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Everything posted by sbparent

  1. I figured there had to be a rule just was not sure what it was.
  2. As far as Gold Qualifers go, what determines the location of a team? I noticed that the upcoming regional tournaments in San Antonio there will be upwards to 70 or 80 teams for 6 births to Gold nationals. For the regional tournament that covers Louisiana, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Alablama there are 3 teams signed up with 2 bids being awarded. Could a team set up an address in Louisana and say that is there home and play in that regional tournament? Does the address of the majority of the players determine their regional home?
  3. Saw where the Indy touranment has been cancelled and the Fireworks has cancelled the Losers brackets. Hope some rain follows you guys back to Texas.
  4. Just curious what colleges had coaches in attendance. I saw the following: Louisana Lafayette Lousiana College Cententary College Sterling College McNeese State Any others??
  5. How well has this tournament been attended by college coaches in the past?
  6. If parent and player have not signed an ASA roster form then I don't believe you are on a roster. I believe ASA rosters are only used for championship play. Since those are not held until usually July I don't think changing teams would be a problem.
  7. I agree you have to write them to get them to show up but when a coach can see 10-15 players at Collins or drive across town to see 3 or 4 at Burroughs, I would imagine they would stay at Collins. RM is a great tournament but Burroughs only offers 4 fields so 8 teams at one time. Collins and Dyess offers 9 and 8 fields so double the teams. Plus I would like to see more teams get rotated to get games at Collins. That is the hub of the tournament. I can see the local SK teams getting all their games at Collins but some teams from out of state get all their games there as well.
  8. If you think Burroughs was bad, they added a 4th park this year, Bayer Park. It is located on the opposite side of I45. I was not there but I expect it was not well attended by the colleges.
  9. How was the turnout of Coaches at Dyess Park? I was told not many came to the games at Burroughs. I know they say if you write the coaches, they will come. But given the distance between Collins, Dyess and Burroughs parks, it is much easier for a coach to look over the 9 fields at Collins than to drive to the other parks to watch games.
  10. As Paul Bousch said, "1919 Caroline at the corner of Peirce."
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