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Everything posted by silentassasin

  1. Guess I am not alone in my prediction. To explain to the earlier poster who said they would need a kicker to win by ten let me just say it will be 16-6, there is the ten points.
  2. Seen both play and I believe that Cleveland is going to surprise people Friday night. The only reason why most of you are saying this is because it is a 5A vs. a 3A school but NC is not a good 5A school. I did not mean to ruffle anyone up or anything and if they win then I will admit I was wrong but will any of you say the same if they lose to Cleveland? I know that New Caney has some talent and unfortunately they are in a phenomonal district and won't win many district games but don't start acting like this is not possible. On paper most 5A schools will wipe the field with a 3A but you don't play the game on paper. so if Tullos and company play like they are capable of then I see them having a chance.
  3. I drove to Atascacita yesterday and when I drove through Huffman I saw only a couple of areas that had power, a gas station and I think the DQ, but everything from the intersection on 1960 in Atascacita next to the Kroger all the way across the lake to the intersection at 1960 and 2100 to Crosby looked to have no power at all. Any word on when Humble and Huffman are going back? I have a friend who lives in Huffman and they keep saying closed until further notice.
  4. My wife works for Dayton ISD and I know that the 6th grade campus had roof damage and the middle school roof was being fixed due to the fact that it leaks water all over the floor when it just rains so I can safely assume that the middle school building had some water damage. But just got word that the power came back on today around 7:00pm and most of the stores are up and running but with long lines. From what they told me the gas situation is not as bad as other places, the lines are long as heck but you can get gasoline.
  5. I still remember getting the email to come to the office while I was in class. I thought maybe something had happened with a student because they never called us out of class. I mean the principal did not even send a sub in, they just said to tell the class I would be right back. Then about 15 minutes later all you know what broke loose. Parents started freaking out and coming and getting their kids. My principal actually told us not to tell the kids anything. I was talking about it yesteday and most of my students had not realized how long ago it happened, they thought it was only a few years ago, like 04.
  6. I know that I went to three or four school sites and most of them all had either called off all games or were waiting until after 9:00 Thursday morning to make final decisions. Personally I want to see the kids play but safety and sanity needs to be considered. I would hate to see something bad happen like some team playing Thursday and getting stuck on a bus for hours in traffic. This weeks games are mostly all non-district with the exception of a few of the larger districts in the state so most schools teams can afford to get the extra week off. Good luck to everyone and stay safe.
  7. I think that the only reason why he may not get a shot right away is his record. I mean Bisping is now at a lower weight class, Tito is with another organization and was not anywhere near the old Tito when they fought, and that guy Salmon he kicked in the face and nearly decapitated sucked. Rashad has had a couple of really good fights including the last one but if he fought a Wanderlei or even Rich Franklin, or Rampage for that matter and won then he deserves a shot for sure. Rampage VS. Rashad, Dana White should pay me for that idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. I hate Serra and his Napoleonic like complex. Dude is a good fighter, don't get me wrong but he is a complete tool. Hughes may be a one trick pony but he is a one trick pony I would have no problems having my family around. Serra seems like he can't even speak without blurting out expletives every other word. Not to mention the fact that Hughes has lost two fewer fights than Serra has even won. I think that if Hughes puts his heart and soul into this fight and trains the way he has not the last two he will decimate Serra. Or at least I hope.
  9. I believe that Huffman and Santa Fe cancelled their game Thursday night. Does anyone know about Hardin?
  10. I am a huge fan of Randy's, with the exception of how he handled the whole contract thing, personally if you sign on the line then fulfill it and then change it after the contract expires. But that is anothe story. This whole fight is about nothing but money. I personally think that Lesnar, even though I don't like it, is the future of the heavyweight division. Randy can't handle his strength. I think that Dana set this up to show Randy just how much he disliked how the last year went. And to make the UFC tons of money. Dana can say what he wants but he still comes off like the kid on the block that everyone knows will hold a grudge forever, but this will probably be the biggest MMA PPV buys ever, quite possibly the biggest PPV ever regardless of the sport.
  11. Quite possibly the end of an era for the UFC, on another site one guy pointed out that Chuck and Dan Henderson both have just been looking for the big KO punch so long that they have gone away from the other strengths they both have had in the past. I like Rashad Evans. I can't wait to see if Dana "Chuck's best friend" White gives him the title shot.
  12. HF coaches in the ties, cool look but I have to say that I might lose my tie during the game if something bad started happening!!! Plus, do you really want to be there with something to grab onto when the HC gets ticked off, it is not like you can grab his back!!! But seriously, pretty neat. But I bet they take a lot of ribbing for it.
  13. Easy there Bridge City, don't get the shorts in a bunch.
  14. What about open for business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. I am not the doom and gloom guy usually but we all need to get ready for this one early. Even after Gustav changed course everyone was still running around the stores buying up everything in site and a lot of the stations ran out of gas. The weather reports this morning say it may hit us Friday so some teams may get a needed break whether or not they want it. I just hope if it does hit it does not do the damage that Rita did, I drove through WOS about three months later and there were still houses missing roofs and tons of damage.
  16. Man that is just the wrong place for a logo, especially a big I!!!!!!
  17. I personally would like to know exactly what qualifications you have to judge that someone is college level or not, much less three of them. Now it is good to see that Tullos and company have the kids there rolling so far, they are full of athletic kids in Cleveland and have not really had anyone since Arledge was ran out that really had a great deal of success.
  18. I for one am glad that our state has kept that trend from happening too much. I know that occassionaly a school will lose a kid to a private academy with a scholarship but I like how most of our kids like growing up and playing for their local team. I cam from a small town in the Panhandle and the entire town revolved around the school and the kids. Pretty much everyone I grew up with played football at one point or another through high school.
  19. What really speaks volumes about how good he really is, is that they interviewed a bunch of current and former olympic athletes(mostly professionals) and they were all just awed at his accomplishments.
  20. I think that I saw on another board that Huffman beat Sweeney 1-0 but the rain shortened it so they never got to run the live quarter.
  21. Like my dad used to tell me "You have nothing to fear if you have not done anything wrong." I think that the main reason why schools don't do this kind of testing on the faculty and students more comprehensively is that they are afraid of what they might actually find out.
  22. The really sad thing is that you have coaches who are having to keep their jobs based on what a bunch of 14-19 year old kids can do on a field so unfortunately some of them will turn a blind eye or deaf ear to this. I respect the heck out of coaches who go above and beyond to try and keep this junk out of their programs, no matter what it ends up costing them personally or career wise.
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