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  1. Well, if that existed before he got started working at BH, that seems to indicate a lot of division existed in the selection process, maybe other community powers trying to pull strings. I know Carl Abseck says he is happy to be in Lufkin, and everyone associated with the program likes what he is doing right now.
  2. Coach Abseck has hit the ground running here in Lufkin. Reaching out to kids, working to get a full time strength and conditioning coach on campus. New turf coming in our indoor practice facility and at Abe Martin Stadiun. Other improvements in the works too. You can see things happening that have not occured here in the last 13 years, and maybe as far back as the Outlaw days. The man has really been on the move in his first month on the job putting things in place. Someone told me he was still looking for a DC. So I guess the DC at Barbers Hill is not going to be part of the staff. In fact several coaches from Quick's staff are remaining to coach with Abseck. Our forner OC and RB coach went to Groveton. Sure wish we could have kept our DC, he is good, but someone told me he was headed to College Station. Sorry to hear that news. Anyway, really like what I see and hear going on right now, will be interesting to see how all this all comes together in time.
  3. Lufkin's indoor (T J Turner Training Center) was built in 2005, it was part of a combined new turf and scoreboard project at Abe Martin, the place has served it's purpose well and has the ability to be expanded to a full sized field in it's present location. Coach Outlaw like to get things done back then. I have a feeling that Carl Asbeck will help to get more things updated and done that are needed for Abe Martin today.
  4. I'm looking forward to getting the actual announcement behind us, start the building process and see what is ahead for the kids and the Lufkin program. Whether it's Carl Asbeck, Jarrod Baugh or whoever the choice will be. I have been steered in so many directions since this all started in December, it will be a relief to get to tonight or Thursday for a choice be made. Let's make this hire and move forward.
  5. It's interesting that Abseck may be in the thought process at Lufkin???? I don't know anything either way. Folks do lots of supposing talk around here. Personally don't think that's the road it is going down but we will see. Lots of teams looking for HC in Texas right now, not enough good ones to go around IMO. Some schools are going to be paying a lot of money to watered down visions of greatness.
  6. Author Posted just now · IP [Hidden Content] After 30 years at Lufkin High School, including the past 13 as the leader of the program, Todd Quick has announced his retirement as the school’s head coach and athletic director. He officially announced the decision on Wednesday morning after speaking with players and coaches earlier in the week. The retirement will become official on Dec. 31. Quick leaves a mark on the program that includes a state title as a defensive coordinator in 2001. This past season, he led Lufkin back to the playoffs with another district championship that included a 10-game winning streak and a 10-2 record. “This is my 40th year total, and everybody has said you’ll know when it’s time,” Quick said Wednesday morning. “I can’t explain it or tell you one specific reason. When it’s time, you know. You move on and it’s what you feel is best for you and the kids. Number one is the kids. It always has been.” Quick had a coaching career that started in 1987 as an assistant coach under John Outlaw at Arkadelphia where the school won the state championship. He moved on to Sherman for seven years before taking the defensive coordinator job in Lufkin in 1995. “You spend 30 years of your life in a place and it becomes your home,” Quick said. “I’ve here longer than I’ve lived where I’m from. Lufkin is my home. It’s where my kids are raised. You can’t look at it any different. It’s home. Somebody asks where I’m from. I tell them I’m from Lufkin.” The school will start a coaching search in the upcoming weeks. “I won’t be here in the spring,” Quick said. “You’ve got to give them an opportunity to get people in here. I can’t be here all spring and expect them to find someone to have the team ready after that.”
  7. I'm not going to say too much about this game. We all know College Station's playoff pedigree, they are coming into this game as the favorite by +3 according to DCTF. Lufkin's the underdog again. I know too what Lufkin has this year, know those kids determination and what they have had to overcome injury wise to get to the second round. They have had people stepping up all over in big ways. Panther starting QB and LB have been out most all year, starting Safety out for last 5 games. None will be back. A couple others may be out too. Those Lufkin kids know who they are at this point, they will give a good account of themselves this Friday and there will be no excuses. A Storm is coming!.
  8. Could have been 100-0, but that doesn't matter at all. We played everyone, including all the JV players the entire 4th quarter. Maybe could have played the trainers, but they are not eligible. LOL You have to feel for the Houston ISD, UIL needs to address that somehow,. Milby was all fired up coming out, the wheels fell off in about 2 minutes and that was it. Their band finally showed up towards the latter part of the 2nd quarter and they were down 49-0 by then. I don't know exactly the issue, they have some athletes, game was just too fast for them. Milby scored two TD late on the JV/3rd string guys, glad they at least went back home with something. I'm honestly at a loss for words, those kids played hard, they didn't quit Ill say that for them. A good number of their fans came to watch them, good job Milby fans.
  9. What are you SMH about? I don't see where anything has been discussed about lineman.
  10. Is that a typo, "tired lineman".
  11. Sorry the game doesn't work that way. Every time our defense scored it eliminates an offensive procession. 42-7 says it all, BU scored on our 3rd team back ups, so you can feel good about this game if you want. IF the D had not scored, then the offense would have done their thing. We ran the clock for the most part the 2nd half, did what we had to do to get out healthy. United didn't quit, they kept their starters in and played hard the whole game. Hats off to them for that effort.
  12. Thought he was the starting RB for PAM last week.
  13. I disagree that CS or Weiss could beat anyone in 9-5A.. What happen last night? I know you have been high on Weiss all year. They have played three zero win teams this year and while they have a dynamic offense, their D can not stop a good running game. CS made adjustments and Weiss could not just fling the ball down the field as they like to do. Weiss has still not beaten a team with an above .500 record this year. Lufkin can play with CS when fully healthy, especially on defense, so could PAM. I think AMC is legit this year, but still believe that 9-5 can compete very well with 12-5A. The bottom half of that district is just awful.
  14. Yes, Thanks. Too many Cedars out there. LOL
  15. Even Anderson has not beaten a winning team this year, they lost big to CS and AMC the only two decent teams they have played. For that matter Weiss has not beat a winning team either to date, plus they have played 3 teams who have not even won a game this year in San Marcos, Cedar Park and Lehman, 0-24. Now that's something to hang your hat on.
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