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Everything posted by r8cfnz3

  1. Not sure on numbers - was too shocked. I didn't see the flag on the field - I do understand now the problem with it. It is usually just on sideline and cheerleaders play with it if we score and the team comes in with it when they come on field. Just hate to see it get to where it is such a bad thing to go to. We are neighbors and it should be fun. Will have to hope for the best! Thanks for your response!! Good luck with rest of the season.
  2. Just a few simple comments here from a new person to this forum and somewhat new to this high school football thing. Not planning a fussing match or a he said she said kind of thing just take a minute to read it and think about it. PLEASE! We left Beaumont a years ago to get away from all this negativity and hatred - and for the most part all is great. This was my 2nd year to attend the Buna/Deweyville game. They were unlike any football game I have ever attended. Both games were played hard and great guys are out there giving all they have. EXCEPT for sportsmanship! All of them should be held responsible for their actions and EXPECTED to show good sportsmanship toward any and all teams. I personally witnessed the Buna player refuse to go thru the line last year after the game, then flip the parents in the deweyville stands off and cuss at us. This game I witnessed a group of about 6 flipping off the stands as they walked off the field. YES, players IN UNIFORM!! Sorry, I didn't have my camera out or would send you a picture. Yes they won - no questions there - we get it, it isn't about winning or losing .... but being allowed to be so disrespectful is where the no class comments from everyone is coming into play. Play the game, take the hits, give it all you got and go on. Its a GAME - not life and not death - A GAME!!! Emotions are flowing from the teams and the fans - but the negativity needs to be knocked out or it will only get worse which it seems to be doing already. High school sports shouldn't be about how many enemies you can make - play and have fun. And to BUNA 95 - your comment: (As far as Buna not having class, you did not see our fans on the field after the game. And believe me we were not scared. What was it about 100 Dville fans to 3,000 Buna. The way I see it, it started when a couple of your guys showed up at our peprally on Thursday. Then it was the flag thing.) You may want to visit some other games and watch at its end (you are welcome to come to a Dville game and be our guest sometime). We ALWAYS go on the track after the game - it has nothing to do with the team we are playing and wether we win or lose. WE are those boys PARENTS, TEACHERS, FRIENDS and FAMILY. ALL of the boys on ALL of the fields are precious to someone that is watching. They give it their all for those 4 quarters each Friday night, they practice all week long to go out and play what is supposed to be a GAME, so WE can go sit on hard cold bleachers and watch them get hit, tackled, shoved, etc. When the game is over - AT ANY FIELD - WE go on that track to support our team. Some times we are fortunate enough to visit with other teams players as well and just let them know that win or lose they all did a great job and played a good game and most of all WE ARE PROUD OF THEM. As adults that is our job. Set the example. Teach them right from wrong. They are our kids and our future!! None of these kids from ANYWHERE should be allowed to get away with this. As far as the flag goes - why such an issue? It is a spirit thing for all games, it wasn't an "Oh, lets just do this at Buna and see if we can tick them off" - while evacuated for Ike we went to the Temple/Plano game in Temple. When Plano scored they ran a mascot flag down the center of the field followed by 5 flags that spelled out PLANO. It isn't anything to do with disrespecting a team. It is about supporting your own. That is why we have teams, mascots, colors, etc. Go with it - HAVE FUN - let the kids have fun!! It isn't like anyone went up and spit on your mascot or anything. Not sure about Thursday - think the family was there for JV game maybe - not like they just went for the peprally. Wasn't there - not getting into that. Yall think about it though - these kids are watching everything we say and do. If we are fussing and all - they are soaking it up. Teach them what you want them to be!! Don't be a bad example. They are grown and gone before you know it. Make these games good times and show how proud you are.
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