way off topic, but to respond to the response.

    Swagger:  to walk or conduct oneself with an insolent or arrogant air.  to brag or boast.

    Confidence:  having belief in oneself.

    How does someone teach humility and swagger? Where does the arrogance come in? Which will they want the team to portray?

    Don't need "luck" with that. I can speak to what we are teaching our daughter. I'd want the coach to teach her the game of softball. I know that there are "game" attitudes that are needed, and will be built upon, but the rest will be left to us. She is the same on the field, as she is off the field. She strives to do her best at whatever she does.  Feel free to ask Coach Clifton. She has been called a "quiet leader," "one of the most teachable girls around". That really feels good, to us, when others compliment on her attitude.

    Instead of swagger, I'd rather her have confidence.  I'd want her opponents to respect the playing and want what she has, be drawn to her talent, to feel at ease when approaching her, even when they feel her team may beat them. Having an arrogant attitude would not attractive.

    There are and have been coaches that don't subscribe to arrogance as a way to be.

      "Mental toughness is many things. It is humility because it behooves all of us to remember that simplicity is the sign of greatness and meekness is the sign of true strength. Mental toughness is spartanism with qualities of sacrifice, self-denial, dedication. It is fearlessness, and it is love."

    Vincent T Lombardi

    This was a quote from Mike Candrea about Jennie Finch and her career when she retired.

    I think sometimes you measure a person's success not on their accomplishments as much as how many lives they've touched," said Mike Candrea, her coach at Arizona and through two Olympics. "Jennie has transformed this sport, touched millions of young kids in many different ways, whether it's fashion, whether it's the way she plays the game,  but through it all she's been very humble."

    "She's become the face of this sport, and not many people could do that," he added. "It's hard to do."

    This is who and what I want my daughter to model, but some don't "GET IT". You're right, it never gets OLD explaining it to those that don't.

    Back to topic.

    The Blast, the GTS org., and others have done some great ground breaking in getting a lot more of our girls move on to their dreams. I do appreciate all of you that have been and are the path leaders in this effort.

    Very good post. But I still dont think you get it. I havent disagreed with these basis of teaching, they are obviously very good traits as a human being. It doesnt change that the athletes of programs that have continued success have and expect a level of swagger.......whether or not Cheater and others will admit this or leave me to being a [b]"lone rebel"[/b] is yet to be seen.

    I was watching the news the other day, and I must agree with the journalist's opinion of the direction of our country.........America is getting fed up with the "politically correct BS" the point........we cant see the actual point being made due to race, sex, religious or political views that so often get in the way.....hence the comment by O'Rielly...."Muslims killed us on 911" which by the way is FACT.....however he takes crap for it....he didnt say ALL, however some got their feelings hurt and whined about his comments.

    so, if your agenda gets in the way of seeing the actual point being made....so be it! Choose the right fit for your kid and be happy, thats why there are several teams in the area.

  8. [quote name="shake and bake" post="882520" timestamp="1287670268"]
    This crap is getting OOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!! Can't we all just get along ;D ;D ;D

    SHUT UP DAN........lol

    Trying to explain to those who just dont get it......never gets OOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLDDDDDDDD!!!  ;)
  9. [quote name="setx99" post="882577" timestamp="1287673914"]
    [color=blue][color=red]It is important for coaches to not be so arrogant[/color][/color].  [color=#151b8d][color=red]cant agree with this at all. Coaches that are successfull will always show arrogance, in fact, they should be teaching their kids to have a certain amount of swagger themselves......medicocrity HATES excellence.[/color][color=blue][/color][/color]

    I think we will continue to teach our daughter Confidence not arrogance and Humility not swagger.  She practices excellence and not mediocrity and she isn't arrogant at all.


    Good luck with that. No where did I say those things werent taught. I believe you confuse arrogance, swagger, cokyness with being rude, unsportman like, and demeaning......below is a quote from the football forum about WOS....you either "GET IT" or you dont, if this doesnt make sense, then NOTHING I say or anyone else can say to help!

    "These are the only games that challenge the Mustangs before the playoffs.  They may get knocked around every now and then in those games, but they come away from those games with alot of wins and a whole lot of confidence.  Second, their swagger beats the inferior teams the day WOS is typed on their schedule.  Teams look at their annual matchup and know there's not a chance to win.  When you don't truly believe you can win, you won't.  Unless it's a playoff team that doesn't have a 21-year losing streak against the Stangs, it should be a crime to talk trash the week before playing WOS."

    The real problem is people have a hard time seperating their kids as athletes from off field personaility. Especially their dauhters....   
  10. After a little more thinking.

    It is important for coaches to not be so arrogant.  [color=red] cant agree with this at all. Coaches that are successfull will always show arrogance, in fact, they should be teaching their kids to have a certain amount of swagger themselves......medicocrity HATES excellence[/color]

    Everyone plays a part in their own special way.  [color=red]Yes, there are programs that are consistantly successful and there are others who have occasional success, the only ones that are offended by this are the ones that are on the trailing end.....I assure you the top programs in any sport or event will agree with this and not be bothered by the latter[/color]

