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Everything posted by Piratesdad4410

  1. deweyville sr should make it if capt. claude does not forget the cards again LOL
  2. very good post thanks td
  3. Thank you B. E. I just new some one would see this the way I do. I thought it was very chicken
  4. I think Deweyville 7th Grade keeps rolling like a freight train I do not see any body touching them this year, that being said d-viile 7th Grade wins by 30 like they have done every week so for. Deweyville 8th Grade has been improving each week, this game will be a tough one but I think The Pirates pull this out By 6.
  5. The Play Off Sites were set last night at the Lonestar Meeting 1st round of playoffs will be at 2 diffrent sites Warren & EC 2nd round will be in HJ And the Superbowl will be at the silsbee high school The kids or going to really injoy playing There.
  6. I would invite you to ask the Buna Sr. Coach, or better yet Mark Poole the Buna President email me and I will give you his number. At 32 we put in our subs and scored again then with other subs and linemen got to the 2 yard line and did not score, we also gave up the ball the second half. If I were bitter it could have been a-lot worse. I had a 21 to 6 score with EC who is really struggling this year, I think games like that show our character, and I clearly stated that all was my fault and Buna did nothing wrong, so don't be a hatter cause you lost to us. Thanks Claude your post was right on I think This hollybgood is just a crap starter that wants to whine about the score of a real football game He would probably rather every body just forfeit to him because he has know idea what he is doing much less talking about
  7. I am not trying to take any thing away from the JR buna team they came out and played there game and won . It was a very good game, kids from both sides helping each other up , Very good sportsmanship from both teams . No excuse from the Pirates Buna JR were the better team. As for the SR forceing the Forfit. If this is how they think you win a ball game OH well I Perfer to teach the kids 2 go out and win on there own then they know that they deserve it, And this is not toward the kids because they did not make the decision IMO I think the buna coach should have let it go but he did not so I am done with this subject it will not make any diffrence deweyville will still take first in there div.and move on...........
  8. Maybe the coach would have known he didn't have the cert. cards if him and Muckelroy wouldn't be playing on the computer all week. Remember Mark it's about the kids.. ;D ;D ;D sounds like to me the the coach ol' Capt."dropped the ball" (no pun intended) Yes every body makes a mistake from time 2 time , the coach should have had the cards, but too try and get a win like this proves what; It proves just how cheese you are
  9. ol come on Muckelroy you know yall run up the score over there all the time.. Gasp....someone who doesn't think lonestar is "perfect"? LOL We try not to think about BC at all! Well, if you are from Vidor, and I suspect you are....probably because BC dusted your butts in every division today.... Not that I am picking on Vidor, just on the trash talk. Some of the Vidor people are the nicest I've met, THEY have gone WAY out of their way to help BC get back on their feet and we appreciate it more than they will ever probably know. They are an awesome group at VPIFA!!!! For the VP of stjfl you sure do bash a lot of people NO CLASS AT ALL
  10. Buna JR Team did beat D-ville tonight,My hats off to them they came to play and deweyville did not But as for the SR team Deweyville beat them 39 - 0 But unfortunately Deweyville Had to forfit because there cert. card were left in the coaches truck and his truck was in Alto. But I Think Buna SR team showed there true class tonight by forcing the issue that we forfit Rather then just playing the game . Any body else in this league would have just waved it and played the game, not like this forfit will hurt Deweyville they still will be in the playoff maybee even the superbowl. If the buna coaches wanted that win that bad , then I hope they enjoyed it because every body at the game seen who the better team was.
  11. 4410 think the spread will be a sound team like Buna? I think they need to stick with the run And use jumbo More often (JMO)
  12. This will be a Very hard hitting game, Buna is tough this year but I am pulling for my pirates by 6
  13. This districk is getting more and more interresting each week.
  14. Congrats to the pirates on a good homecoming win But know we have to get ready for buna
  15. Big Game Tommorrow IN Deweyville The Undefeated buna cougars V/S the undefeated deweyville pirates JR DIV. I am going to go with my pirates BY at least 14 What do yall think.
  16. Deweyville 7th Grade ROLLS once again 28 - 8 I do not see any body beating this team this year GOOD JOB BOYS Deweyville 8th Grade comes up short again I think the final was 28 - 14 Warren WINS good game warren. Pirates keep your heads up and keep pluging away.
  17. 7th Grade Deweyville 28----------(3-0) Good Job D-ville Keep up the Good work Warren 8 8th Grade Deweyville 14 Warren 28
  18. I hope the rain stops early enough so we can still play, the storm took some of our games and yall all know they wont make up A JR high game.
  19. Flag - I have not really been following so I am not sure JR - I think H F and Deweyville will play in the superbowl Game , Winner could go either way SR - I think H J for sure & Deweyville will play in the big game, HJ is good but do NOT ever count them D-ville Pirates out.
  21. RESPECT is not given just because you think you should have it , It is Earned on the field year in & year out. So if you want it stop winning about it and get out there and Earn it
  22. Deweyville 7th Has won there first two games 30 - 0, I do not see that changing now, They win by at least 30. Deweyville 8th Improving the last 2 weeks they win this one by 12
  23. B E - I think dogwarrior88 is referring to the d-ville - warren game there was a play where d-ville kicked off and one of the d-ville players made a very hard hit it was a clean hit we looked at it several times on film , but the rev called a personal foul for what he call a head 2 head hit . The d-ville player was about 2-foot shorter than the warren player and his face mask hit him in the shoulder pad. It was a hard hit but a very clean hit this is football and it is a hitting game we by know means, teach or put up with dirty play the kid that was hurt on that play was not even the kid that got hit on the call & if any body wants too look at it i have it on film. We did have a kid that got ejected for punching a warren kid in the gut, the warren player was dragging him down by the face mask every play the d-ville kid react finally and he was kicked out of the game and he WILL be disciplined for his actions. That being said Warren played a real tough game and I really do not see them loosing to any body else in our Div., They will hit you and they will not give up.
  24. Deweyvill wins over warren 34 - 13 Warren is a very well coached team and will bring every thing they have the whole game Good luck the rest off the season.
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