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Everything posted by coastman14

  1. The Coastal Baseball League will be entering its 9th season in 2016. It is college wood bat summer league for players 18-25. You do not to have eligiblity remaining to play in College Summer League. Cost is $350 for entire season and games are in Houston Sat/Sundays. www.CoastalBaseball.com
  2. Fall Wooden Bat League in Houston, with games on Saturday. We have many players from the Triangle that play. Tryouts/scrimmages next Saturday... www.CoastalBaseball.com
  3.   Coastal Baseball League is in its 10th season.  For High School Seniors, College Players and Ex-College players. Games are in Houston many players from the Triangle have played... For more information visit www.CoastalBaseball.com
  4. 2014 Coastal Baseball Tryouts----Email [email protected] ----713-898-1874 <HR> TRYOUTS May 22, 2014 and May 24, 2014 3PM Coastal Baseball Park. 24 Game Season weekends beginning May 30. Weekend Doubleheaders Houston Area. Summer Player Registration 2014 Player Registration $300 includes jerseys, team fees and umpire fees.
  5. [url=[Hidden Content]] College Summer League, High School Seniors Eligible Games in Houston... [url=[Hidden Content]] In early days there were teams from the Triangle, but now players from Triangle just play on Houston Teams... [email protected]
  6. Games start September 16th in Houston, two seven inning doubleheaders, there are 5 weekends of games over a 7 week period. Entire teams can be entered or individual players. Must be 13 to play and not older than 16.  Coastal Baseball Park is in Houston. [img][Hidden Content]] [url=[Hidden Content]]
  7. Adult Baseball League starts in September, it is in Houston, there is one team of guys from Liberty that are getting together to put a team in, games are on Saturdays...wood bats[url=[Hidden Content]] [img][Hidden Content]]
  8. [img][Hidden Content]] Last Season we had our first ever Golden Triangle Team...Games were DH on Saturdays, many players right out of high school played in the league. 713-589-2937 x 200-- Email [url=[Hidden Content]] [email][email protected][/email] Now is the time to get in the swing of things and prepare for Baseball Season. The Coastal Baseball League is getting ready to take flight for the Spring Season. The season begins February 5th and goes through. Tryouts are Saturday January 21 at 2:00 PM. If you or one of your friends is interested in getting back in the swing of baseball this Spring here are the details: •What Coastal Baseball Adult Spring Tryouts •When Saturday January 21, 2012 at 2:00 PM •Where Coastal Baseball Park 7320 South Sam Houston Parkway East Houston, Texas 77075 •How Much The League fee per player is $120, this includes jersey, hat, fees, baseballs and umpires for the entire season. Coastal Baseball Park is located here [url=[Hidden Content]]
  9. Here is schedule [Hidden Content]
  10. Coastal Baseball and Red Stick Baseball are hosting an Adult Baseball Tournament in New Orleans March 26-28 and the Gulf Coast Giants are looking for players if you are interested in going contact Andrew at [email protected]
  11. Coastal Baseball is looking to return an NBC team to the triangle for 2010 season... NBC Teams consist of graduated seniors, current college players and graduated college players... Games are doubleheaders both days of weekend for last weekend of May, entire month of June and first weekend of July... Interested parties visit [url=[Hidden Content] Baseballhttp://www.CoastalBaseball.com[/url] 13 teams are currently signed up in Houston/San Antonio.. With 0 teams in Triangle.
  12. Coastal Baseball League is an affliated league with National Baseball Congress having its 2nd summer collegiate league from Late May to Mid July. The league is a wooden bat league and has college players from JUCO, Division III, Division II and Division I. The Coastal Baseball League took over for the Big States League which folded in 2006. The Big States League in years past had teams in Orange, Beaumont, LCM, Lumberton and Vidor. The Coastal Baseball League had 5 teams in 2008 and sent its champion to Wichita. The league is based out of Houston and only has games on weekends and is invited teams from Lufkin, Conroe, Beaumont, Katy and Galveston. The league will have a minimum of 6 teams and a maximum of 12 teams, if you are interested in getting a player in the league or entering a team more information can be found at [Hidden Content]
  13. Adult League in Houston/Baytown starts in May [Hidden Content]
  14. Tryouts/Scrimmage/Intrasquad...Coastal Baseball Park Saturday January 10th 12:00 PM noon ... league fee is $100 come ready to play, you will be put a team the same day...bring anyone out who wants to play...Games will be in Houston/League City/Pearland... Coastal Baseball Park 7320 South Sam Houston Parkway East Houston, Tx 77075 Beltway 8 in between Telephone and Mykawa Map to Coastal Baseball Parkhttp://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=7320+south+sam+houston+parkway+east,+houston,+tx+77075&sll=29.600868,-95.294144&sspn=0.008526,0.012596&ie=UTF8&ll=29.600887,-95.295217&spn=0.008526,0.012596&t=h&z=16&iwloc=addr Andrew www.CoastalBaseball.com
  15. there are 4 teams looking to pick up players Visit Coastal Baseball Adult Baseball League Games are in SE Houston
  16. There will be a league in the spring with wooden bats and metal bats. Starts Feb 1, with tryouts middle of January. 18+...for more information visit [Hidden Content]
  17. Pitchers, Catchers, SS, outfields are pretty full unless you are a sprinter...
  18. There is a wooden bat league for players 18 and over with games played on Sundays in Houston. Several players in the league are from the Triangle as it is hard to find a place to play... Players Range in age from 19-35. Games are Sundays at 10:00/1:00/4:00 Here is information: [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  19. Wooden Bat Fall League with gamesfrom Sept-Oct... 18U League with players 15-18... Games are doubleheaders on the weekends on an astroturf field by Hobby Airport... One more team spot open, several teams also need players. For more information visit: [Hidden Content] [email protected]
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