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  1. Well Mrs. Carnahan what I have learned from my time on setxsports talk is that it is mostly people or parents that have absolutley NO GAUL and insist on playing the "two-faced" game. I would love to see these "people" and how they handle confrontation face to face. You are a strong woman to put up with all the parent's crap on here. Your son is a good kid and ya'll are a good family. Dont let some "mom" of a kid who wasnt that good in the season anyway make you feel like you have to defend yourself. You owe NOONE and explanation for any choices you make. Keep doing what your doing and enjoy while everyone else squirms in their pants. ;D CONGRATS to the MVP who DESERVED it!
  2. I thought they were playing Santa Fe...or is that the same team as seven lakes?
  3. so exciting!!!! I am so happy for all the guys this year! They have all done such an incredible job and have stayed focused as a "true" team should! Congratulations to you all! ;D
  4. excellent game! Vidor came out strong and ready to play. CONGRATS to the Indians!! ;D ;D
  5. here here on the fire in harrington...png seems to always be on the top of their game with him leading the game...I feel completely confident when he is behind the plate! I also however wish there could be a peace offering between the fans of vidor and png...for the png seniors this is their last home game ever and I really hope it isnt remembered as a "nasty" display from either side...I wish both teams luck and pray for not too much revenge seeking on png's behalf. Good luck to both Png and Vidor. :-\
  6. ooooh, this is a hard one...Big Purple vs Big Ned...this is always an amazing game to watch reguardless of the sport. I would love for this to end up Png 6 Ned 4. Good luck to both teams...there are great families and kids on each side!
  7. Excellent game last night guys! I LOVE png, but I also greatly respect LC-M. Congrats to the indian team and hope they can keep up the good work! LC-M, keep fighting hard and I wish nothing but the BEST for you guys the rest of the season!
  8. This is a hard one...both teams are excellent!
  9. LOL sorry the rest of you dont have a kid GOOD enough to brag about! This isnt a freaking major league draft website...if someone wants to brag about their son, why is it any of yall's business! at least she has the balls to let her identity be known...and im sure if you think weally weally hard you could figure mine out as well ;D
  10. One thing i would LOVE to add to this little adult myspace forum stuff....why do people always call out cleanup 13? I mean her name and her son's name? is that really necessary? I would LOVE to know who all of you people are so that I may blab out your name AND your child's name. If you know someone's name, keep your mouth shut!! You want to be adult about it, then talk to "momma carnahan" to her face, along with her son "little johnny," and quit hiding behind your computer screen!
  11. I would have to say Nederland. 6-4
  12. PN-G people are the most selfish, egotistical and arrogant people I have ever met. This is about LC-M and Vidor and nothing to do with PN-G. You will have your chance at the reservation later to put it to us, IF THEY CAN! All teams go through a streak of some kind and Vidor is going through that now. Coach Green will have his team ready o play Friday night and the players will respond with a great game. Come on and let the kids play ball. LC-M was the better team Tuesday night and Vidor was the better team earlier in the season. On any given night a team can play great to win a game. The Pirates will roll and their ship will get back on course for the playoffs. You know this is really funny to me! Vidor will make such a HUGE deal about when they WIN and tell png people they make excuses...but yet the SECOND they lose...their excuses come piling out! And your right png WILL get their chance...obnoxious lady, cherokee playing, "arrogant" fans and all.
  13. well well well.... 13 to 1 AFTER a loss to ozen...whats that sayin? if you mess with fire your gonna get burned? GREAT JOB LCM!!!! ;D
  14. Carnahan from PNG. He was put in a tough situation and handled it like a champ. His stats prove that he is a winner. He is a pleasure to watch and is a great young man. I wish him the best. :wink:
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