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Everything posted by CraigS

  1. Thank you! The biggest problem is simply priorities and commitment, or the lack of. When my daughters hit the age they started playing sports and participating in activities, I quit hunting and fishing. This was to create money and time for THEM.....I chose to bring them into this world, so I decided they deserved every second of my attention and finances...I just started back hunting a couple years ago (it had been 11 years since I last went)......but I've also been married to the FIRST wife for nearly 30 years (definitely not all easy years, but worth the effort).......PRIORITIES and COMMITMENT..........
  2. Just finished paying for my 3 daughters college education.......been paying tuition (last 6 years) and tuition AND room and board at Sam Houston State for my youngest........ Now I'll brag - this next check (tomorrow) will be my first check in 6 years without some form of college tuition, room and board or any other child expenses (cars, cell phones, auto insurance) will not come from my check - YES a raise for me and my wife......but worth every single penny to have provided for my OWN children and to have paid for their education....OURSELVES!
  3. Nederland isn't going to like you very much....Bulldogs and B!+<^$ not good.
  4. Does that make it right, that others call themselves "whatever" Americans? They tried, so did the Mexicans in Texas....the rest is history.
  5. First this: "Also we all must realize that we're AMERICANS first." Then there isn't isn't any need for the racial American prefixes such as "African-American" , "Mexican-American" , "Chinese-American" etc. is there? I believe that should be one of the first steps...get rid of the prefixes..... Second: "Use Michael Brown as the poster child for all cop n citizen shootings. That will only fly in Trump country. " The reason for MB being used as the "poster child" is due to the media and the Feds handling of this situation. Many (even most) jumped to very early conclusions based off false witnesses account of what happened, then certain people, even after investigations were complete (local and federal) still would not accept the results....to the point of putting a statue of a criminal up in the city and Obama sending federal representation to the funeral. At minimum showed support for the criminal, at worst - took a stance AGAINST law enforcement.
  6. Then you should really like this......does this mean you are jumping on the Trump Train? [Hidden Content]
  7. In the legal world the word "precedence" is used "Bigly". With that said. Trump has made it very clear that he played by the rules set forth in filing his taxes....and paying zero $. Some complain, other state, he gets what he pays for (CPA's following the rules to save Trump money. millions).......Well....the left was so certain Clinton had not broke any laws or done anything wrong....Trump, being of above average intelligence sees the opportunity.....why he decided to not go after Clinton.....the feds didn't seem to mind what Clinton was doing......so Trump simply says .......AWESOME....I'll make a few mil doing the same thing......I'm not saying this IS what Trump is doing/thinking......but lets say he is.....what's good for the goose is good for the gander.....and now the libs are crying.....do as I say...not as I do....typical!
  8. AND....to see us return to 2008. Every single policy will vanish......as if the man child never existed.
  9. If Trump wants him, he will just pardon him........matters not. For what he plead guilty of (to avoid a worse sentence) pales in comparison to Clinton......Pardon Patraeus and Charge Clinton.......then the world would be righted ,,,,,MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
  10. I see a ban in order...directly calling another member names.......should just be a matter of how long...not IF she gets banned.
  11. More reading to educate on Cultural Marxism. The sooner we educate on this matter, the sooner the liberal ideology will become dead forever... [Hidden Content]
  12. it's not working now, as it didn't work then.....you need to research "Cultural Marxism" ...... give it up dude....
  13. Cultural Marxism at it's finest......but history is repeating itself as a failure. However, I do owe the liberals a really big THANK YOU......for assisting in us taking back our country.
  14. Cultural Marxism at it's finest!
  15. In a debate with a liberal friend, I found myself being labeled with the usual "hand book" names such as an "ist" this or a "phobia" that .....So I started doing some research. We, the conservative have long been the target of liberal criticism, mostly of a false narrative, because it works......or ...at least it has. I went on to explain to my friend that the name calling effectiveness is running out...we are tired of it....and more and more people are seeing through it.... So this is what I came up with.......it the new conservative narrative.....don't argue anymore......simply call it what it is....most won't know what it means (let the googling begin) and then they will cry foul......as being labeled is intolerant behavior, unless of course it's them doing the labeling....... [Hidden Content] cultural marxism The gradual process of destroying all traditions, languages, religions, individuality, government, family, law and order in order to re-assemble society in the future as a communist utopia. This utopia will have no notion of gender, traditions, morality, god or even family or the state. The Philosophy was proven not to Work already by Vladimir Lenin as he tried in vein to control and subjugate the people. He admitted before he died that capitalism was the only true system in which people understand how to live with each other.... Lenin knew that there were a few western Idiots who kept spreading the communist ideas long after Lenin gave up.... he called these people useful idiots as they had more emotion than brains and could be used to subvert the western states for a military takeover in the future as the citizens would already be perverted and sick and weak from poisonous ideas, decadent lusts and mindless entertainment. cultural marxism: "everything is relative man".... "there is no truth".... "reality is what we make of it".... smoke dope and drop out dude!!! .... we don't need money... cops are violent pigs (especially the white ones). Women are smarter and betteer than men, all men are rapists. "get in touch with your feelings".... "if it feels good then do it"... "she so empowered!!... you go girl!!"... "there is no god"... "Let's burn the bible" "don't criticize islam!!"... "you're a bigot" "a homophobe" "you're an agist classist pig"..... "think globally act locally".... "save the whales.. the trees... the poor african kids!!".... "drop out of school and rebell against your parents".... "Dad's are scum.... mum's are cool".... "go vegetarian" "the ufo's are comming!!" .... "don't teach kids math's and reading!!!!!..... you elitist pig!!!.... they need to learn to build a veggie patch and learn to recycle and wear gender nuetral clothes!!!" "we can all eat other's cuisines and enjoy each others religions from every nation in one smelting pot of peoples and get along together and intermarry"
  16. I certainly am not a Kaepernick fan.....however, this is how I see the Romo thing going down...... Jerry: Tony you suck, Dak is our starter......now go out there and present a united front. If you do that, I'll keep paying you millions so the rookie can win you a ring, since you couldn't get it done. Romo: blah blah blah Media: Romo is such a team player...blah blah blah...
