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Everything posted by Piratesdad4410

  1. Looks like Mark has got silisbe white back on the right track. D-Ville JR 7 EC 6 EC has A very good team this year And a good coaching staff Good luck the the rest of the season EC
  2. I my self, I think the underfeated 7th grade PIRATES team from last year will take it all again this year, But we do have new coaching in the JR high so you never know.
  3. Good luck PIRATES I don't Know If I will be able to go to any of the games this year, It still hurts not having destin here with us But i wish all of y'all the Best of luck GOD Bless All the players AND the Fans.
  4. Congrats To Dalton We will all be watching you From the intire Dupuy Family Including DESTIN!!!!! We all Love you
  5. Good Job Kirbyville All of the Deweyville fans or pulling for yall make all of southeast TEXAS proud
  6. I am glad some one else can see this besides me
  7. Switch you hit that one right on the head, the news will not cover the good just the bad .
  8. Can you post anything without having to kiss butt!! and blah blah I almost fell asleep reading this crap!!! Blaze knowing where you come from I can understand your feeling. If I came from A Place that could not beat them self's out of A wet paper sack I might feel the same way. Don't Hate just cause you can not beat us.... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  9. Oldschool_50 I think every year gets better.
  10. Congratulations to the senior Hawks SuperBowl Champs. Barry we Pirates Brought every thing we had, Claude and JP done an out standing job coaching the Pirates But the Hawks just 2 much to Handle. My son #44 took the lose pretty Hard but that is because he loves 2 win and he new this was his last youth football game to play in. In Deweyville when our kids leave youth football they do not get much coaching in school ball.with that being said I would like to thank LONESTAR For giving my son A place to play Ball great atmosphere And great people in all Associations. My son has had the opportunity to play Ball with A great group of kids And I will say the best coaches in lonestar, Thru 8 years he has played in and won flag superbowl, Flag runner up, Jr Runner up, Jr Superbowl, Sr Superbowl And this year SR runner up. That I think Is a Pretty good Little league career
  11. The Future does not look to Bright
  12. Thanks for the complement #10 is my son his name is Destin Lairsey, I thought #8 was very impressive myself. Funny you say that the whole season he sat on the side line on defense, the only game he actually started and played defense was against Hardin and i think he should have played defense the whole season, but the coach told him he couldn't because he was the qb eventhough he played both sides of the ball and special teams from little league on up i think that's ridiculous.
  13. Well thanks Pa papa! No, just going to have only one ref show up so I can do some illegal stuff and get away with it while he only watches your kids. Then I will wave my magic wand over my 4 seventh graders two of which are first year players and transform them into 8 or 9 seventh graders and them sprinkle pixie dust on all of them to make them 13, then I will have them shave and teach them more illegal (cut) blocks and how to be sorry and onside kick, then best of all I will teach them how to hit hard! a big no no. Of course all of this is possible by hand picking them, all 14, one of which came to me after Mauriceville released him because he was no good then I made him a cheater and he now starts at tightend and corner back. Then I will have C.L give me hand signals from your sidelines and make Mark side with me as he endorses all my other sorry activities. Then I will soundly beat you. It's Big Poppa! Sorry! Claude don't worry about that HOPEFULLY after Saturday He will be calling you Big Poppa
  14. Get out your red challenge flags we or going to have instant replay
  15. Congratulations to the Deweyville Pirates 7 Th Grade Team for going undefeated and taking district champ title Good Job Boys Great season.
  16. Hardin Wins Both teams played Hard and very good sportsmanship on both sides, the refs even done a good job. Good luck to Hardin the rest of the season
  17. I think D-Ville PIRATES have a good chance but it will be one hell of a battle for both teams JR & SR they or playing two very good teams, But I think the PIRATES or ready.
  18. Muckleroy, very well put must have took a long time to make that post GOOD JOB
  19. I have not heard any body from Deweyville say any think bad about Hardin,We all like Hardin Yall beat Buna way to go. Hope it is a good game Friday night.
  20. The bottom line is Buna is out, It does not matter how much they whine, gripe or anything else. Buna just needs too move on and let it go, everybody else has games to prepare for this week. You can not over look anybody, any team can be beat on any give day if you do not prepare for the game. Just ask Buna.
  21. One SR did turn stuff in I do not think it had any thing 2 do with earning a Position . I Think We have a lot of coaching issues but I will wait intill the end of the season to speak my opinion. Deweyville also has 3 or 4 starters that or injured and will be out the rest of the season. Are you guys using the new facility now? The last time we played there we had the matchup in the old stadium. The new one was too wet or something to that matter. Not sure if Ike messed it up or not. Hornet this game will be played in the new stadium.
  22. One SR did turn stuff in I do not think it had any thing 2 do with earning a Position . I Think We have a lot of coaching issues but I will wait intill the end of the season to speak my opinion. Deweyville also has 3 or 4 starters that or injured and will be out the rest of the season.
  23. You are right steeler Hardin 7th grade will forfeit they or going to MAYBE let some of the 7th graders play a little on the 8th grade team
  24. If buna could not beat HJ in the first round , they would not have beat them in the 2nd or in the superbowl so what does it matter. Buna lost to the 4th place seed HJ moves on Buna better luck next year.......
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