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Everything posted by CraigS

  1. Thanks, I needed a laugh today....that's funny.
  2. OR, maybe it's only republicans that pick God! Don't see a whole lot of God loving going on on the left. Abortion, same sex, drugs, enslaving people, lying, cheating....
  3. And I'm sure many others will. But look at the numbers pertaining to the original post. If say, 1000 people averaged shopping at Target daily prior to their announcement on this issue and they were making $100 per shopper, $100,000 per day and we'll say $25,000 (25%) of that was "profit"! After announcement only 100 (10%) quit shopping there, that's $10,000 per day in lost "profits", reducing their daily "profits" by 40% to only $15,000 per day......so unless they pickup 100 shoppers per day BECAUSE of their stance........it is hurting their bottom line....and investors do not like that. When investor do not like that, they start dumping stock, further hurting the existence of Target....free enterprise is a funny thing....
  4. Maybe, maybe not. But how do you know without this incident, it wouldn't be "super packed" ? Maybe the Bmt store still operating in the black, but would be at a higher percentage if not for the bathroom issue. I'm also among the SETx that no will longer shop there, (I also know several others) even if they do change course.....you can't unspeak your words. I know where they stand, nothing will reverse my stance on boycotting that store.
  5. Well, according to some....I didn't do it alone, nor did I build my business alone....even though, it ultimately failed....I didn't get a bailout to help prevent that either......guess I wasn't to big to fail! :-(
  6. I make plenty money working for these greedy bast**ds.....i keep up with the cost of living annually just fine.......Ronnie did come in a dream...he told me to WORK hard, get an EDUCATION and it will pay off in good fortune....and it has!
  7. From a neutral stand point as far a Mackey is concerned......my kid did the same thing for much different reasons....for those reasons...it was a good move .......otherwise a big mistake. I know I'll get bashed for this but facts are facts.......academics are lacking and the competition just isn't there. Ultimately moved back to Silsbee her senior year. (and before any other dumb comments are made defending Evadale) 1) My kid is a DI honor student athlete (3 times state...two at Evadale one at Silsbee) 2) There are great people in Evadale, wouldn't change those friendships for anything. 3) Evadale (the district/the 2A class) has some athletes as good as anywhere in the state...just not near as many....as a competitor the better kids just aren't challenged every single play, every single week. We did the whole get in the community thing...went to football games...blah blah blah....it just ain't the same...quite boring actually! My Mackey opinion - He will be just fine, he will certainly enjoy being a HUGE fish in a TINY pond...He (and his parents) have their reasons and that's good enough. Wish him the best!
  8. You mean the RINO's aka establishment politicians, are leaving him.
  9. Then why disguise it with foreign money. If all was on the up and up and part of a long ago "deal" then why not just pay it in US$?
  10. [Hidden Content] hum.
  11. Yes, Trump is a BILLIONAIRE, which makes him "not like us"....but yet he is. Trump isn't your usual tea sipping PC rich guy. He's made his billions hanging around construction workers, which we CAN relate to. He tells it like it is, doesn't pull punches, not worried about what others think or say...basically what all of wish we could do, regardless of which side your on. So, to think Trump keeps "saying stupid stuff" is quite subjective...it's only stupid to those who oppose him, Clinton says plenty "stupid stuff" as well. For each time they do, it fires up their base....the real question is this......will Trump get out the vote of the "grumpy old white guy" the same way obama got out the vote of the "grumpy old black guy"? The difference will be how well Trump can appeal to enough "others" to counter the "free loaders" that will certainly vote Clinton.
  12. It has more to do with the "When will we learn" part of it.....if we can't speak candidly about the real problems and recognize we actually have a problem.....we certainly can't fix them
  13. And that attitude is why he gets away with it. You are quick to blame history...and can't (won't) see the present. As the saying goes........you can't see the forest for the trees.
  14. it's not his cure's that we have a problem with....it's his causes. He hasn't cured cancer (racial tensions) he has created a new level of cancer (racial tensions). The absolute worse we've seen in decades. whereas you see we "have a problem with it" we see you "give him a pass" for the same reasons you accuse us.....is either better than the other?
  15. It's not always about how many or few times used....but the context in which it is used. obama is certainly within his power to use executive orders...but I would venture to guess he has used it more controversially than any other, perhaps even unconstitutionally, so says the high court.
  16. Just curious. Where in the Constitution does it say anything about shutting down mosque? or a church, for that matter? Certainly we all know you can't do either just because they are this religion or that......I think westboro should be shut down as well, along with the KKK, black panthers, hells angels, banditos, any many others...if they represent gangs, terror, hate...no amendment is needed for that. These groups are not practicing free speech...they are practicing hate through their speech. On another note....pertaining to muslims. It is already a law, and Constitutional for the POTUS to be able to ban ANYONE for ANY REASON if he feels they are a threat to Americans. He can do this even against the "protected" religion, sex, disabled, ect. ..and he can do it to entire groups...even if it's only a few....even though both parties have trashed Trump for saying he would ban ALL muslins in the beginning. ...his handlers screwed this up, by not immediately responding with said law and making both parties look stupid.
  17. CON=HIllary Bringing Dick V back = same result (Banned)
  18. I thought this fight was between Trump and Kahn...not Hillary
  19. LOL, of course the smart people in this country knew that before it ever rolled out!
  20. More greatness [Hidden Content]
  21. says a lot about someone who calls one out for name calling and not the other....but I get it.... pigmentation of skin....as YOU put it. So who is racist....since that's a name I can call without being called out....or can that only be used by the select few..........you people amaze me.
  22. Just one more comment that shows....you must be an idiot!
  23. Well then you need to stop being so racist. or are you like the current president...lead from behind rather be a real leader and practice what you preach from out front....or..do you not really mean it....you just need someone to blame.
  24. Officially since July 4th 1776
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