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Everything posted by shovel

  1. MBG owes me a burger! ROLL TIDE! It seems like I've lost a bet and bought him burgers every year for a while. I finally win one and he's left the building...
  2. If Vegas gave odds on LSU screwing up the hire, you'd have to lay money. Almost a sure bet!
  3. The winner of the debate was... The TV networks. The loser of the debate is... The American people. The whole thing was a mess .Lester Holt threw out soft questions that favored Clinton and let the two argue like children. I should've watched the crappy MNF game, but Gruden is just as annoying.
  4. Add Larry Culpepper, the Dr Pepper guy to the list. I've seen enough of him too.
  5. I've had enough Peyton Manning commercials to last a lifetime. I put Peyton level with Flo And The Sonic duo. Enough already! I do kinda like Ice T at the Lemonade stand though... What do y'all think? Is it just me?
  6. You pretty much summed it up. It was great to see Tenn. come back in the 2nd half and dominate Fla. I like Davin Cook, but unless something happens to Lamar Jackson, there isn't really a conversation here. The LSU-Auburn game was a mess. Might as well call it the Hot-seat bowl. One reporter said that Les Miles lost this game in the most Les Miles way possible. Auburn didn't even score a touchdown... I hope Wisconsin dismantles Michigan and booger eating Harbaugh next. The A&M-Arkansas game was rough and sloppy the first half. The Ags put together enough in the 2nd half. Either of these teams have a shot at beating Bama if they cut down on the mistakes. Ken Starr is talking about Baylor! They'll never quit talking about Notre Dame. If the Irish couldn't field a team, they'd still be talking about them and voting them in the Top 25. Looking forward to the Clemson-Louisville game already!
  7. PAMFAM, good post, but my take is a little different. KAP - Of course it's his right to protest, however, sitting out the National Anthem has nothing to do with how minorities are treated. It's like I refuse to eat popcorn because cows are slaughtered inhumanely. I feel he is disrespecting anyone who has ever served this country, including minorities, by not standing. It's his opinion, his right to do so. RACE - Our history is ugly, as you pointed out. Its 2016. You and I should have the same opportunities, and be treated equally. If we dont, let's work on it! ELECTIONS - Whoever wins, everybody loses... I'm about sick of all of of it! Again, good post, and thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.
  8. The best rants in college football. Thanks for sharing, I needed this today!
  9. Good post Hoops! I have less of a problem with Kaepernick than I do of all the tag alongs, from the Miami Dolphins to the Beaumont little league teams. While it is their right to do so, it does send a message of disrespect.
  10. The Briles apology tour hasn't gone so well. I'm thinking that Briles may wind up wearing purple and gold...
  11. This is for you, Hoops!
  12. It hasn't been that long ago he was Manny iaz - There is no D...
  13. I"ll take the 70's for $800 Alex... Skynard, Allman Brothers, ZZ Top, Outlaws, etc. Best Southern Rock ever!
  14. My favorite classical music is Baroque compositions like Pachelbel's Canon. I used to have a tape I played at night when I couldn't sleep. Now when I hear that piece at weddings, I get sleepy...
  15. Do you notice every year there is some threatening new disease that promise to not just disrupt our lives, but create death and despair for the planet? That hasn't happened yet, but there is more funding for the CDC and our tax dollars are poured into foreign countries to keep it from happening. Pay attention y'all!
  16. Fascinating thread! I've eaten some of the stuff y'all listed, but am now at a place in my life where I'm not as curious and don't have to prove manhood by eating disgusting things. Reminds me of when I was a kid and we would eat at a Mexican food restaurant. The had the chocolate covered ants and grasshoppers. I'd ask Dad for some, and he'd always saw "Wait until you get home. We have candy without bugs in it" That makes really good sense to me now!
  17. America's Team will be much improved this year. They might even go 8-8 again!
  18. Mizzou has more problems than you can shake a stick at, and Colorado hasn't been relevant since the Big 8 days. If the Big 12 were to expand today, I'd like to see Houston and Memphis added. Maybe BYU... I don't have a vote, and there is a reason that I'm wearing nomex and sweating like a madman right now instead of realigning the Big 12!
  19. Cruz was kind of between a rock and a hard place. If he would've rolled over and supported Trump, he'd lost more support than just the Trumpkins that are railing against him now.
  20. I'm surprised Jerrah hasn't signed Oakmont already...
  21. Nope, they will beat USC. I'm thinking that if Bama gets past Arkansas, then Tennessee will beat them. I also think LSU will win in a close contest. I hope I'm wrong and Bama runs the table! Buddy, it's been awhile since I've bought you a burger. Do you want to bet on the Bama/Arkansas game?
  22. I picked the best answer available here. I'm not completely sure that I'm voting for Trump, but there is NO WAY I'd ever vote for Hillary. I have until November to decide.
  23. Much ado about nothing. What difference, at this point, does it make? Wait...Is this plagiarism?
  24. If it were up to me, Crowell would be released (to be picked up by the Cowboys). But this is the Browns...
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