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Everything posted by captainclaude

  1. Barry who is Kelly Shaw?
  2. C.L. and I will try and make a decision tonight and I will be calling the League Presidents tonight no later than Thursday Am. Claude
  3. He is not on here because he does not wine & Cry when he gets beat, deweyville just looks for a way to improve you know alot of yall could learn a lot from that coaching staff the only thing they were pissed about is that B E knelled the ball, they believe that if you can beat them 100 to 0 then do it because they can take a lose just as will as a win, so the rest of yall need to stop all of your wining & crying AND PLAY SOME FOOTBALL .. ..I believe it was capt.claude's words.."you got smoked",... I am right here TC, I did get smoked this weekend if you play long enough you will get beat. I told Barry's team last year in Deweyville this was there year and it is, they are well coached as they are a talented group of big physical kids, way to go Hawks!! TC I know it hurts cause you can't win or coach or even come out from hiding but don't be a hater. PS. I have been watching tape (alot) cause I did get pounded but I can admit it and you are right it doesn't happen much.. D-ville will be back!
  4. Nothing they played Newton!
  5. joemike, have you ever looked at enrollment? Deweyville is the smallest 2A in southeast texas and is only 5 to 30 kids away from 1A any given year. As far as EC well being twice the size of D-ville they can afford to play a 3A non district schedule. Evadale and D-ville have ben playing for years and is a local friendly rivalry. Sabine Pass was a last minute fill in game as Vinton a 3A size playoff program canceled.
  6. Newton 30 EC 13 EC does have a good program and they do play good competition in preseason, but I don't think they will ever beat Newton.
  7. At the risk of making Barry's head bigger if that were possible, he looks to be the team to beat. But!!!!!!! I think it will take D-ville to do it. Larry you did look very good especially to be 0-10 last year but you will have to beat me for me to believe it. 08 super bowl HJ-Whit vs' D-ville Mauriceville could make a run but needs to fix some things on offense, Silsbee just doesn't have over whelming talent this year and when they don't they usually don't win it.
  8. The only word I need to know how to spell is WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol..I was just joking capt.claude good post...(what i could read).. ;D I know you were check you later gotta go
  9. The only word I need to know how to spell is WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or THIRTEEN AND ZERO!!!!!!!
  10. Hello, this is Claude Wilhelm President of Deweyville Youth Football, Vice-President of Lonestar and original founding member of Southeast Texas Junior Football. I would just like to make a few comments although I don't usually participate in this forum. First I would like to say thanks to the gentleman from Beaumont as you are correct in the fact that Deweyville does have a program that is more developed than most leagues would subject their kids to. Is this wrong? Maybe! but it works for us and we win. We don't have the numbers for a string of kids to play one way and they have to be in top physical condition so they can play at a high level to be successful and to avoid injuries. For some reason we don't get any credit for good coaching either, I am in my 16th year and have never had a season beelow 500 much less a loosing season not just in Deweyville but in five years in Mauriceville as well, but people will believe what they want and it is what it is. I am also concerned as well about they derogatory comments that always get thrown around from both sides about LoneStar and STJFL and would like to go on record saying that they are both great organizations. STJFL was created to get more children involved in youth football than Pop Warner would allow and to avoid problems we were experiencing that I won't go into, after we got started we had deference's between large towns and small towns that could not be reconciled and we shut it down knowing that some good guys like Nate, Mike, and Wally would carry it on. We went out and started Lonestar to give the smaller communities such as Buna,EC,HF,Warren,HJ and Deweyville a place to play and be competitive on a more level playing field it was nothing personal toward any one person or association. We do differ in age brackets and weights. Does that make one of us bad or cheaters I don't think so I love the idea of a pee wee division my 7 year old is playing tackle and that would be great if he was only facing 7 and 8 year olds but there is no physical way we could field that so we have 8 through light 10 year olds. Again does that make us bad people no! we are just trying to play football and with the two leagues now people have a choice on what best suits their community. At the end of the day we are all here trying to win as it is human nature and competition drives us all but we must not loose sight of the fact that we are trying to teach children how to play the game correctly so that they can carry it on to the upper levels and most importantly we are trying to instill all of the qualities football can offer them like being team players and good sportsmen. No good can come from us tearing each other down and I have been guilty as anyone in the past but, I hold no ill feelings toward anyone and we all could be a great help to each other if we can learn to communicate and look for the positives in what we are all trying to accomplish. LOL! By the way if you don't like Deweyville its probably cause I smoked your head at one point. Also if I make a post I swear to you it will be under my NAME!
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