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UT alum

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Everything posted by UT alum

  1. Any convictions? Any indictments? Any empirical evidence at all?
  2. No. You tell me to prove what I say or think with statistical evidence. If you think in-person voter fraud is epidemic, prove it.
  3. Poor Brett. You guys got a pair of big boy pants amongst you? Politics is tough business. Election fraud is a totally different issue. Again, you compare apples to oranges and claim victory. There is no statistical corroboration linking in person voter fraud to election results. Fraud is almost exclusively perpetrated in the absentee voting process. Any of you remember Clarence McNeely?
  4. So, if results don’t suit you, must be fraud? The names Paxton and Abbot came up with are “suspected”, and will have 30 days to prove their citizenship. You know, that old American hallmark of guilty until proved innocent.
  5. Obviously.
  6. Woe be unto the woman who grabs a crotch.
  7. But if you are adamant that it should every cent be abolished, where is the compassion?
  8. Where do you get that most of “far left” is anti-Christianity?
  9. So, only one side gets to take the gloves off?
  10. Draw a line - Joe McCarthy/RoyCohn/Donald Trump Not to mention CREEP
  11. And his lawyer Roy Cohn, Trump’s lawyer until he got sick.
  12. Joe freakin’ McCarthy. I rest my case.
  13. Yeah, but the net’s tightening.
  14. Those are states rights. And I agree 100%, it’s the law of the land and I’ll bet even Kavanaugh won’t vote to overturn if given the chance. Congress and the entire national political debate could be a lot more productive if that fact was just accepted.
  15. If you think they wouldn’t use those kind of tactics if the opportunity arose, you’re fooling yourself.
  16. I support a woman's right to choose what to do with her own body. Call me what you will.
  17. [Hidden Content] Read conclusion in last paragraph. I know I'm wasting my time, but here, debunk away.
  18. Show me some stats that it ain't true.
  19. I didn't say personal oversight. There's a difference. Big difference.
  20. I already stated it. When they were illegal, they still happened. People who couldn't afford to go to Mexico or pay a rogue doctor here got the coat hanger. As long as a fetus is connected to the mother, it is a fetus, not a baby. Babies have legal standing in the law. The fetus is an extension of the mother, and she has to live with her decision about what she does with her body, and face her Maker about her choice, not you. Or the federal government. By the way, I do not favor taxpayer funded abortion.
  21. Wouldn't it be so much better if we only had one party, Fan? Your GOP and all would be well. Kinda like Putin, no?
  22. The invisible hand is always depicted on the right as efficient and just. That may work in a mathematical equation, but throw people in (human nature) and that’s one variable that cannot be accounted for. Public oversight is necessary for the public good to be served.
  23. I haven’t heard anyone proposing child euthanasia, even the hint of an idea. Of course I wouldn’t support that. I look at abortion as not only a woman’s right to choose, but a public health issue as well. When abortion is illegal, only those who can afford it will get them safely done.
  24. On both sides.
  25. [Hidden Content] Ok. I found something here that gives convincing information to me that using Freddie and Fannie to influence social policy rather than serve as a backstop to the legitimate private mortgage industry contributed to the crisis. Be sure and read the last paragraph, though.
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