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Everything posted by formercaveman

  1. I predict a very short game with both teams running the ball 95% of the time. District Stadium is the same as Veterans Memorial Stadium. It was renamed a couple of years ago. It is a fun environment. Fans are right on the action. There is no track so it is only about 10 yards from sideline to the stands.
  2. The UIL [u]can't[/u] stop the kid from moving but they will keep the kid from playing Varsity if they deem the move was for athletics.
  3. Clear Creek vs. Clear Brook in League City Texas.
  4. I knew what it was skip. It is a reference to how most young people would not know what it is since it is somewhat obsolete now. Hence the  :D.
  5. What's a Walkman??? :D
  6. Not all "students" have great support at home. Some really need the influence of athletics and the people in it. Just remember the rules are made for everyone not just the students with great home lives and wonderfull parents that are there to support them.
  7. There are some adjustments for 9 weeks. At the beginning of the year, an athlete must be passing after 6 weeks even though it is only a progress report.
  8. It also used to be that if you failed that you did not get to practice plus the fact that it was the full 6 weeks. What happen was that student athletes would lose hope and just give up because after 6 weeks of no practice, there was not much chance of playing due to being so far behind the others. For many kids sports is not just something to do, it is a way to stay out of trouble and a reason to get an education. I personally like the rules now. If your problem is with the late practices, maybe you should discuss that with your coach.
  9. He is a great man. I absolutely loved this man. He is a role model of mine.
  10. Does anybody on here know the rule on if parents are seperated or divorced? ;D ;D ;D ;D
  11. I have been able to navigate them but they are totally useless.  NEVER right or even close to right. Often have the wrong players names for most things.  I live in Houston area and they send guys out to do it and still get horribly wrong numbers. The schedules and scores are about the only thing usefull.
  12. My post from earlier was purely hypothetical. I was not refering to any player this year. I saw no games in the triangle this year. Just making a statement about how alldistrict picks for baseball are difficult. There are so many aspects of baseball that a player must be proficient at that it is sometimes harder to pick who is the best. I would never try to take anything away from somebody who made alldistrict. Congrats to all the kids that made it.
  13. I think baseball/softball are some of the hardest to pick when it comes to alldistrict. The old saying goes "Figures lie and Liars figure". What you call a hit, I may call an error. A batting average should be universal but it depends on who is keeping ithe book for each team.  Also what is better a SS that makes about 3 plays a game that nobody else will make for outs and bats .250 or a below average SS that bats .333?
  14. recap new field house - incredible seating area - basicly the same but redone for handicapped and all new seats. Nicer than before but no wow factor.                                       Someone correct me if I am wrong. Pressbox - redone with hurricane money. I am sure it is alot nicer. Not sure if it is to the level of say SFA but I am sure it is nice.  Probably better than most SLC stadiums. Suites - New and obviously better than not having them. I am sure it will be cool for the ones that get to use them. nice addition. concessions - not sure of how many but has to be loads better than the couple of circular counters that were there before. Rest Rooms - I am sure there are many new ones. Obviously better than before. Intangibles - New gates and redew of cosmetic appearance. On drawings it looks great. Will be great improvement over what was there before.  Will have to wait and see once everything is complete on just how good it looks. Playing surface - The field there was absolutely terrible. THis is not a surprise since no games (college) there in many years. New turf will look great. May look funny where the turf and grass meet on the hill My wish list would include bowling in the Montagne side. Even if it was not high and basicly just filling in where the grassy area is. Would create a nicer football atmosphere. Eventually would love to see an upper deck on the chemical plant side. Mainly just to block the view.  ;DWould it be possible to put giant fans to blow away smell of plants also? ;D
  15. I've always thought that it was a great facility but the turf was horrible. We won a game there several years ago and had less than 100 yds total offense. It was unbelievably muddy. I also think it was on a Monday after a hurricane scare. I also hated having to change in the basketball gym and walk up and down the hill to get to the stadium. I think that may have changed now.
  16. I coach in a 5a in Houston area and last year we only played 5 regular season games on Fridays. The rest were on Thursday or Saturday. We have 4 High Schools (soon to be 5) that share 1 stadium.  Saturday games are tough on coaches. They make for a rough weekend. On the bright side, we played twice on live TV on Thursdays during the regular season and 1 playoff game was on TV. The coaches in this area preferred playing on Thursdays most of the time. Saturday games are usually afternoon games.
  17. Any way one of you guys could sneak in and take some pictures of the stadium. I live in Houston now and never get a chance of going back that way. I would love to see how it is looking. I love the webcam but it does not show the stadium, just the fieldhouse.
  18. I have no problem with the score of the Yates game (170-35).  My disappointment is that the team was still pressing.  I don't think they should have stopped playing hard, shot only left handed jump shots, or tried to miss free throws.  I think the kids should try to play hard and score if you can.  I just think you take off the press.  Likewise in baseball, you should not stop trying to hit the ball, only bunt, or have to hit from the opposite side, but I do think you should stop stealing, don't take extra bases, and rotate subs in at their positions.  To me this is the best way to handle the situation so your team improves and the other team is not embarressed. 
  19. "Making it a priority" is my point exactly. I wish they knew how important it was.  If I was a kid getting recruitted by Lamar, how would I know anything about Lamar. I think some great things are happening at Lamar but it is not known ouside of the GT. Anybody have a list of players participating in spring practice or a depth chart.
  20. Why Terror cares so much about Lamar, I don't know. He irritates me just as much as he does ya'll and I hate to have to admit it but he has a great point. I love Lamar and graduated from there. I am really excited about football starting. I will try to make some games if possible (I am a high school coach so not always easy to get off on Saturdays). I no longer live in the area and it is really hard to get any information on what is going on there. I don't even try to look on their website anymore. There is rarely anything new on it. I look at the camera to see the field. It would be awesome to see information on how the building is coming along. What are they doing? What is next? When PNG was building their stadium, there was more info than Lamar has. I am sure that there is coverage on local stations about how things are going but if you don't live in the Golden Triangle it is HARD to get any info. I wish they would post photos of practice or maybe a few videos. I think it is great IF they are pushing it in the GT but like Terror said (I hate admitting he is right) there needs to be more info for people outside the area. I would love for them to recruit and get all the best players in southeast Texas but if you want to win you need the best from all over. The internet is a great way to get info about yourself out and to attract talent to your school. I am in Houston area and most of our kids have never heard of Lamar or don't even know the have a team. We STILL dont even know what the stadium is going to look like. To me that is crazy. I wish a student with alot of time on their hands and a great knowledge of technology sould start a website about Lamar football and maybe get us more info. I do appreciate the people on this site that give info. It is about the only place to get any.
  21. [quote name="Javelina" post="762859" timestamp="1266621225"] the Plano East numbers will be down next go around.  There will be another high school opening on the east side of Plano East fall of 2011 [/quote] Does this mean the new school will be named Plano Easter. Sorry, had to do it. ;)
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