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Everything posted by Kville99

  1. there is no doubt about the game next week.....WOS Huge!!!!
  2. Newton, Ya'll have a problem!!! Kirbyville
  3. 39-6 Kirbyville........FINAL!!!!!!
  4. lost the feed again is this going to go on all night? first time to use this thing just wondeing
  5. is there a prob with the feed or is it just me?
  6. well hate to burst your bubble but i saw it with my own eyes and I beg to differ with you and and your sacred Newton Eagles. But that is Ok I know what I saw and what the community of Kirbyville saw at that moment in time. What I can't believe is that you all seem to be so shocked that this would happen.
  7. Confidence and arrogance are two different things. confidence can be expressed TRUTHFULLY, and with integrity while at the same time humbling (i.e. I believe the oppoent has a very good team and does this well but at the same time i believe they have these weaknesses and that is where we plan to attack) NOT they ain't got **** over there in hickville which is exactly what it sounded like. what i see is a man that thinks he is above the fray probably because that is where the people of the community put him. I can't wait til they get put on their backsides by a kirbyville team which i do believe will happen this year. What does his arrogance do for the kids and thier sportsmanship. I have seen what it can do first hand from his team. I was on the sideline when the team that won state in 98 came to the center of the field before kickoff, declared they were the district champs, which they were, and told everyone on our sideline and in our stands, in the words of "Degeneration X" to "suck it". what does that say to our community and how disciplined and arrogant the were. Still hate to this day the purple and white "N".
  8. IMO I understand that Newton has tradition, played against them every year in school, we always seemed to beat them on JV level and below, but this is a fine example of how well you coach your players when it counts. I also see this article reeking of arrogance.
  9. Not trying to make this about kirbyville but there sure was alot of ppl saying that kirbyville always came up with excuses and i do believ that the refs are one of those excuses that was named glad to see that kirbyville wasn't the first to use the excuse. the way i see it is newton lost, regardless of the situation, it is a loss. No one should ever use an excuse, honestly, if your team is suppose to win then they wouldn't have been in the situation that gave you the opportunity to use the excuse. Accept defeat and move on to the following week and prepare, practice on what caused the loss (from the excuses it sounds like it was penalties) and fix it.
  10. worried more about corrigan camden than newton play them first round of the playoffs
  11. ;D ;D Bunas coach would look at the caller ID, see it was hooks or anyone from that area code and unplug the phone ;D ;D ;D
  12. "Ludacris" = Spellcheck, Spellcheck, Spellcheck. thanks for the notification of my improper spelling so glad your so quick to catch it do you have any oher comments to make perhaps this time it will pertain to sports and not english class. i'm sure there is a chat room for people like you that want to sit around and talk about hyperboles, synonyms, and acronyms. stuff that hasn't got anything to do with FOOTBALL which is what we were discussing. Can't stand morons like you. get a life or go back to your literature hole.
  13. Why on earth would the LCM staff schedule, much less consider a game if they couldn't get the players to fill the uniforms. In my opinion this is ludacris. Surely they have a better head on their shoulders than that, if not, then my apologies to the kids that are being put under this staffs program. HORRIBLE call on their staffs part if this was the case.
  14. Local teams that are open for Oct. 3 games according to their schedules include: Beaumont West Brook (two words, Kville99) Port Arthur Memorial Bridge City Hampshire-Fannett Hardin Jefferson Orangefield Kirbyville Newton Woodville
  15. This is by far the most ridiculous post I have seen on this sight! I can't believe i wasted my time opening it and burning brain cells that the idiot that wrote it never developed. Is there someway to protest this level of stupidity and have it taken down.
  16. I understand WOS has a great tradition of football. I'm going to be a realist also and go against the grain and say WOS. I just Pray to the Lord above that I am wrong. If Kville keeps it close to a high caliber team such as WOS then I believe it would still gve kville no reason to hang their heads.
  17. Im sure there was some explanation probably whether it be a problem with equipment suc as the headsets that they were trying to get worked out or maybe they just wanted to visit, either way if it would have ben a problem im sure brooks or one of the other coaches would have asked them to leave. however i do recall someone saying that kville makes up alot of excuses when they lose, but in a short time there has been a heck of a lot of excuses fom jasper poor receiving bad coaching kville coaches on the wrong side cmon quit being such hypocrites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. it is an open conversation, and don't get mad b/c i stole your thunder. I understand that you dont want kville to to be brought up anywhere near a convo when buna is involved just be glad it wasn't buna on the other side of the ball against newton. it could have been worse.
  19. and what did beating trinity prove? According to their player profiles in DCTF magazine they have a HB that runs a 4.8 40. I was a 260lb lineman in high school and i could have ran him down. and he was a player to watch, that says alot about what they had to offer in a matchup. you don't get better by playing teams you should beat day in and day out. You get better by playing teams that should beat you day in and day out. c'mon
  20. well isn't this the stupidest thing you have ever heard of? Triangle teams are playing but two lake area teams cancel. I think i might call G.W. on this one! I am seriously dissappointed in both schools and their inability to organize. I sure hope they change their minds and make me have to eat those words of dissappointment.
  21. As a fan of kirbyville i wonder why you would be so quick to discontinue their coverage and strip them of their rank when they play several teams in the area such as WOS, Liberty, Hardin Jefferson, and other teams you would like to get rid of or that were included in the topic, Jasper and Newton. Not to mention that these teams play so many other teams in the area such as Silsbee, East chambers, hampshire-fannett, orangefield, to mention a few that are directly involved with these outlying teams, why don't we just put your team on the list and leave everyone else off. But i can guarantee you this, there ain't no way that lumberton would want to step on the field with Kirbyville, Jasper, Newton, or certainly not Dayton in real game situation as we all saw how much revenge was taken in a scrimmage. P.S. this post is not what you could call whining, I would call it putting you in your place for another 40 something years.
  22. it is a forum meant to talk trash and have a little fun and comrodery among the guys not an english class
  23. what less coud buna honestly take from his game and is it even possible to say that this game helped them improve or did it help in he ego department and hurt them when district comes around
  24. maybe it's SOME of the fans from jasper's arrogance and stupidity that makes it seem as if kville fans are rude. We have never stated or bragged as to any degree that we have come close to a State championship that i am aware of. However maybe its just the sour taste that we left in the mouth of those dawgs that recently seem to be biting into something they can't chew. With jaspers size and numbers and the way that these stats are thrown around maybe they should look themselves in the mirror and maybe say to themselves their so-called "dynasty" isn't what it use to be. I mean if we go back to the late 80's when kville and jasper both had teams that were very competitive in their respective places, kville, I believe, would not have pulled one of those wins off. With that said step away from the screen in front and go to the nearest mirror that is not broken by the picture of your melon and say it! WE AREN'T WHAT WE USED TO BE AND MAYBE I SHOULD COME TO TERMS WITH THAT BEFORE I GO OUT AND PICK ON THE OTHER KIDS!
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