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Everything posted by shovel

  1.   C'mon Mack! You Aggies are getting a little thin-skinned now. Remember that we are talking about BAYLOR! A school that has been in the shadows of almost every team in every conference they've ever been in. A small school that kicked some butt last year and produced a Heisman winner the year before. As I said before, Baylor may or may not be the best program in the State right now, but you can't knock what Art Briles has done. Give the man, and Baylor a little credit here!
  2. [Hidden Content] I cant tell if this another of Obamas lies or if he just doesn't want to the the worst President EVER!
  3. shovel


      Over, 7-5 They will also get beat in Stillwater.
  4. Baylor just swiped one of A&M's 2015 recruits. A 5-star OT. While Baylor may or not be be the best program in Texas, you cant't knock Art Briles! [Hidden Content]
  5. Under. Ags won't be in a bowl game this season.
  6.   Well... I did start another topic. A&M DB arrested! I'm afraid that is the only headlines you'll read about the Aggie defense. No Johnny Football and NO defense. They will be lucky if they aren't 7th in the SEC West!
  7. I cant bet the over, but I'm hoping they make a showing. A lot of excitement in Lubbock this season.
  8. [Hidden Content] Shoplifting at Kohl's. The article never said what he swiped. Its hard to one-up a Heisman winner stealing crab legs!
  9. This is what Rick Perry was proposing when he developed amnesia in the middle of a debate. While I am no fan of Rick Perry, I agree with him here. As SteveNash said, any reduction in government will be welcomed.
  10. If A&M doesn't build a defense, they will not be competitive in the SEC. I really like Sumlin, but I do hope he finds a defense! What Strong does at UT is yet to be seen. I could see it going either way. As a proud Texan, I want both of these teams to be nationally prominent. Meanwhile Briles is at Baylor making chicken salad out of chicken droppings! Right now, given the limited resources, I see them as the best program in the State of Texas!
  11. C'mon Mack! Your Aggie bias is on full display here... You are right, Baylor is still Baylor, yet what Art Briles is doing with this program is phenomenol! Baylor is competing on a level with a fraction of the resources that A&M or UT has. You gotta give a little credit here!
  12. I wish the best for Pat Knight, but if he evaluates talent for the Pacers like he did for Lamar University, he wont be employed there long either.
  13. When I saw the title of this thread, I thought that Buddy better be talking about Baylor. Good post Mr Buddy Garrity!
  14. I gotta agree with tvc here. My edc is a Glock 9mm, so I guess that is my "one" pistol. Once upon a time, 9mm ammo was cheaper and more readily available than .40 cal ammo, but that difference is shrinking. Today, I'd look hard at the .40 cal Glocks. I still have a thing for the time proven wheel guns, though. A S&W 38 special or .357 with a short barrel would have to be a consideration as well. Edit- After thinking about this for a while, I realized I couldn't do away with my .45. While it is heavy to carry, it may be my favorite handgun. I dont think I can pick one pistol!
  15. Ummm.... NO! I try to be open minded about most things, but I gotta draw a line here. Dont mess with my football! It has been that way all my life and I'm not going to change! Any sport where a vuvuzela is accepted and used by fans should be banned from the North American continent! Just kidding bullets. Soccer is a wonderful sport and great for kids. Its just not my thing. Still, dont mess with MY football!
  16. Ok, I admit that I watched a little... I was eating at a Mexican food restaurant and they had it on every TV. Of course I pulled for Team USA over Belgium. But now that USA (and Mexico) have been eliminated, can we go back to regularly schedule programming, and get ready for REAL FOOTBALL!
  17. I like this list. Gurley is my way too early candidate for the Heisman right now. I too, expect Derrick Henry to be the man at Alabama and take the spotlight away from Yeldon. Both Bama backs could get a lot of carries this year; kinda like the Lendale White/Reggie Bush at USC.
  18. tvc, I agree (for the most part...) There are no court cases YET. These gun nuts will push it until there is a court case or our law makers pass a law. Meanwhile, if the law DOES NOT state that you cannot do it, they operate under the premise that you can. While I'm kind of a gun nut myself, and I support the concept of open carry, I wont be going to the mall with a scary black rifle on my back and would not be comfortable around those that do.
  19. shovel


    That is an interesting concept. Back then, there were conservative Democrats. The left has taken over the Democratic party and conservative Democrats are now extinct (or Republicans!)
  20. Just because you have the right to do something, doens NOT mean you should do it. Take the Westboro Baptist Church, for example. They have every right to do what they do, even though it is disrespectful and in poor taste. Same goes for the gun nuts taking the open carry too far.  Some common sense and good reason needs to prevail here.
  21. Anxious to see what Houston does. While they do need a quarterback, I hope they wait until the next round and grab McCarron or Murray, if they cant swing a deal for Mallet. Talk radio said that was still in the works this morning.
  22. I missed all the up-front talk and reading this thread the morning after is entertaining. I did watch most of the Johnny Manziel show last night. Somehow all along I knew he was going to Cleveland. You gotta admit, now there is a reason to watch a Cleveland game! Good stuff y'all!
  23. I did too. it makes no difference if they are Republican or Democrats if they are self-serving idiots.   May be before your time... I remember it all too well; Maybe because I Ioved to hate Pete Rose. Anyway, Marge Schott was the owner of the Cincinatti Reds in the 70s. She showed more love for her dog than her players or employees. She made many racist comments during her tenure, but was finally pushed out of baseball when she said that " Adolph Hitler was good in the beginning, he just went too far." I've seen here name pop up a couple of times since the Donald Sterling fiasco started.
  24. I have no respect for liars or thieves. While Chargois may not be either, it all happened on his watch and he is the one accountable, as well as all members of the BISD school board.
  25. Here is a link to a blog post that pretty well sums up the whole mess.. Great post by Matt Walsh: [Hidden Content]
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