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Posts posted by CraigS

  1. [quote name="badndn" post="816368" timestamp="1278422864"]
    [quote author=Tigers9 link=topic=70684.msg816361#msg816361 date=1278421152]
    [quote author=lancelot link=topic=70684.msg814357#msg814357 date=1277345246]
    New Orange Crush 12u team forming.  [u][b]Tryouts will be held on July 17th and 18th from 2-4pm [/b] [/u] at the Orange Crush fields.  Looking for talented players with a birthday in '99.  Contact Jerry Metts at 409-499-3169

    BEFORE nationals :-\

    How many local 10U's are going to nationals? Zero!


    Ahhhhh.....might want to "fact" check that! Besides, that's not really THE point!
  2. [quote name="lancelot" post="814357" timestamp="1277345246"]
    New Orange Crush 12u team forming.  [u][b]Tryouts will be held on July 17th and 18th from 2-4pm [/b] [/u] at the Orange Crush fields.  Looking for talented players with a birthday in '99.  Contact Jerry Metts at 409-499-3169

    BEFORE nationals :-\

  3. Not sure I agree with staying "in your age group" in a cookie cutter decision. My kid has always played up (from 8U) she now plays (starts) Gold as a player still eligible to play 14U! She does struggle at times.....but staying down IS NOT THE ANSWER!

    Let me spell this out! Unfortunately or Fortunately times have changed. If you want to play a college sport you MUST specialize (for the most part) AAU - Club - Select, etc! Top DI schools (SEC, Big 12, Big 10, Pac 10, etc) are verbally committing players as early as their Freshman year. It doesnt matter whether we think that is too young.....its happening! What this means to our kids:

    A) a decision to put the time, money and effort into softball starts around 11 years old!
    B) Letters of interest should be sent as early as 7th grade (8th for sure) 12 - 13 years old - AND go to camps!
    C) Playing and competing on a VERY solid 16U or Gold team that has RECRUITING as TOP priority, by fresh year (14-15 years old)
    D) Prepare to be asked for committment by Sophmore year (15-16 years old)

    Now all of this is stretched out somewhat of the smaller DI, DII, DIII, NAIA, and JUCO! We are signing players as late as their senior years, however, It becomes very difficult to impossible to find 4 year schools this late!

    Its like anything else, be prepared to get out of something, what you put into it! BLOOD, SWEAT, and TEARS! If youre of the opinion "its JUST a game" then unless God has truely blessed you with a TON of talent, dont expect to play at the next level, or at least not at the top of that level!

    I will have more details on this team within a week or so! This team will play out of the Golden Triangle, however, it wont consist of ONLY players from here!
  4. I heard from a very reliable source that Lamar has two years to be in compliance with title IX by adding softball to the university or the Southland Conference would not allow them to stay. Does this have anything to do with him stepping down? To my knowledge anytime you ask about the softball program starting at Lamar everyone plays dumb or puts the question off!

    Lamar is bound by federal law to be in compliance with Title IX, apparently the Southland Conference takes that more seriously than do the powers at Lamar!
  5. Kinda reminds me of another school in this district in softball......top honors to begin every year....and do nothing with it! AND for the record, if you go out of the playoffs at the same point as another team in your distrct OR sooner (BUT, you had the rankings all year) it doesnt make you any better than the un-ranked team......the patches say the same thing!

    Point....Silsbee is NEVER ranked in softball......yet they have gone farther than anyone in the last several years, only to be out ranked by a school in their district that consistantly  loses in the first round.

    Why do you even pay attention to these silly rankings......so you can brag.....about what......We were ranked but we choked! OR for the all coverted State Championship every 25 years and say I told you so......well for the record....the ranking didnt do it for you, you would have won even if you were ranked DEAD LAST, if you're good enough!

    I predict......no team in district 21-3A makes it past the 3rd round! AGAIN!
  6. [quote name="AggiesAreWe" post="797972" timestamp="1273076313"]
    [quote author=skipper link=topic=69068.msg797967#msg797967 date=1273076066]
    aggie,may i ask how much money is the school looking at to put turf down ,do thay have the money to do this are will thay leave it up to the tax payers in your city to vote on this .JUST ASKING THATS ALL

    No vote, [b]no taxpayer money[/b]. This will be [b]covered by the district [/b] and maybe some private donation.

    The cost looks to be around a $1,000,000.

    Wouldnt the "Districts" money BE "tax payers" money?

    AND there will not be PLENTY of playoff games in Tiger Stadium even WITH field turf. Maybe a couple lower class early round games, and thats it. The matchups will move to a more central location in the state.

    I personally wish we could VOTE on it, it may pass, but I for one would not vote FOR it. To many other areas that $1,000,000 could be spent on that REALLY mattered other than turf.

    I personally think that a school (anywhere) should provide each sport with adequate facilities. If the people that support that particular sport would like something better then let them pay for it......no tax payers or district money (which is the same) should be spent on improvements (maintenance isnt considered improvements). Of course this opens up another discussion of Title IX.........

