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Everything posted by shovel

  1. "The only plausible explanation for many actions taken by President Obama and his administration is that they are working counter to the security of the United States of America. How else can one rationalize the following: 1. The unilateral release of five senior Taliban back to the enemy while the enemy is still fighting us. 2. Providing weapons of support to the Muslim Brotherhood-led Egyptian government — F-16s and M1A1 Abrams tanks — but not to the Egyptian government after the Islamist group has been removed. 3. Negotiations with Qatar and Turkey, two Islamist-supporting countries. 4. Negotiations with Hamas, a terrorist group. 5. Returning sanction money, to the tune of billions of dollars, back to the theocratic regime led by Iran’s ayatollahs and allowing them to march on towards nuclear capability. 6. Obama’s evident support of Islamists in Libya." West doesn't even go into the Benghazi debacle or Obama's poor relationship with Israel. Looking at Obama's foreign policy in these pieces, or as a whole, for that matter; I cannot find where any of these actions benefits the United States or the American people. I cannot connect the dots or make any sense of these actions. Can any of y'all shed any light here? Or... is it just me, smitty and Allen West who have a problem?
  2. I feel like smitty for posting this, but bear with me for a minute. I like and respect Allen West. He cites six examples of Obama's actions that bring him to this conclusion. Can we talk about this as adults. If not, lock it down and I'll see y'all in the football forums. Here is the link: [Hidden Content] The link on Allen West's website: [Hidden Content]
  3. I'm not high on Mallet, Hoyer or any other trade rumor for that matter. Houston's QB situation is the #1 problem, but the poor secondary is a close 2nd. Maybe an outstanding pass rush will help out the defensive backs. I agree with Hoops... we cant write off the team on the preseason, but I would feel a lot better if they show me something to get excited about!
  4. Jefferson County Texas has all the lastest and greatest toys. Boats, helicopters, armored vehicles, etc; yet only have 4 deputys on patrol at night. While I feel our policemen need to have the equipment they need. I think things have turned a little upside down right now. I would be interested in tvc's point of view on this topic...
  5. Because they can and nobody is willing to stop them. By the way, the new forum title is too fitting. It's a shame that this is what this section of the forum has turned into. Thankfully, football season is almost here!
  6. If you remember, this is the same bunch Obama wanted to arm to overthrow Assad in Syria.
  7. I cant believe smitty is hanging his hat on something Hillary Clinton says! Even ol' Barney Frank is finding fault with Obama. In these instances, you just have to consider the source...
  8.   Bullfeathers! Butt Adams took our Oilers to Tennessee. Harris County taxpayers are probably still paying for Dome renovations for Adams. As far as Rick Smith, well, he can go to Tennessee too!
  9.   There is some rich stuff there! Very entertaining post. I needed to laugh on Monday morning!
  10.   The link did work, and it is an intersting article. I too, agree with him, but I guess that I dont understand why you titled the thread "another Uncle Tom"?
  11. I know last night was preseason, but WOW! The Texans looked as bad as they did last year. If they dont start firing on all cylinders soon, I dont see myself wasting time watching the Texans get beat every week. Fitz is looking like the wrong answer to a long-standing problem. Again, I know its preseason, but right now, I'm not optomistic at all.
  12.   Man, I just read all the comments on the KFDM facebook page. That is a shame...
  13. Birth control is free! Abstinence costs nothing! It is not the governments role to provide free birth control, healthcare, housing, welfare or Obama phones, but now I've gone WAY off subject. Individuls must be responsible for themselves, or suffer the consequences their actions bring. Its a shame that that simple viewpoint is now thought of as radical.
  14. I dont know if prostitution or drugs should be legalized, but the they both need to be decriminalized. By legalizing either, the governemnt would get involved, levy taxes and probably make it things worse. Nobody should be in jail for prostitution or using drugs. Another example is when Sherrif Woods rounded up all the nudists on the beach a few years ago. While the nudists might be breaking the law, dont you think LEO resources could be put to better use?
  15. I had forgotten True Blue! I too, miss Dickie V!
  16.   PAM, if you remember, Hillary Clinton was the Democratic frontrunner until Oprah backed Obama. She got the ball rolling and it never stopped. In my opinion, Obama didn't get the scrutiny any other candidate recieved. While questions arose about his birth certificate, his past associates, his college days or any other number of things; the mainstream media never truly investigated Obama. From now on, I do hope any candidate, Dem or Rep goes through the process and any skeltons in the closet exposed. I'm glad it happened with Cain and if there is any dirt on Carson, I hope it is exposed. If Dr. Carson is truly a good guy, that will come out too.
  17. Is Dr. Carson a natural US citizen? If he is, he would be qualified. We had a Hollywood actor come in and do a better job that a peanut farmer and a community activist. While I have a lot of respect for Dr Carson and like what I hear when he speaks, I want to know more before I jump on anybody's band wagon. I liked what I heard from Herman Cain until we found he couldn't keep his pants up. You can bet your boots that the media will dredge up something on any conservative candidate
  18. I believe Auburn, LSU and Tennessee might argue that. Finebauum is trying to butter up to the Aggies.
  19.   2003! I remember 'cause I bet an Aggie a beer a point. He still owes me 77 beers and still won't speak to me. I'm guessing Big Game Bob remembers this too.
  20. Ted Cruz is standing on principle. Bawlin' Boehner is rolling over to appease the liar in chief.
  21. From "Recognized" to "Indicted" Seriously, I hope they can find out where every penny that was stolen, misappropriated or misspent, and hold every person accountable. That is what the kids, teachers and taxpayers of BISD deserve.
  22.   Thats right! Smoking pot is a lot worse that abusing women. Josh Gordon got a year suspension for getting high; meanwhile, Ray Rice gets to miss two games for beating his wife. I know that fotball is a rough sport and it tends to draw rough people. Some common sense and standards need to be set and applied in both college and the NFL. I guess that should go toward society in general, but thats a whole 'nother matter.
  23. I cant disagree with anything Stoops said. Saying that, I expect OU to flop this year and get beat by lesser teams. That has kinda been the MO of Big Game Bob.
  24.    If that is the case, this board should be full of happy people! "Happy, happy, happy!"
  25.   Stole my thunder OldTimer! I have to agree with you here. I'm hoping they exceed my expectations, but my mind tells me they will match the Cowboys with an 8-8 record.
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