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UT alum

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UT alum last won the day on July 28 2024

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About UT alum

  • Birthday 03/30/1954

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    Reading, fishing, gardening, politics

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  1. [Hidden Content] Why is the anti-green energy President hawking Tesla’s electric cars? Shouldn’t an American President be supporting electric cars manufactured by any car company in America if he supports them at all? Musk didn’t spend $270 million for nothing.
  2. You didn’t pick a bad candidate. A good candidate, but an unqualified President.
  3. Check back in 2027. See if it’s setting records.
  4. Still almost 3000 under where he started.Don’t start crowing yet. As an aside, he didn’t make any insane comments about tariffs or recessions yesterday. He was too busy whining at the Justice Department.
  5. 5 Gallon Bucket full of whatabouts.
  6. Musk is a liar, just not as bad as his puppet. [Hidden Content]
  7. No, but they are a leading indicator. What are the other economic factors for you?
  8. Please tell me how Biden is degenerate while Trump is not.
  9. And by the way, record highs were reached in 2024. Trump’s megalomania won’t get us back, but for the grace of God.
  10. It was down 19% for the year in 2022. Right now we’re working on 10% In the first quarter with a president saying he won’t rule out a recession. If you’re not worried, you’ve overdosed on the kool aid.
  11. That’s a bunch of bunk. Liberals believe in capitalism. Just not unfettered capitalism. Unfettered capitalism is as bad as communism. It allows all the money to go to the top and everyone else has to scramble. We’re getting close, and Trump is going to push over the edge if left unchecked. He doesn’t care about one of you MAGAs other than your vote.
  12. He said he was going to double Canadian steel tariffs. The markets reacted harshly. He retracted that threat quickly. Market hate uncertainty. The DOW has gone from 44,800 to 41,400 since the dimwit took office, with a thousand of that coming in the past two days. I imagine him and his cronies are shorting the market like crazy, targeting the stocks tariffs will affect most. Insider trading like has never been seen before.
  13. Please cite your 2024 layoff number.
  14. The markets like Biden better.
  15. The markets like Biden better.
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