    Having said that......I have held season tickets to Tiger football for over 20 years, I have had children play multiple sports at SHS (and still do for that matter), I am not against athletics at all......in fact I am a tremendous fan of athletics and I believe sports are as much a part of teaching young adults as the classroom!

    It just REDICULUS the amount of money spent on the WANTS of atheltic facilities and the screwed up perception between NEEDS and WANTS.....SHS does not NEED field turf......neither does any other facility that only ONE school plays at. I can understand the "district stadiums" due to 3 to 6 schools playing at the same facility!

    Now that Im through ranting......Ive also heard that its on hold, but still a very good chance they will get it!
  7. [quote name="softballguru" post="778300" timestamp="1268875301"]
    I guess by you using the word [u][b]ALSO[/b][/u] you agree that he was recruiting.  Way to back your pal...

    Not a "backing my pal" statement....its a FACT. All private schools, in ALL sports RECRUIT (but shhhhh dont tell everyone, some OBVIOUSLY dont know that)

    However, I do support him. As others have stated, he may not be for everyone. However, his records and accomplishments speak for themselves!

    Come on Guru....grow a pair....so so bold behind the ole screen name!

    Craig Soignet = Tigers9, (formerly known as Tigers12
  8. [quote name="softballguru" post="778245" timestamp="1268871610"]
    Just wanted to say congrats to a certain area Catholic school.  It's refreshing to see them playing with players that aren't recruited.  Hopefully their former "coach" has decided to stick to his day job, (which I doubt he does very well either).  Go Bu**D**S!!!!!

    For starters to say "either" means he didnt do his job well at Kelly......I dont bet often, but Ill take the bet, that it will be a LONG time before another state championship is won at Kelly! So Id say he did THAT job pretty well!

    Second, refreshing? So getting killed by other "certain Catholic schools" who ALSO recruit and are 3 to 4 times larger is REFRESHING to you. ooooookkkk!

    Third, since when is BullDogs as word to be censored? Bu**D**S!!!

    Forth, Sorry.....He is hard at it preparing "a certain select team" not "sticking" to his day job!

    Fifth, Most people on here know who each other are, so even with a screen name our comments are known on a personal level....To speak so boldly behind a screen name.....well.....speaks for itself.

    Sixth (and final) you have the right to your opinion, and many may even AGREE.....BUT they dont hide behind a screen name........so come out, come out who ever you are!
  9. of course no one would protect a football player....not at WOS or Silsbee. but the posters on this site are quick to judge the cheerleaders or girls of whom the pictures are of....question their families....their morality.....etc etc etc.

    boys will be boys.....kids will do stupid things...yada yada yada.....what about the victims....

    do yall know only 3 percent of sexual assault claims are false.....therefore 97 percent are accurate......those numbers in any other situation in life would not garner questioning.....however when it comes to boys being boys.....then add in the elite athlete factor......wow how do some of you sleep at night.

    and we wonder why they keep doing things like this.....because most to do nothing but make excuses for them or put the blame on someone else.

    if they didnt want to be talked about....then dont do things that put you in that situation....if you want to be considered a "child" then dont do adult crimes.

  10. well ill just say this. kids will make mistakes. however when those mistakes hurt others....have NO mercy. when a lesson is there to learn fine, but you cant undo the harm caused to others. the victim doesnt get another chance it cant be undone....so why should the accused? i dont know anything about the WOS situation but if they did ANYTHING to harm another student ( or anyone else) hang them PERIOD. if their bad judgement only affected them....then maybe the consequenses of their actions might be lesson enough.

  11. If you could describe the perfect program what would it consist of and how would it be run. Please be constructive and coaches don't take it personal. The next question I have is would you try out for the Impact Gold if they moved to the Golden Triangle and why or why not.

    I would appreciate getting answers to these questions and not responses to others answers.

    The perfect team....

    Pitching coach

    catchers coach

    hitting coach


    all of which are experienced and successful in what they do as instructors.

    this team would compete in all of the top showcases to allow opportunity to show the skills taught them by this coaching staff.

    A meeting would be held in conjuction with practices to teach the PLAYERS and PARENTS what their roll is in getting recruited.

    Yes we would tryout for Impact Gold.....we are actually going to tryouts in Spring Klien....and yes my DD's coach is aware of us doing this. In fact he encouraged it. he felt it would be a good experience for her whether it be good or bad. either way, she will learn something about herself.

  12. This is great idea. We would love to attend (my kid and I) There would be more to learn from this group than I could even imagine.

    We tried something similar a few years ago. we invited every coach from every team to join in a discussion among ourselves as well as guest speakers such as Verde, Parson...maybe even JT....I cant remember who all. The point of discussion at that time was to figure out how and why organizations like Spring Klien are successful.

    Interest was shown in continueing those type gatherings....it just never happened. Shortly after we started GTS Gold using some of the ideas from that meeting.

  13. letting go is a problem for most. the question is why is that? there will be as many answers as there are coaches that are dads.

