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Everything posted by EX-Ceauxch

  1. There is no need to argue this fact. Craig will not go to PNG. Because they will not pay him what he's worth. Not may of these coaches, if any, on the list have coached at the college level for 16 years or been coach of the year for 3 years. And you are right hook em', Craig is worth a considerable amount more than BISD is paying him. But the fact of the matter is that he has things working over there. He could take 2 days off and the PROGRAM would not miss a beat. People outside of coaching don't understand this. It's like not having to micromanage everything at work. Craig hires good coaches. Tells the coaches and the kids exactly what wants and they all buy into it. That is what makes a program successful. So to say a little raise would make anyone leave is not correct. But IF and that is a big if...PNG does go after Craig I hope they realise THEY WILL have the best coach in this area. IMO Come on Dr. Lani Randall give him an interview, agree to his terms and you can rest assured you have made the right decision for the school , the players, the fans and all of my fellow alumni. c/o 92'
  2. No he didn't and admin kept cutting coaches. Also I believe that he grew close to his staff and got stuck trying the same old stuff. I talked with him at WB 2 springs ago and he was very excited to try some of the stuff we were doing over there. I told him I hoped he would. But after watching them not have immediate success with it. He went back to what he knew best. I really did not like to see him go. But whoever is next I hope they are fun to watch!!!
  3. No. Your right they all make the same. But I thought they all made a little more than that. Hook em you know I like PNG BUT... I would have to get a lot more money from PNG and have more control than they will probable allow Stump to have. Some of those guys on that staff are friends of ours but all need to be reevaluated. That is what Craig did before I went to WB with him and look what we did!!! You can't argue with success...
  4. Well let me respond to my little buddy HOOK em. He does make more than 70. And you better hope the union settles on our little problem or i might be applying for the PNG job!!!!
  5. That's funny. His name is not on "THE LIST!!" I believe that this information is a rumor that was made up by intelligent football fans who know what it takes to win!!! The NDN's in control of the politics over there would never pay him the money it would take to get him to give up his GREAT job he already has!!! Can we move on to names that are on the list???
  6. Stump??? Is he going there without his DAD????
  7. I really don't that they have contacted him. They know he is out of their price range. You have to pay for quality. They are shopping for a bargain!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Joe Chassion is going to transfer I hear. He will probable get the start!
  9. Give him that kind of money and 4 year contact. You know he will need time to learn Cherokee and the school song and then he will BLEED purple. Then all of those NDN's out there will be strutting their feathers again!!!!
  10. Sorry Gabe and Coop. PNG can't afford to pay Craig what he is worth!!!!
  11. Blake Whisinhunt...just watch!!!
  12. He will decide not to play football. Join the golf team. And leave school early everyday to hit the links...
  13. That score is correct. The Png vs. HJ. It was at Lamar and Wes Eves hit a triple off Golke. H-J down 3-1 had there best hitter come to the plate...Brent Carney...123 SO and we lose. But we had a great season. Carney made all state. See if you can find out his stats. I believe he only batted 15 times in district.
  14. 643...Randy Brevell was in the field for that game I believe. I don't remember who was behind the plate. Earl "The Pearl" Duhon maybe. Jeff Raney was the HC at HJ 97-98. And short, fat guy was his asst...that would be ME!!
  15. Where were they 2nd round? Home eatin' popcorn...
  16. Yeah they do, The Liberty Leger, Dayton Daily, and The Cleveland Chronicle.
  17. Congrats to all those "SUPER" Bruins. Ray, BIG Row, Big Nick, RG, and especially BROUSSARD!!!!
  18. Major is an UNDERSTATEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. I played with hookem14 and I agree it is not an attack Defense. We played base-cov.3 almost every play. most of the time we did not need to huddle. He did blitz LB's some. I should know. I was and OLB and I got in trouble all the time for blitzing on my own. Even when I made plays. Which wasn't very often now that I look back at our old game films. ***NOTE: If you become a coach, DON'T ever watch your old HS films!! You will have an entirely diffrent outlook on your ability!!! I cussed myself and laughed the whole time. Only to have my DAD sitting next to me saying "What? That looked good to me!"*** Hey hookem how may times do you think we didn't run Cov.3? or Purple Dog- Cov. 3?
  20. That means they will follow former teamates Albert Williams(RB) and Nick Landry(OL). Congrats GUYS!!
  21. I'm glad we can interject some humor in your day BEARBRYANT!!
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