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Everything posted by shovel

  1. Wildcats about to learn about betting with Mr. Buddy Garrity. Buying BG hamburgers hurt my pride more than my wallet. Buddy if you can get a few more of these guys to bet you, you'll eat free all football season!
  2. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz cannot give an honest answer. Which is the difference between Democrats and socialists. The socialists are honest about it. The Democrats have to lie... Otherwise, there is no difference.
  3. To paraphrase something I read... Fortunately, Austin is completely surrounded by Texas! Things are getting out of hand.
  4. Y'all are making fun of this, but the same thing is happening in Austin. BBQ smoke in our State Capitol is about to be restricted.
  5. I'll take the over also. PAMFAM covered it well... Defense is more stout and deeper. Mallet or Hoyer are better options than Fitz at QB, and this year's schedule is a little softer to boot.
  6. I guess I'm one of those t-shirt fans, Aggie. I didn't go to PNG, but I've paid school taxes there for 30+ years. I never had a UT shirt until my kid enrolled there. Does it count if I bought my shirt from the school bookstore instead of Walmart? My favorite pro team was the Oilers...
  7. I wouldn't miss any of the GameDay group except for Herbstreit. Now if CBS could cut costs and lose Verne & Gary...
  8. Exactly! But that is what needs to happen! Those candidates without spines will be exposed. Politics will be interesting in the coming months.
  9. I'm no hater, and I'm glad the 'boys got Dez, but c'mon man! You Cowboy fans need to come back to earth! I don't know how many times I've heard or posts I'very read today were y'all think you are going to the Super Bowl. Remember you could be one sack away from having a worse QB than Houston!
  10. This is indefensible, yet here we are...
  11. Of course they knew! To paraphrase the Secretary of State, what difference, at this point, does it make? If they didn't know, they are too inept to hold their offices. They knew, and chose to lie about it. Neither is forgivable or excusable.
  12. Going against the grain again, but just a little... I'll pick Briles for #1. He is doing more with less than anybody in college football. Facilities are rapidly improving around him because of his success, but I still remember the lean years since Grant Teaff was coach there. Meanwhile, I can't knock Patterson at all. What he's done at TCU is phenomenal. Sumlin and Strong still have a lot to prove, as does Kingsbury.
  13. Come put your sign in my yard!
  14. In 2008, the country was tired of Bush, Cheney and others. Obama was young, hip and promised hope & change. The GOP offered McCain... in 2012, the GOP offered up another old white guy. There us nothing new or hip about Hillary Clinton. She has so much baggage that anyone voting for her is drinking the kool-aid or not paying any attention.
  15. Hoops, I do enjoy your posts, but I do disagree here. I honestly believe most don't give a flip about our Presidents skin color. I hate him because he is a crooked, lying, Musloid socialist. I really don't care about his pigmentation. While I might not have experienced racism like some others have, I've been told that I didn't get a job because they needed more minorities. I understand that the world is not fair, so I'm not complaining. I just think your generalizations are wrong.
  16. While the Republican field is very crowded right now, this us arguably the best slate of candidates offered by the GOP in 30+ years. While I honestly don't see Trump getting the nomination, I like him as the bull in the China shop talking about real issues and making the other candidates step up and pick a side to stand on. Just Trump being himself is enough to do just that. And yes, he is right about the illegal immigrants!
  17. Nice post Hoops!
  18. This country is headed the same direction. While the people are distracted by gay marriage and confederate flags, our bought and paid for politicians are giving Obama fast track to sell our country out from under us.
  19. With the Supreme Court rulings today and yesterday, federalism took a huge hit. Big brother trumps states rights. Things are changing quickly.
  20. Hold on a minute Tee. The left hijacked the Democratic party years ago and none of them now represent anybody that works for a living. Not that the Republicans look out for us either... If the Republicans are best benifitting from the illegals, why does Obama want to grant them amnesty so badly? I know the answer , but it blows holes in your theory.
  21. C'mon Buddy! I'm no Prick Perry fan, but he clearly meant "incident". This is only the first of many oops moments until he is ran out of the primary race.
  22. I hate evil. Love the sinner, hate the sin. I will be the first to admit that I sometimes have trouble separating the two.
  23. I forgot about Lee! I was thinking it might have been Flynn, but those guys were bookended by Perriloux an JaMarcus Russell, who both had run ins with the law.
  24. Who was the last LSU starting QB that hadn't been arrested?
  25. Stevenash, I know what you are fishing for... Please let me chum the water here. The poster children for these two "classes" you refer to are a 60 year old grandfather with severe mental issues, and a white woman that has lied about everything she has ever done. Why can't we call a spade a spade and get these two clowns some mental help and out of the news? Did this help, or did I scare the fish off?
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