    McCain stepped down last year for the betterment of his child...consequently others have benefitted.

    i stepped down this year for the betterment of my kid....consequently others will benefit.

    the difference in McCain and I is that we spent countless hours around the Blast Gold program and its coaches and players. we saw first hand the level of commitment those players and coaches showed toward each other. yes it went both ways, neither one wanted to be the one to let the other down.

    i for one would rather my kid practice only with any of these coaches or former players than to PLAY for anyone else. one day she will be good enough to actually play....until then she will work hard and learn from the best.

    some show resentment toward the Shockers for many reasons....or toward me. when we decided to put this team together is was intended to bring the best together.....thats why we chose the staff we chose. it also allowed for a NON dad to coach. it worked....just not how we had it drawn up on paper. the only players that showed up was the ones no one else wanted. they believed in the coaches and theirselves and had a great year. so will those that follow from year in and year out.

    just my thoughts!

  14. Thanks POP ,all this has eat my DD ,Myself and dog0917 and Another , up and I just wanted everyone to know it is not always as people see  :-\

    Some of us didn't drink the coolaid........we could SEE from the beginning, but this is America, and you can justify it anyway that may help ya'll feel better about yourselves.

    I will say this truely  the only ones hurt in this, So they were calateral damage is there old team and teammates but they now get a chance to play the players in every position they wanted too and new players get a shot they may not have  And I guess this justifies it for ya'll.  I personally am sorry it happend the way it did (honestly) ::)Now there is a word that's being used pretty loosely. The "three premadonia's "as they were called love this game and practice and go to lessons as much or more than anyone in the area and have added more for the summer so it is not a laid back ball atmosphere to kick back there last summer ,anyone who know some of these kids know better tha n that The only truth spoken "so far". The other kids  on this team are good players and young players but never play select ball . Working with some of the experienced pitching and older players can only make them better and like I said if not for this team all but mabee one would not be playing and mabee they will continue to play for years to come that would be a great thing from a bad situation . The three seniors have been leaders to these girls all year and that is why they wanted to play with them one last summer  before they moved off . Most will never know the bond this HS team has had for two years and there success expresses that .  All HS teams do not experience this . Right or wrong it is these three girls last chance to go out and play with some kids they have grown a endless bond with before they move off to College and Softball is a full time job . I personally am sorry CC and Cheater and I do apologize ,I never intended it this way and thank you both for all you did for my DD she and I will never forget you  . From a dads point of view  who's daughter is moving off , I just wanted her to be happy her last summer home , not what is best for her carreer in softball what is best for her to have fun and have an experience she believes will last a lifetime ,because life is  to short . . Again as you know I do not apologize easy, but I do to anyone that was hurt in this deal it truly was not the intentions  I will get off my soap box now ,I just wanted the truth on my part put out there and let you know these kids are trying to do a good thing it may not have come out that way but they were  Maybe, but as mentioned several other times.......they are 16-17-18 year olds, contrary to some beliefs, they are NOT old enough to have had life experiences to fore see the damage decisions like this can do, however fun it may seem. I don't think ANYONE blames the kids. It's the irresponsible ADULTS that apparently cant think things out any better than 16-17-18 year olds.

    Hate on me if you want........word it anyway you would like......but you have now shown your TRUE COLORS......and the coolaid isn't strong enough to protect you any more.

  15. did i strike a nerve? someone feeling guilty? i dont believe i said anyones name or gave specifics on any given incident.

    BUT since you did say MY name.....i guess you are prepared to say when i dumped a team or players for the sole purpose of benefiting MY kid only ( or those from Silsbee). or did anything besides ANNOUNCE the startup of a new team. check this site, i believe there are at least 2 people doing the same thing....you arent bashing them. nor am i.....why? because they are NOT going behind peoples back recruiting (at nationals) while bashing us for ONLY announcing.....then denying it while hosting a FAKE tryout.  

    once again....some think its ok to screw whoever as long as it gives their kid and or friends a leg up.

    to each their own.

    oh i have heard at least some are coming to their senses and NOT following the wrong crowd.

    another question for you BAG....whats the Ned coach think about this?

    one more thing....im on a roll.....the wool has been removed from the eyes of many....i dont think you will have the same support from those who now know what some of us has know from the beginning.

  16. How come every time something that involves questionable character the same ones are involved? I get hammered for speaking truths, and not beating around the bush........everyone wants to say I have an agenda, or this or that..........I'm not always right......but I am a pretty good judge of character.........and I've warned people about their involvements!

    I lost 6 before before nationals last year, jumped through hoops trying to salvage the season for the rest of the players that did honor their commitments for the ENTIRE season. It not only put the end of our season in question.........it could have cost us our team, due to the uncertainess of us being able to find enough quality players to play the schedule we chose to play. As it turned out we became stronger and MORE talented......keep your heads up Crush fans, there is always hope.

    I've always heard that these people are in it for THE kids.........thruth is THEir kids.........PEROID........doesn't matter who it hurts or who gets hosed............I feel sorry for the underclassmen that are going to this team due to feeling the have to.........

    This is a sad day for softball.......I truly feel for the girls and coaches of any team that will be losing players.......BUT this doesn't surprise me.

    Maybe now my Crush friends and I can get back to the relationship we once had....... ;)

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