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Everything posted by silentassasin

  1. I have to go with North Shore and Katy, no matter what part of SE Texas we are in. I know people from a lot of other schools in the area who are going to skip their teams first games to go see this one.
  2. I remember about 7 years ago or so that Cleveland started out 0-5 and then went and won their district and went three rounds deep losing to the eventual state champs that year.
  3. I had a coach friend of mine tell me that a couple of years after a particular class of kids he had coached had graduated he ran into one of them at a store. The former player precedes to tell him that something like 5-7 of the starters on that squad were either on steroids the whole year, or were taking other drugs like speed, etc. before the games. It floored him. Drugs are not just a big city problem anymore. You can not throw a rock without having hit a kid who has tried some illegal substance. It is just a relflection on our entire society as a whole. Do what it takes to get the job done, worry about the costs and consequences later.
  4. Not trying to be a wiseguy in the very least. Merely stating a fact that if you go into anything sports related with the attitude that the offense being so potent that the defense can afford to be a little down is ridiculous. No matter how potent the offense is you can always get outscored!! Dayton or any other team. I was just using the Lake Travis reference because it applied specifically to the Broncos. Did not mean to ruffle any feathers.
  5. Tell that to Lake Travis!!!!!!!!!!
  6. If a team like North Shore wins then they are supposed to and if they lose then it is like a wake up call to the world. If a team like say Tarkington wins its first game then it could be a building block for an entire season, but if they lose then most people are not suprised. There are situations and scenarios every Friday night and that is what makes sports so compelling, and why we are on the message boards posting our opinions.
  7. I know that when I played back in the stone ages that when I got to college the players on my team told me that they all had been on steroids for a couple of years and so were, in some cases, close to half of their teammates. The way we stop it is that unlike the pro athletes who can afford to keep taking stuff that can not be tested for, most high school athletes are taking stuff that can be found. I say that you make all students in all extra curricular activities take mandatory drug tests and at any time they are found positive they lose the ability to compete within that season. For example, let us say that Johnny Smith takes a cycle of steroids and when the season starts up he is tested and fails. Johnny stays ineligible until basketball season at least and he is required to be tested periodically during the remainder of the school year. I say we do it for all drugs not just steroids. But of course this will cost millions of dollars and no school district can afford to do it to the extent that it needs to be done to actually nip it in the bud.
  8. According to someone "in the know" that I know in Dayton one of the kids was actually walking up to his house with some of the merchandise in his arms when the cop pulled up. I trust my source on this one.
  9. I think Liberty wins this one to start the season off right.
  10. Don't agree with the Chronicle's prediction of being only above the two new schools, but I don't believe this will be the year they get back into the playoffs. I think that if will be in this order: Dayton-undefeated district champs Crosby North Forest GP or BH- this one is the toss up CE King GC Memorial KP Sorry BH, not this year. But that is also why you play the games on the field not on the internet. ANYTHING can happen.
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