    The post seemed so self-serving, give-me-some-praise type post (arrogance got in the way, I guess) that people would naturally be on the defensive and for sure would question why the post was really ever started.  And, if Tigers9 didn't want some pot stirring, then why did he put the water on to boil?  Maybe he was bored we don't have HS softball to "really" talk about yet?  [color=red]I dont need to be self serving, you do not ever see anyone from GTS on here boasting or talking about anyone else, even during all the pissing contest I controled the members of GTS, I will handle all comments directed toward us......Not to mention OUR accomlishments speak for themselves. The defensive part seems to be a personl problem, no one ever bothers to comment toward people, teams or organizations that are absolutely horrible and pose no threat....if people are talking about you....then you probably are doing some things right.....ever wonder why people are always hating WOS, Newton, and others....Oh by the way....dont put to much into that "high school season thing.....LOL" It really wont do much for your kid getting to play college softball[/color]

    What drives college coaches away, well, except a JUCO or CC here or there, are those arrogant coaches who think they know so much and are supposed to be there to push their kids, instead, those college coaches sometimes get to hear more about how good the coach is instead of how good the players are that are on the field.  [color=red]you are probably right, but I assure you our kids have many more options than that, and those options are increasing with each event we enter.....I doubt your accessment of us (me) is why we are in the Ronald McDonald, Louisville Slugger and many other top events in the state, even country[/color]

    All of our GT area teams have had success at varying levels.  We just need to keep improving our kids so the college coaches know to come look at our kids' talents.  That will give us more than 4 scholarships a year.[color=red]Again we can agree here[/color]

    Long ago, the Nederland teams were ranked high on the totem pole of softball.  Those girls were coached well and loved the game.  They, in my opinion, set the tone for people to know the GT area girls were for real.  They moved on, from this team to that team, but their success was instilled early and they are having success at the collegiate level and some now at the Gold level.[color=red]No disrespect to Nederland girls at all, there have been some good ones, However I believe it was the BLAST GOLD team that put the GT on the map, and there werent any Nederland girls on THAT team[/color]

    As someone said...all our teams have made sigificant contributions.  I doubt the college coaches are just there to see the GTS girls.  They were probably there for the girls who invited the coaches and got down to some business on the dirt and showed their stuff.[color=red]Youre just hatin here, I never said anything about ONLY watching the GTS girls, I congratulated everyone and made mention of the 24 kids GTS have gotten signed[/color]

    Good luck to ALL girls and teams from the GT.  May you keep the fire burning that many ahead of you started.
  11. [quote name="SETXSPORTSJUNKIE" post="876807" timestamp="1287217709"]
    It is important for coaches to not be so arrogant.  Everyone plays a part in their own special way.  The post seemed so self-serving, give-me-some-praise type post (arrogance got in the way, I guess) that people would naturally be on the defensive and for sure would question why the post was really ever started.  And, if Tigers9 didn't want some pot stirring, then why did he put the water on to boil?  Maybe he was bored we don't have HS softball to "really" talk about yet? 

    What drives college coaches away, well, except a JUCO or CC here or there, are those arrogant coaches who think they know so much and are supposed to be there to push their kids, instead, those college coaches sometimes get to hear more about how good the coach is instead of how good the players are that are on the field. 

    All of our GT area teams have had success at varying levels.  We just need to keep improving our kids so the college coaches know to come look at our kids' talents.  That will give us more than 4 scholarships a year.

    Long ago, the Nederland teams were ranked high on the totem pole of softball.  Those girls were coached well and loved the game.  They, in my opinion, set the tone for people to know the GT area girls were for real.  They moved on, from this team to that team, but their success was instilled early and they are having success at the collegiate level and some now at the Gold level.

    As someone said...all our teams have made sigificant contributions.  I doubt the college coaches are just there to see the GTS girls.  They were probably there for the girls who invited the coaches and got down to some business on the dirt and showed their stuff.

    Good luck to ALL girls and teams from the GT.  May you keep the fire burning that many ahead of you started.


    WOW....I thought and thought about what to say about all of THIS.......only one thing comes to mind......

    Better to keep silent and thought a fool than speak and remove all doubt........did I say WOW! or better yet LOL!
  12. [quote name="Breakercoach" post="867998" timestamp="1286478301"]
    [quote author=Tigers9 link=topic=73946.msg867934#msg867934 date=1286473301]
    [quote author=Breakercoach link=topic=73946.msg866788#msg866788 date=1286328049]
    [quote author=Tigers9 link=topic=73946.msg866375#msg866375 date=1286290186]
    [size=12pt]the point is that ALL [s]organiazations[/s] organizations are doing a great job. The area went from 4 kids in a year (which was [s]rediculas[/s] ridiculous) and now so many more are living their dream.

    Jimmie went to work and got all 8 seniors on that team a scholarship.....not teach them how to play. They were already good athletes, heading in the right direction.

    allow yourselves to be complimented and know the point is the GT area teams have gotten more than FOUR kids a year playing college softball![/size]

    Edited not to be self-promoting !

    Excellent post !   ;D

    Sorry BC........it wasnt edited for that at all.........it was edited to be written slower and more precise so you and others would get off the defensive and see the point rather than read into it to find something that wasnt there! Good try though.

    Nothing in my original post was meant to be defensive, (maybe you just interepted it that way) maybe go back and reread it.

    Again, didnt say YOURS was defensive.....the part about me editing due to being self promoting was directed at you, even though you didnt make the original comment. The second part was to CC....he may have changed in the direction of that of Houston Orgs.....but it didnt happen until OC and others were getting competitive pressure....call it timing or whatever.......NOTHING was happening around here until four years ago.....and some orgs have been here for an eternity.....what took them so long. Now this really wasnt meant to get into all of this.....more of a congrats to all area teams.....but if it must get spelled out then so be it!
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