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Everything posted by jrrd2010

  1. Yea. I am not a Newton fan at all them to lose would make my day. They are just good and I see them playing away no different from them playing at home.
  2. I think your right on the 3rd spot but doubt it wouldhave mattered where yall played Newton is good.
  3. EXACTLY!!! Thats what I've been talking about Please. Buna wouldnt last 2 minutes against WOS.,,thats whats so funny about all of it...LOLOLOLOL!!! How about Buna play WOS next year in their PreSeason like we do. Heck we had to play them in district for cryin out loud. lol If you would have read what I wrote I never said Buna could beat WOS I was comparing them on a statistical level. Three years ago Buna was in that district. Buna has beat Kountze 4wins Deweyville 4wins Warren 2wins and sure the other three only have 1 win combined but you cant control how many games other teams win. K-ville did't play WOS either this year so you cant talk on that one but would have been nice for that game to have happen. K-ville has great stats also but to bad would not get to see Buna and K-ville play in the playoffs cause that would be a game to see. Well you might get what you wish for. If Buna wins out and and Kville does to and Kville wins first round then we will most likely play Buna. Someone feel free to correct me if im wrong...
  4. Any team could lose on any given night.... Keep that in mind.
  5. They have a pretty good team1 Have to give them the respect they deserve but I cant say i like em alot. I will say they have a few key talents Craft is one.
  6. Tell me how Hitchcock is number one you have to be kiding!
  7. Well in my opinion yea they should make it there and maybe farther.
  8. People can be ignorant! You can't blaim anyone here because I seen this same team play some of the best football i have seen out of them earlyer his year. Just need to go back to the basics of their game.
  9. That's your opinion maybe you should find a post that's for Newton and leave your ignorant accusation. Its not welcome here because Kville is winners. Therefore the Newton game will be no different.
  10. Man we know they are doing the best sometime its frustrating and fun to yell at them. It relives stress.
  11. Well Kirbyville doing good! Think its funny Buna over Newton. Just don't see that if they played. Think back playoffs last year! Its good to see Buna getting some recognition though.
  12. I dont wont to hear that they did call things back that shouldnt have been because holding was called on Kville on long plays only. They would throw after the play broke for forty yards of more go watch the films. We don't complain about refs because we dont care Kville wins so who cares.
  13. They will post one but I doubt it will be worth looking at!!!! Kirbyville gonna win by two touchdowns!
  14. Who cares about comparing us to Arp lets just get out there get a win and then go spank NEWTON!! Thats what needs to happen.
  15. Well it was not a very fun game to watch everything was called back it seemed like. Guess it doesnt matter I wouldnet wont to be a ref. So good game to all.
  16. This doesn't seem to far fetched to me...maybe unlikely but highly possible. Yea and maybe they will win the 2A SATE CHAPIONSHIP while this guys is in fantasy land. Wake up ands smell the coffe buna gonna sink that pirate ship!!!
  17. Thats funny because how i have always seen it is Barbay isnt an idiot he has a gameplan going into evey week he plays. You dont think its weird Buna ran all over them in a scrimmage and not in playoffs?? Just throwin that out there!!! He got the ball few times against them in the playoffs. Twice at the most . I'm sayin that scrimmage or not both first teams were in. Which means he can match up with the runningbacks in 22 2a. You must go to Buna. Thats the only way you would compare him to 22 2A backs. I guess the kid could play with anyone if we ask you. Therefore just raise your hand when you have something to say on here and hold your breath and hope i call on you!!
  18. Kirbyville brings extra Gear so the Cheerleaders could get a few touchdowns in the second half. Hows that for your homecoming!!!
  19. Kirbyville scores and scores and scores and scores and scores and scores and scores and scores and scores and scores and scores and scores and scores and scores and scores and scores and scores Woodville scores.......wait called back, Kirbyville scores, and scores, and scores, - Halftime get the picture? I get the pic. lol That was pretty good but lets not get to many touchdowns.
  20. I was thinking the same thing. Seems like this is turning into the Kirbyville message board. So stay out of it!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA lol
  21. I wanna here some about K_VIlle Woodville game!!!!
  22. Don't worry the players are staying level headed knowing they can be beat. They just don't show it. They want accept defeat this is their year to shine.
  23. Posters with 200 posts and more. What do karma points even do for you?? I have seen no point in it.
  24. No the team that I support is 6-0
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