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Everything posted by shovel

  1. Ok Buddy, what is your take here? I can't take much of Finebaum, but here's how I see it: LSU & Bama's success depends on standout QB play. Whichever team has the better QB wins the West. Bama will have the better defense, but LSU has Fournette. I'll make my way-to-early picks: LSU, Alabama, Ole Miss, Arkansas, Auburn, A&M, Miss State. Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Vanderbilt, USC, Mizzou.
  2. I've enjoyed Will's columns in the past, but like Hoops, I don't always agree. He is an interesting mind. On the other hand, I usually agree with Rush, but can't stand to listen to the arrogant, self-absorbed loudmouth. Maybe it's just me...
  3. If you give him blame, you have to give him credit. He is the POTUS and the leader of the free world, so I'm good with it either way. I personally don't give him credit or blame on the stock market or fuel prices, but I will blame the SOB for my rocketing health insurance costs and worse coverage. I guess I can give some blame to the Democrats that passed the healthcare bill too. I guess I could blame the Republican party for offering poor choices for leaders also... You can't blame that on Obama!
  4. If this is true, it is a much better pick than expected. I figured he'd take Newt or Christie. Stay tuned as the circus is just getting started!
  5. So what you're saying is that Ozone action days are working! Looking for sarcasm font...
  6. And I always thought Cowboy fans were delusional!
  7. Ty Cobb is spot on. It's really pretty simple. You can be a millionaire, or you can be a dope head. You can't do both at the same time. Well, Willie Nelson and Snoop Dog can, but NFL players cannot (at this time...)
  8. That's wrong! (but funny...)
  9. Sorry Reb, Dove is right. Clinton is killing Trump in almost every poll. I guess Trump has a chance if Clinton out-blunders Trump, but right now, that is the only true lead Trump has over Clinton.
  10. If you say so... I think the line of transgendered trying to enter the Armed Forces will be rather short, if it exists at all.
  11. Come to think of it... No. There aren't any white Democrats that I care for either. There are only a few white Republicans that I like. Tobie, it's quality of character that is the measuring stick, not color of skin. What does this have to do with Col. Allen West?
  12. The corruption here is flagrant. Of course, the Clinton Foundation has been flagrant all along. Nothing will happen as long as the Democrats are in control. As the lying, commie, crooked female dog says "What difference, at this point, does it make?" Nothing to see here, move along...
  13. I'd take Oxford over Chicago any day... I get what you are saying. It should be easy for schools like Miami and USC to recruit. How schools like Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma can field a team without buying a fleet of cars is amazing...
  14. Vegas has Aggies winning 6 games this year. The Horns at 6.5. Both coaches need better than this to keep their jobs.
  15. I agree Buddy! But I gotta add Bama vs USC! A couple of long, hot months to wait...
  16. Here you go baddog!
  17. Great lists! Recently, I'll stop at any Charles Bronson or Robert Mitchum movies. I will always stop at Lonesome Dove, Forrest Gump, or Slingblade. Otherwise, my mood dictates what I watch. Right now, I'm jonesing for football season!
  18. C'mon guys! If a Louisiana DA drops charges on an ALABAMA player...There is really nothing to see here! Roll Tide!
  19. This list is just off season BS. Mcaffery,Watson and Fournette are the list right now. I like Kaaya, but he will be eclipsed by others. There is my off season BS list!
  20. Not gonna happen, king! Saban staffs an office for compliance and knows exactly where the line is drawn. They are in constant communication with the NCAA so if there is an uh-oh, the powers-that-be are informed before anyone else. If anything, Bama sets the standard for others to follow.
  21. I hate to see this... for all of college football. While I respect Art Briles as a football coach, he was ultimately in charge, and was deservedly fired. One assault on campus is too many. Saying that, the bar is now set. Next up, Tennessee or Florida State?
  22. I've got a bit of a different take here, as usual. I agree with what Dr Caveness said, but I have a problem with how it was delivered. Bottom line, he was unprofessional. He didn't come across as an educated professional administrator. He sounded like a drunken cowboy. Of course, that is why he made national news. Furthermore, Big Cav just one-upped stupid. I don't know how many transgendered people there are, but I'm guessing it is a small, small number. I feel certain that these few individuals have been successfully able to resolve their bathroom issues without government involvement so far. Why did King Obama issue his decree? To divide and distract. Y'all take it from here...
  23. Y'all are missing the big picture. Why does climate change matter? So our government can use this to tax the $#@! out of you! The government has no plans to replant the rainforest or do anything that would have any significant effect. It's all about the money, and control over the minions.
  24. Letting that sink in...
  25. Bullets, you and Trump are almost saying the same thing!
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