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The real 1906

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Everything posted by The real 1906

  1. Get ready for it because it's going to happen. The vote will happen after the big AD conference June 2-5th
  2. Danbury isn't very good
  3. The same way they didn't give Frankie Paul one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. See that's the problem people who don't know the facts always talking the wrong stuff. Someone sent a anonymous letter to HR and the superintendent of Pasadena saying the at the ymbl after they played westbrook that he chased the ref into the lockerroom and it took 6 officers to restrain him. If it took 6 officers to restrain him he would have went to jail!!!!!!!! But there was no charges nor was there any reports, and I know for a fact I was at the game and after the game he was at half court talking to Boutte. So you tell me the word that you heard or will you be like everyone else in beaumont and throw rocks and hide you hand?
  5. So I have just one question? Why hasn't anyone mentioned Coach Frankie Paul he has had a good Head Coaching resume and he also was the Head Coach before the merger! And not to mention that he has a son in 9th grade and is the cousin of the best 8th grader in beaumont!!!!!
  6. Idk about beating them by 20 that Dobie team is not bad and young also.
  7. I told yall he not built like that..........
  8. They didn't see him there.
  9. Yes it did but he shouldn't try and throw so much shade on things. He the type that throws the rock and hide his hand. That just how he is built. IJS
  10. 👀👀👀lol all so true
  11. Omar is still at HJ
  12. That's fine and all but no way possible he can be in the top 10 REALLY
  13. Lmao are u serious 🤣
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