  17. I'm in Hardin County, and I'm NOT one of them. But you are correct, there are a decent amount "sucking" be it ER or whatever gov assistance.....they can ALL be eliminated as far as I'm concerned. I was just having this conversation with a liberal friend...lives in Frisco which I find funny....his liberal rich lawyer lifestyle....I showed him that the median income of Frisco is $108K whereas Silsbee is $42K (Hardin County as a whole is way lower).....and he "pretends" to care about "poor white trash". Which is what prompted this conversation......he asked me, What do you know about poor white trash? I then explained the economics and status of our area compared to his. Hardin County has the highest registered sex offender per capita in the area...... You see, as he ridiculed my lack of tolerance, I choose to live among a diverse group of people, while he blows smoke and lives his high life in a gated Frisco community......... Anyway, point is not just his hypocritical lifestyle....but Hardin County is in fact a problematic area as to the "sucking" on the system.......this should improve (for those of us paying for it) now that Trump has been elected........at least maybe we can stop paying for their insurance, pre-existing conditions, and other "free" stuff they collect....one can only hope for change we can REALLY believe in.
  18. Maybe 60 minutes cut off the rest of his statement, the media is good about doing that.....Maybe what he really said was.....Hillary is a good person to send to prison.......or Hillary is a good person for telling lies........or Hillary is a good person if you want someone killed.......or....
  19. Very good read.
  20. Even when you try you fail. From the article, Clinton won the popular vote by approx 640,000 votes. Nearly 3,000,000 illegals voted. Therefore, 2 points to make here: 1) once those are removed, y'all can find something else to cry about, Trump will have won the popular vote as well. 2) Once Trumps policies are in place and a lot of the ILLEGALS are deported, they won't be here TO vote.......the Republicans look to have looooong staying power, controlling both houses and the presidency with that block of voters for the Dems.......sucks to be y'all. TRUMP 2016 #draintheaswamp [Hidden Content] oh...what are YOUR thoughts on this?
  21. PA4 ^^^^^ This
  22. Except over half of what you typed is a lie.........
  23. He can't. That's what happens when you use liberal talking points and have no clue as to how NORMAL hard working families take care of their OWN business......as compared to the lazy asses who abuse the system and think someone always owes them something.
  24. Well, when it happened to my father in 1986........WE did. My mother went to work (stay at home Mom for 20 years) and I quit college and went to work off shore.......then went back to college and got my degree.......it's call taking care of your OWN responsibility. Geez, why is that so damn hard for people to understand. edit: OH...AND... I paid for my OWN education after that.... ah hell, I'll just keep going - I went to school during the day and worked, while my wife took care of our new born daughter....came home then the wife went to work at night, while I studied and took care of our daughter..........it really can be done....really! can't help myself - my Dad died 6 month later with over $100,000 in medical bills. SO, I don't have a lot of sympathy for the whiners and lazy asses. Edit again: AND - the kicker as if that isn't enough.......I was 19 (oldest of 8 children) the youngest was 3 years old when he died......
  25. So...can I carry liability insurance only on my vehicle....go get in a wreck that is MY fault....THEN go get full coverage to pay for the damage? Does that make sense to you? That is what "pre-existing" conditions is like when getting health insurance........let's even go into the "KISS" method of the math. So I have cancer......I go to an insurance company for coverage........let's say premiums are $1500 a month with $10,000 deduct (that's pretty high by all accounts) I get treatment for one full year....that's $18,000 in premiums + $10,000 in deductible = $28,000.........the cancer treatment cost ....heck I don't know $50,000 (probably way more)... That's a $22,000 loss in one year by one policy......there is no way the free market can sustain this type of business plan........SO...what has to happen..A) the insurance companies jack up MY cost to make up the losses ..B) The Gov. (again with MY money, be it taxes or fines) gets involved and pays the subsidies. Now, this can go on for several years (multiply annual losses by however many years here) OR the patient could still die after just one year.....either way.....major financial loss to the companies, causing them to pass that loss on to others....ME. And some of you are OK with this?
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