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Everything posted by shovel

  1. Darren McFadden! C'mon man! I guess if they got him cheap, but I don't see that as the solution to the RB position.
  2. Seeing Andre Johnson going to Indy is unsettling. DeMarco Murray going to Philly is sickening.
  3. It won't pass. I predict that Texas will be the last State in the Union to legalize pot.
  4. Wow. 48 years young. I remember Mason in his prime. Always a tough player that gave his all. Sad to see this.
  5.   As much as I want to pull for Sumlin and the Aggies, I'm afraid you are right. The new DC and his lawsuits add to the bad circus atmosphere. We will see... Like watching a NASCAR pilup, we wont be able to turn our heads. # We Rape The Sheep ... Thats still funny!
  6.   I dont think Bush is a liberal. He is a moderate. Lately the definition of a moderate is a Republican that calls themselves conservative, but rolls over for the Democrats every time Obama or Harry Reid raise their voices.
  7. Buddy, if you run, I want a sign in my yard! Otherwise, I want someone not named Bush or Clinton. I'd like Rand Paul, but I don't see that happening.
  8. Asking if ISIS represents true Islam is kinda like asking if the Westboro Baptist Church represents true Christianity. The significant difference here (excepting the Westboro folks haven't beheaded anyone) is the deafening silence from the rest of the Islamic world. Their silence speaks volumes!
  9. Excellent topic hippy! Once upon a time, 40 years ago, there were conservative Democrats and liberal Republicans. These politicians kept the country on a moderate keel, but are now as extinct as the dinosaurs. The Democratic party has been completely hijacked by leftist liberals, and no longer represent anyone who works for as living. While right wing conservatives have made inroads to the Republican party ( the Tea Party), the old guard, moderate Republicans (McCain, McConnell, Boehner and others)have not totally yielded to them. This leaves two polar opposite ideologies, with almost no middle ground. It would be total gridlock except for the old guard Republicans rolling over for the Democrats. I prefer the gridlock, as no new laws are better than the bad laws they have passed for the last decade. The older I get, I find myself more aligned with the Libertarians, however, most of these guys are more kooky than the Democrats. How will this play out? My hope is that ultra-conservatives take over and save this country. I know a lot of you disagree. Please keep up the good dialogue.
  10.   We have been bombing ISIS since troops were removed from Iraq. Remember the Arab Spring the president was so proud of? This is the result...
  11. I dont know if global warming is for real or not... You can find scientific evidence supporting either side of the issue. The real question is why is this a big issue for our politians? The answer, of course, is more taxes. Do you remember the cap and trade they tried to peddle a few years ago? More taxes!
  12. Absolutely correct Aggie, but it's a long time until August and we gotta get a fix somehow....
  13. shovel


    C'mon Buddy! That ain't right! (Kinda funny though...)
  14. Murray is gone. Did y'all forget about Jerrah's new best friend AP? Peterson will come at a discount with his legal troubles, but he also has fresh legs and a healed body. It does make business sense. The Cowboys will give what little cap room they have left to Dez. Wait and see!
  15. This is silly. Of the 32 teams, they give an award for executive the year! The same executive that was 8-8 for the last 3 years? So he did better than Dan Snyder and Mark Davis! Lets get this clown a trophy!
  16. Eli looked pretty good this year when he had Beckham to throw to. Get him an O-line and a RB and he's a top QB again. As far as Romo goes, right now there are NO better options available. As BS Wildcat said, I'd love to see him as a Texan. Houston has far worse options than Romo. By the way, NO to the MVP. That should go to J.J. Watt!
  17. I could be wrong, but the Astros might be trying to build some excitement now and get some fans in the seats. Last year's minor league team and a rotten TV contract hurt them badly as far as incoming revenue. I won't tune in or go to a game until they produce a good product. I will get my baseball fix watching the PNG Indians or Lamar Cardinals. A lot better bang for my buck!
  18. A couple other poisnt. We, as taxpayers are footing the bill already in the form of Pell grants. Obama said "free if the students are willing to work for it" If the students are working for it, are they not earning it? One of the lawmakers said this is a talking point, not a plan. He is right... Until the 2000+ page bill comes out, it is little more than a campaign type promise. Who knows what is really in store here!
  19. Jerry Jones and Chris Christie make a cute couple... NOT!!! I'm pulling for Romo and the 'boys, but I predict this is the end of the line for them. Hans & Franz have Rogers pumped up for this one. Green Bay by a TD in a close, cold and good game.
  20. Buddy, I know you're a Duck fan, but I haven't seen an official prediction...
  21. As long as the students are willing to work for it, I am all for it. A hand up versus a hand out. This is investing in our youth. I'm a smaller government guy, but I can get on board for this given it is for American citizens. We will have to see how this pans out, though. It could well be like the ACA where it is nothing like what was promised.
  22. I'm picking the Ags to have 8 wins this season. I'm anxious to see what Chavis does with the defense. I'm already looking forward to the ASU game to open the season!
  23.   If I was drafting and had my choice, I wouldn't want either... Neither QB is an Andrew Luck. Neither can step in and drive an NFL offense. If I had to pick, I'd take Mariotta, simply because he has a whole lot less baggage than Winston. Both have exceptionsal skills and God-given talent, but so did Jamarcus Russell & Matt Leinart.
  24. I'm picking Oregon, but I also picked Bama and FSU. We'll see if my streak continues.
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